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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Blazin

  1. If anyone has found a copy of Equestria Girls yet... PLEASE TELL ME!!!!

  2. Damn it... I need to revise and not write pointless statuses on MLP forums!

  3. Casually playing MLP 20Q. I have the answer: Bloomberg. I wonder if jack will read this while guessing....

  4. Just bought subscription to mlp forums :D

  5. If anyone out there i slooking for a skype chat to join with other Bronies, feel free to sne dme message on skype and i'll have you added: ikyatt. Thanks, Blazin

  6. Hey guys! Please take just a moment of your time to read this http://mlpforums.com/topic/61857-the-brony-census/ and sign the brony census!

    1. TheBronyHeart


      There have been many Barony Censuses already.

    2. Blazin


      I wasn't able to find any, and anyway. What harm is there if another exists!

    3. TheBronyHeart


      There isn't any harm. I was just saying. :3

  7. Still find the concept of talking to other people about who you like really weird... I just don't understand why anyone would want to talk about something that personal with other people...

  8. WOO! Cupcake :P

  9. Very happy with my finished piece of pony art! With any luck this will be the start of many pieces o come

  10. So i've just drawn my first piece of pony art in pencil, but im having difficult vectorizing it..... Help?

  11. I WILL FINISH THIS COURSEWORK! 16 hours straight so far....

  12. Happy Birthday!

  13. Happy Birthday!

    1. Shadow Chaser

      Shadow Chaser

      Best birthday song ever! Haha Thanks!

    2. Blazin


      :D your welcome :)


  14. Happy Birthday!

  15. Hey Feld0, Wondering if it would be possible to get in contact some time to talk about the possibility of integrating radio into Pony.FM?

  16. Somepony must know something about sony vegas????!?!?!?

    1. Leafeon


      Google does.

    2. Blazin


      tried that already..

  17. Anyone know much about sony vegas?

  18. Finding it a bit difficult to actually get into this RP :/ no one seems to be reacting

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. aRegularPony


      Well, as far as I know, the people in Everfree are in a temple at the moment, not at the camp site. I may be wrong, however.

    3. Blazin


      ohhhhh.... in that case i was falsely informed :L


    4. Blazin


      although tbh, i didnt specify where i fell....

  19. In need of contacting Feld0, anyone got any ideas???

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blazin


      Well I've Pm'd him and added him on skype. One of them's gotta work. I've got a really exciting idea that I wanna propose to him!

    3. duidamasterXD


      Sounds intriguing :). If it's a forum thing, you can also make a thread in Feedback and Suggestions. He's pretty good at keeping up with those.

    4. Blazin


      I'd rather talk to him 1 to 1 on this idea. Bit more in depth :P And I have expertise in the particular field.... Ok now that started to sound a little dodgy... I SWEAR, its all clean XD

  20. In need of contacting Feld0, anyone got any ideas???

  21. Loving the MLP Forums, First status update :D

    1. Soundgarden


      Great that you like it! :D

    2. Friendship_Cannon


      a party! *confetti*

  22. Loving the MLP Forums, First status update :D

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