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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


Retired Staff
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Everything posted by King

  1. At remembering that Im immune to ninjaing EDIT: OR NOT!!!! OT: At ninjaing the un-ninjable
  2. HAHAHA NINJAD BY LOLNUS!!! OT: At being awesome
  3. Known for either insulting me or maybe saying something nice..? Eyesore is usually bad, but I...well I have no idea...
  4. Lolnus And Dawn's OC's <3 xD OT: I love that Lime Green
  5. The naked thing was my idea, lemme just get on clothes
  6. Hit you with a tiny mutant fish capable of advanced mathematics
  7. MWAHAHA!!! No homework for you! Known for making me more interested in this game!
  8. 10/10 again :3 (I ninjad you)
  9. (HAHAHA I misread "Corndom") 8/10
  10. Known for noticing things (Im a regular forum goer on another forum, and I spend ALOT of time on my PC after work and such...sooooo when I find a place this awesome, plan on seeing me ALOT)
  11. 7/10 Your becoming more noticeable xD
  12. Oh so im going up in famousness am I ? ;D Your around 5/10, maybe 6/10
  13. About damn time! Uh I mean.... Adorable Btw love the shirt
  14. With that style? Who DOESNT know you xD 10/10
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