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Status Updates posted by ActFast231

  1. Good news everyone. I'm not dead :D

  2. http://actfast231.deviantart.com/art/Character-Bio-First-attempt-425512543 Just posted my first attempt at a non fan based OC. Any feedback would be great.
  3. eye test required eye drops to open up my pupils. Now I look possesed and I can't see anything past 3 feet. Just waiting for it to where off.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ActFast231


      Shitty image, but there you go.
    3. ActFast231


      Link didn't work. Ah well.

    4. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC



  4. Debating whether or not I should put some old sketches on deviantart or not...

  5. Why must my parents feel the need to micro manage my life? :l

    1. GenderIsAnIllusion


      Their your parents.... its just normal.

  6. Gonna get into digital art...as soon as I have the money for the resources. :l

  7. Going to see about aquiring a drawing tablet. Any recommendations?

    1. TheInsaneShane


      Paper... JK, I have no idea... :/

  8. I would like to apologize for the recent bitchings of yours truley. I will be keeping negative content to a minimum from here on in.

  9. One of my blogs: ALL CAPS FUN TIME!! The other one: I need a damn drink

  10. Completed a vent blog. TL;DR is essentially "I broke down, depression sucks."

  11. If my father could attempt some level of understanding, that's be greeeaaat.

    1. Skycoaster


      I know what you mean there. From my personal experience, Fathers want their sons to be just like them. Do everything they do, ext. When we have our own interests, they try to force theirs on us. To quote one of the famous ones from my family..."I don't have a son, I have another daughter. Your mother turned you into a pansy."

  12. To the two people that responded to my issue, Thanks. Maybe getting what I think down on paper will help.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ActFast231


      Right now? No. I need to get some money and acquire my own computer before I could start RPing again, plus I was interested in taking up a little writing project.

    3. ActFast231


      I'm heading to school, if my brother does not take this computer, I will see about getting back on.

    4. That One Techpriest You Used To Know
  13. Can't be on much longer, if I don't get a reply by tomorrow, I will give it one more try, then...I don't know.

    1. Mr Underhill

      Mr Underhill

      Lay down your sweet and weary head....

    2. ActFast231


      Thanks. I appreciate the support.

  14. Everything is going better than ever...so why am I still depressed? Damnit :L

  15. Anyone know of a RP that is well paced for someonewho can only be on for a limited time each day?

  16. So, nothing I post gets any response anymore. Damn

    1. Yamato


      [20 minutes later]

      Oh the irony...

    2. Ruddboy Olaf

      Ruddboy Olaf

      I know that feel

  17. I have an idea. I think I will make a blog about all the ideas and concepts that I have imagined through the years.

  18. Man, I should really start getting active on this site again. If only I had my own computer again aswell...

  19. I feel like it has come to the point where teen lives are doomed to be miserable. Especially those like me and many others on this forum. It is heartbreaking.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ActFast231


      I hope so, for the sake of all that suffer here. Those whose woes I can only mend with words. Words that may or may not reach them.

    3. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      I suffer to this day buddy, you just have to keep fighting it no matter what the cost, even at the critical moments, you can't give up, and that's why I'm still here.

    4. Antismurf9001


      Trust me, being a teenager sucks. But also trust me as someone who recently escaped from that stage in life that it DOES get better. For now, unfortunately, you just kind of have to roll with the punches. Best of luck to you.

  20. Well, first two weeks of school down, and I finally had a IRL social interaction that wasn't awkward or forced. *Achievement GET!*

    1. Fender


      Achievment Get! Social life


      Well done though, nothing's wrong with being social. c:

  21. A Sonic vs Rainbow Dash thread on an MLP forum? Gee, I wonder who will get the most votes? *sarcasm*

  22. Sick as hell. Slept all day. This sucks :(

    1. Nomadic


      Yuck, that's terrible. I hope you get better soon.

    2. Misty Shadow

      Misty Shadow

      Hope you feel better soon.

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