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The Ponyville Critic

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Status Updates posted by The Ponyville Critic

  1. Wow. I've not logged in here in a long time...

    1. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      Whoa dude, thought you were dead.

    2. 碇 シンジン
    3. The Ponyville Critic

      The Ponyville Critic

      Nope. Not yet anyway... though this is basically where I started in the fandom, I kinda left it alone for a while after the Trotting Dead RP. After it died, I kinda lost interest in the forums.

  2. A reviewer from the humble origins of the MLP Forums has just taken his awesome steps into the reviewing world, I just interviewed an awesome guy, the AnY Pony, the video'll be up on Thursday, go watch that when it's up.

  3. Hey guys, I uploaded a new video, not that most people care, it might be early but who cares about schedules, I'll upload my content whenever I want.

  4. I will share my videos all over the forums and I will become the official review pony, it's gonna be epic!

    1. Crystal Edge

      Crystal Edge

      I poop on your parade!

  5. I woke up this morning with a headache and Aliens: Colonial Marines in my steam library, what the hell did I do last night?

    1. Dead account67902568

      Dead account67902568

      probably you where drunk

  6. Hey, remember when RPs used to be about fun?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Crystal Edge

      Crystal Edge

      You should start one.

    3. The Ponyville Critic

      The Ponyville Critic

      I tried, but no-one ever joins them.

    4. Crystal Edge

      Crystal Edge

      Then you got to keep trying my friend!

  7. If only I had people to help me create this game...

    1. Commander Frost

      Commander Frost

      I can write story and do voice acting if you want

  8. Anyone draw realistic human characters here? Looking for someone to do some sketches.

  9. Trying to design a game without any creative talents like drawing is very difficult.

  10. Hello forums, if you haven't already, go check out my new review of Boast Busters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjCKId4eKp0. If you want to that is.

  11. With all the shipping and the amount that we talk, I'm surprised nopony's shipped me with Geek0zoid. :S

  12. If I see one more depressive status update I swear to Luna, I'm going to kill someone.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Commander Frost

      Commander Frost

      THe benifit is the feeling you get when someone wants to help. It makes me, Who's been ignored and rejected my entire life, feel like someone acctually cares and wants to help...

      It's a different thing for everyone.

    3. Syannax the Changeling

      Syannax the Changeling

      That is true. I've dealt with being suicidal for a month. Didn't post much on the forums but i got through it

    4. Satsuki Kiryuin

      Satsuki Kiryuin

      It makes lots of people feel better when they can tell people how they're really feeling. It definitely helps me.

  13. Roleplaying has really gone downhill since I joined....

    1. Rascal~


      In some rps yeah, the ideas and content has gone downhill, and even the players are becoming all little shittier

    2. null123456


      I don't really try on RP'ing anymore. :P

    3. Syannax the Changeling

      Syannax the Changeling

      Well i am rping, wish the zombie rp was still going. That was fun while it lasted

  14. Not that I had much of a connection to these forums to begin with, but it seems the depressive updates have at least died down on my feed. So, I'm back, turns out this forum was half my viewer base.

    1. Syannax the Changeling

      Syannax the Changeling

      Well. Ofcourse, btw cloud gazer here.

  15. For those of you who have the time to read this, I want to say something, this forum gave me a place to talk with like-minded people who love ponies as much as me, hell, it's the place where I met one of my best friends, but as time is going by, and the people on my friends list just will not stop posting depressive status updates, it just annoys me to be on here, so I'll be leaving the forums and not coming back, thanks to everyone who has helped the growth of my YouTube channel, goo...

    1. Moonlight Magician

      Moonlight Magician

      These depressing statues annoy the buck out of me. I feel your pain.

  16. Hello all, after a successful reception of my new review, I'm going to put it here for everypony else to see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CFbudTQDIs

  17. I just finished Kirby's Dream Land in 28 minutes.

  18. If you haven't already seen my new review, go on over and check it out here:

  19. Check out my new review, on my channel, here:

  20. It's that time of the week again, my weekly video is now up:

  21. Why does the next-gen console decision have to be so difficult?

  22. Days go by much slower when you wake up at a reasonable time.

  23. In the absence of a new episode, here's a review of an old episode...

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