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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Anachronous

  1. Conker's Bad Fur Day.. So many fun times I had. :3

  2. Belated thanks for the birthday wishes. I was born in June though.

  3. Posting ponies is hard when you have to write an essay.

  4. If I was as important to you as you say, why would you ignore my pleas of help? Cries of pain? Ignore me all day, then expect to get the royal treatment. Doesn't work that way... *sigh* I need to just rest. On the verge of sobbing.

  5. Long time no see. :o How you been? :L

    1. Anachronous


      I know. If it's any consolation, my detachment is what keeps me coming here. I've become less of a brony with time. I'm more of a wayward defense attorney and advocate for the fandom as things stand now.


      It's nice to see you too!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. Long time no see. :o How you been? :L

    1. Anachronous


      I probably won't be. I'm technically not allowed on here anymore. My phone's my only means of even checking in. :C

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. Long time no see. :o How you been? :L

    1. Anachronous


      I should have come and been that really cool guy that no one talks to because I'm so edgy. You'd all draw straws as to who'd break the ice with me and I'd totally just do some dramatically annoyed sigh upon interaction.


      You know, cause I'm just that cool. Yep. Totally.


      Glad to hear you enjoyed it though!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. Long time no see. :o How you been? :L

    1. Anachronous


      Oh, my parents also judo chopped my computer in two. That's part of the reason why I've been gone. No matter though! Glad to hear from you and to know you're well! Eh, may I also apologize for all that weird stuff in the past I subjected you to? I was going through a rough time. Identity crisis, I guess. Meet anyone at the convention? :U

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  9. Long time no see. :o How you been? :L

    1. Anachronous


      I've been okay. Lapsed into something of an ornery depression for a month back when I disappeared. Lost a few friends, became jaded from it, grew up a little and found an interest in football and medical studies. I'm now more grounded and intellectual, if a bit coarse and utilitarian, but it's okay - I'm running INTJ all the way. How are you then, Lurpa?

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  10. Belated thanks for the birthday wishes. I was born in June though.

    1. Anachronous


      Much appreciated! I'm kind of flitting about. To be fair, I'm only a brony by denomination these days. Much more invested in Homestuck and old seinen manga.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Xbox Live down for unknown reasons. It makes me very sad face. :(

  12. Haven't been on as much, working and all.

    1. Anachronous


      It's just straight up Veece now but, hey, who'd have thought I'd be around to say as much? Miss you all too!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Is there anyway to get rid of warning points? Cause they annoy me... I don't want that to show on my profile, even if I'm the only one who can see them

  14. Is there anyway to get rid of warning points? Cause they annoy me... I don't want that to show on my profile, even if I'm the only one who can see them

    1. Anachronous


      Do enough thinking and you can easily answer your own questions.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  15. help i cant decide what skullgirls icon i want to use

    1. Anachronous


      wait hold up i think i have a picture that more or less sums up my thoughts





    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. help i cant decide what skullgirls icon i want to use

    1. Anachronous


      okay i just reviewed that shit again oh my GEE i think i might be able to get over my squick for her ;___;

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. help i cant decide what skullgirls icon i want to use

    1. Anachronous


      i cannot bring myself to adore Painwheel because varicose veins are a bit of a brown note for me


      so many hours in my childhood being suffocated by old women and their sinewy arms have left me scarred for life

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. help i cant decide what skullgirls icon i want to use

    1. Anachronous


      idk but i think peacock'd fit you


      or parasoul

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. DOes anyone else get driven crazy when their peers won't just shut up and pay attention? Gah.

    1. Anachronous


      I don't care about them paying attention. Be as ignorant as you wish, makes my life easier... but don't impede my work.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. If you ever do homework on a computer, don't ever leave a million tabs open. It's impossible to find a specific one. Unless your name is Veece.

    1. Anachronous


      I feel like posting here's redundant given the name drop but hey. Impossible? Far from it.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. Offline for a good bit, might not be on tomorrow, but I'll try.

    1. Anachronous


      Oh, it's nothing! My, I'm familiar with those. Supervising and aiding with rehearsals from 3 to 9 the entire week this week, 'tis quite the... mountain...! x)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)


  23. Managed to listen to a whole Nicki Minaj song.

    1. Anachronous


      "Roman's Revenge" is the only one I can really stomach. That and "Superbass" if it just so happens to be playing.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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