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Community Answers

  1. King's post in How private are PM's? was marked as the answer   
    The only staff members capable of viewing PMs are Administrators, and the cases in which they do so are rather particular. We need to have it on good authority that something serious is going down via PM before we consider reviewing the PMs involved. The only other time a PM can be viewed by staff is if someone involved in the PM reports it. Outside of those two circumstances, PMs are entirely private.
  2. King's post in Why are anime avatars allowed on MLP forums? was marked as the answer   
    Despite the name, MLP Forums is a site focused on the Brony community rather than MLP:FiM, which means you're allowed to talk about a wide variety of topics outside of just MLP. That's why we allow people to have avatars and signatures of whatever they want, within reason of course.
  3. King's post in Approving Or Denying Friend Requests was marked as the answer   
    If you go into your general settings, under the friends section you'll have an option you can select that says
    "Allow me to approve members before they're added as a friend". If you tick the box it should set it up to do just that.
  4. King's post in Poniverse Doesn't Recognize My Login Info was marked as the answer   
    Hi there @J. Brony, you actually registered under the name Arcadian Brony, try to login with this name and your original password. It should work, if it doesn't then there are a few other things we can do for you.
  5. King's post in Prohibition on a certain topic. was marked as the answer   
    I think I can say for certain that Religion won't be a topic that we prohibit anytime in the near future. We trust people to at the very least attempt to have civil discussion on matters such as this. We even have a dedicated section for topics that have the potential to spark arguments and whatnot.

    If it gets to the stage where we feel that discussion on religion will always cause problems, then we may consider prohibiting that type of discussion. For now, however, It won't be happening.
  6. King's post in Upgrading the mobile version of this site soon? was marked as the answer   
    This is definitely on the list of things to be done, however for the time being we have more pressing issues that require what little technical expertise we have amongst our ranks. Rest assured this will be addressed sometime in the future.
  7. King's post in A way to change the cursors was marked as the answer   
    For now, it won't be changed. The loading animation will stay the way it currently is until a new one is created or we swap it out for an older one at some point. As CD mentioned, it would be a task for technical administrators to work on. At the moment, we don't have the resources to do so.
    For now, Rainbow Dash will stay.
  8. King's post in Problem with the friend system was marked as the answer   
    This is actually already possible. If you go into your profile settings, under the friends section is an option to allow you to approve friends before they're added to your friends list.

    As shown here:

    This section to be specific:

  9. King's post in Deleting a status update was marked as the answer   
    Actually, members can no longer "delete" status updates. However, they can hide them so that only they and mods/admins can see them.

    So whilst it will still show up on your profile, only you and staff can see it.
  10. King's post in Bronycon Thread, please? was marked as the answer   
    As Simon stated we are not partnered with Bronycon and don't host their forum, as such we don't feel the need to host an entire subforum for the convention. Threads regarding Bronycon do exist though, and those should cover most topics in relation to Bronycon.
  11. King's post in A subforum for the mobile game was marked as the answer   
    As Aquila stated here:


    For this reason, this won't be an addition we're looking to make. We do thank you for the suggestion, but we're very conservative in what sub forums we add so as not to overload people with 60 thousands additional sections
  12. King's post in Being able to keep badge status was marked as the answer   
    As stated before, this isn't something that's going to be happening any time soon. Whilst its understandable to want to choose your own badge, it defeats the purpose of the badge system completely.

    Thanks for the suggestion though
  13. King's post in For Moderators and Owners was marked as the answer   
    This won't be happening.

    Let be honest, some people can act in inappropriate manners, whether it be abusive or trolling. However, we give members enough trust that they will act in a way appropriate for the site, if they don't, then they are dealt with as per the rules.

    Thats how it will remain, watching people 24/7 seems like an invasion of the trust we give and in the end will only drive people away from the site.
  14. King's post in What is the code for @(User) was marked as the answer   
    @[ member='Cyan Blue' ]   Just type that with no spaces and you should be set
  15. King's post in Another stupid question. was marked as the answer   
    Type the following with no spaces.

    [ spoiler ]  Enter text here [/ spoiler ]

  16. King's post in Video Embed Limit was marked as the answer   
    Hi there @@Frith is Magick, this is intentional rather then a bug since its an option in the ACP (Admin control panel). As for "why" we only allow 2 videos to embed, I'll try and find out from Felds or Adam for you.

    Edit: Feld0 confirmed that it is indeed for performance reasons why we only allow 2 videos to actually embed in a post. 20 posts per page, 2 video's per post is 40 on a page which is alot more then most browsers can handle. Hopefully this answers your question well Frith.

    Edit: Locking this thread now as OP has confirmed they've understood the answer to their question and hasn't displayed a want to ask another question.
  17. King's post in Total Time Online was marked as the answer   
    This can be a very inaccurate way to tell who has been on the site longer. Some people post way more then others. The time online section is there just as a way to tell how many hours of our lives we've sunk into this forum
  18. King's post in Steam Community links in profiles was marked as the answer   
    Hi there @@Katana, this is actually due to the fact that people tend to enter the wrong information in the steam section of their profiles. People input their steam name instead of the ID which is used to form the profile URL.

    For instance, if you go onto my profile and click on my steam ID, it will take you to my profile. My steam username is dawn_rider , but my ID is DawnRiderTheBrony which is used to form my personalised URL.

    I had Arty edit the profile field to say "Steam ID" instead of just "Steam" , hopefully this prevents some peopel from inputting their steam name.
  19. King's post in Subscriptions was marked as the answer   
    Hey @@child of the night,  the only difference between each option is the amount you'd like to subscribe with. Its essentially there for people who'd like to offer a little more in terms of donation.
  20. King's post in how i can post pictures? was marked as the answer   
    Hi there @, simply find the url to the picture you want to post and copy it. Click on the little image button on your toolbar.. < That one.. and paste the url into the box provided and click ok.

    Thats all there is to it
  21. King's post in Signature Help! was marked as the answer   
    @, Does the image have .png or something similar at the end of the link?
    I usually cant get images to work unless they have the image designation at the end.
  22. King's post in Live Chat Stream was marked as the answer   
    Hi there @@Stellar Hunt, we have a live chat on EqTv where we stream new episodes and Friday night movies. Its essentially the Poniverse hangout. However, if you meant a live chat on the forum itself, then no. We removed that long ago after numerous problems.
  23. King's post in Am i allowed to do a giveaway? If so where. was marked as the answer   
    Hi there @@SmokeyPie, as Anto said, you need to pm an administrator if you would like to hold a giveaway. They will be able the only ones who can give you permission and tell you where you can hold such an event. Try sending a PM to Artemis or Chaotic Discord, they will be able to help you.
  24. King's post in Non-site related questions. Where do I post them? was marked as the answer   
    Hi there @, you can post non site related questions in a number of area's, it all depends on what you'd like to ask. For instance, if your question relates to the brony community, then sugarcube corner would be the best location, however if your question is very general and non brony related, General Discussion would be the best location.

  25. King's post in Troubleshooting: Deleting Statuses was marked as the answer   
    Hi there @@Adorkable . this has actually already been answered by Moony. For ease, I'll quote it here for you.

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