Harmony Spark
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mega thread Your Favorite Episode?
Harmony Spark replied to AppleShy Sparkle's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Since after watching Voice of Reason's review, I decided to do My Top 16 Best MLP Episodes in the Show. The list is basically all the perfect episodes in the series so far, so enjoy! 1. A Canterlot Wedding* 2. Luna Eclipsed - A Luna episode and Pinkie as a chicken? What's not to love? 3. Lesson Zero - Twilight having character development and a great moral 4. Ponyville Confidential - The most mature episode of the series 5. Sleepless in Ponyville - Scootaloo and Dash bonding. Get your tissues ready, people! 6. Magic Duel - Trixie vs Twilight. Check. Great villain comeback. Check. Trixie being reformed. CHECK!! 7. One Bad Apple - An episode about bullying which didn't disappoint. 8. Putting Your Hoof Down - I know some people hate it, but this episode made Fluttershy best pony 9. Sisterhooves Social - Rarity and Sweetie Belle showing sister rivalries and I won't dare ruin the end for you. 10. Too Many Pinkie Pies - After the humor from this episode, I think Pinkie Pie should team up with Jim Carrey 11. Sweet and Elite - Rarity having her EoG to the test. Awesome! 12. Wonderbolts Academy - Merriwhether Williams made Dash best pony. Now, where's the love for Merri? 13. Party of One - Pinkie going insane. Enough said. 14. Hurricane Fluttershy - Fluttershy showing courage, this made me cry tears of happiness 15. It's About Time - I love this episode, but where the hay is Dr Hooves?! 16. A Friend In Deed - A perfect Pinkie episode with an Eeyore-esque donkey with a perfect song that makes Duck Tales cry itself to sleep. -
movies/tv Hooves up everypony who loves Pingu?!
Harmony Spark replied to Harmony Spark's topic in Media Discussion
Cool! I'll go check it out, you can also check out my fanfic, it's not completed and I'm a little rusty since I haven't done creative writing since I was 9, but I I tried! Here's my link to the fanfics first chapter, hope u enjoyed it! http://mlpforums.com/topic/74314-the-wolfras-by-harmony-spark-chapter-1/#entry1876880 -
Ever since I was a kid, I always watched Pingu, and I love it still now I'm older. The innocent, naive charm, creative (by creative, I mean talking gibberish) language and let's not forget it showed us a simple humour that doesn't have to be full of swears or adult content. Also, Anyway what do you like about Pingu? P.s. A friend I have subscribed DehMacLuvr has made some Pingu parody videos on YouTube, called pingu With Subtitles, it's hilarious, go check it out! Here's the first one: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ri-Kzn61BHY&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DRi-Kzn61BHY
The Wolfras By Harmony Spark: Chapter 1
Harmony Spark replied to Harmony Spark's topic in Written Fan Works
Thanks Swedish brony, it's a big help! I haven't done creative writing in a while so I'm a bit rusty on this. But I'll improve with my next chapter! -
Hey guys check it out my fanfics first chapter on here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/74314-the-wolfras-by-harmony-spark-chapter-1/ Second chapter in the making!
The Wolfras Key: Twilight Sparkle Princess Bianca Harmony Star Sweetie Belle Fluttershy Gilda Spike Hoity Toity Pinkie Pie Queen Aura Electra Rarity Diamond Rose Princess Celestia Applejack Misty Vinyl Scratch Rainbow Dash Skybolt Scootaloo Chapter 1: In Sight On a bright summery day, Fluttershy trots all around her cottage, feeding all her animal friends. ‘Lunchtime! ’ the pegasus called out and in within a second, cats, mice, flamingos, ferrets, squirrels, chipmunks, ducks and bunnies flooded the cottage. Fluttershy handed out a big pile of food on the floor and the animals gorged on their meal in a greedily manner. Fluttershy then sees Angel and three bunnies fighting over one piece of lettuce and stops them by gently saying “Now come on, Angel, why don’t you share the lettuce with your friends?” Angel rudely eats the lettuce, blows a raspberry at the other bunnies and hops off. Fluttershy reassures the sad, hungry rabbits “Don’t worry, bunnies, you can eat Angel’s secret stash he hides when I’m not looking instead.” She shows a huge stack of vegetables to them and the bunnies happily eat the whole pile, while Angel slaps his face with his paw and pulls a jealous look. Afterwards, Fluttershy is shutting the gate of her chicken coop, when she hears a rustling sound from the edge of the Everfree Forest. “Is-is anypony there?” she cries out nervously. A yip sound was heard. “AAH!” the scared yellow Pegasus yelled and she jumped so high, she landed on a cloud. The Pegasus calmed down and flew to the ground, when all of a sudden; a bright orange coloured wolf cub comes out of the Forest and said to the Pegasus “Hi!” which Fluttershy replied “Oh my, a wolf cub. What are you doing here?”. “My name’s Electra, I’m a Wolfra.” she answered. “A Wolfra? I never heard of those before...” Electra was amazed, “Wow, really?” she replied. “Now that’s weird. I’d have to get the others to-.” “Oh sorry to interrupt, but there are MORE of you?” questioned Fluttershy, beginning to worry but was confused whether the cub was a friend or foe. “Of course, there are tons of Wolfras and it’ll be so cool to introduce us to your friends, Miss?” “Oh- I’m Fluttershy.” the Pegasus timidly answered, worried the cub might eat her, but she wanted to keep Electra in a happy mood. “Great! Now where did my big sis go?” said Electra. “B-B-Big sister?!” Fluttershy stuttered with fear. One part of her mind instantly knew that these Wolfras are carnivorous monsters that wanted to eat all of the ponies. But another part of her mind thought that maybe she should give the young Wolfra cub a chance, so Fluttershy thinks about this and then decides to follow Electra, to make sure that nothing goes wrong. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was speeding through the clouds, pulling off “super-extreme-aweso-mazing” tricks to impress the witnessing fillies and colts down below. They roared in applause while the blue Pegasus flies away. “Well, that’s another crowd of my fans pleased. Now to get down to business.” she said to herself and starts her weather patrol throughout Ponyville. Then, out of nowhere, a motorbike engine was heard and out came an electric blue wolf with a puffed mane, which jumped on her motorbike so high that she was eye to eye with Dash. She landed safely back on the ground and drove off. Rainbow was stunned by this wolf’s daredevil spirit “Whoa! That was so cool. As a matter of fact, I could learn a few tricks from this wolf.” she said “WOLF?!” She then realised that the new tomboy was a vicious creature, which confuses the blue Pegasus that why would a wolf ride on a bike and show up in town so friendly? Before Dash can get answers, a gang of Timberwolves showed up and started to chase the Pegasus. She flew for her life, but her courage and speed was beaten by the creatures and it seems all hope is lost… Shortly, the blue wolf arrives on a cliff, facing Dash, shouting “Don’t worry, mate. I’ll take these dimwits down. Watch out!” and she zoomed on her four legs down the cliff and fights the Timberwolves off. She then helps Rainbow to her hooves and introduces herself. “Me name’s Skybolt, what’s yours?” “Uh, Rainbow Dash.” Dash replied sheepishly “Cor, that’s one wicked name!” Skybolt answered “Hey, what’s the matter? You look like you saw a ghost.” “I’m not scared! I’m just a little worried you gonna eat me.” The Pegasus said anxiously. Skybolt howled with laughter. “As if! I’m not gonna eat an awesome pony like yourself. Besides, we Wolfras never ‘arm anyone.” she said, reassuring Dash. “That’s what you are?” Rainbow asked. Skybolt replied with a simple yes and then, Electra sprinted towards Skybolt. “Sis! I’ve been looking all over for you!” she said, with an exhausted Fluttershy crawling on the ground. “Hey, Electra. Dash, this is my little sister, Electra.” The blue wolf said, picking up the cub. “Heh. That’s a cute little squirt ya got there. Bet ya she’s got a need for speed!” Dash replied. “(Exhales) the only thing I need is a REST!” said Fluttershy, exhausted and she gets help from Dash. “Oh, Rainbow, I see you’ve met the Wolfras.” The yellow Pegasus asked. “YOU k-know them?!” Rainbow faltered. “Oh no, I’ve only met Electra this morning and you are-.” “Skybolt.” The blue wolf said. “I’m Fluttershy and you must be Electra’s mother.” Fluttershy asked “Sister.” Skybolt corrected the yellow Pegasus. After an awkward pause, Electra had an idea. “Hey, would you guys like to meet our friends?” she suggested. The ponies looked unsure. “Don’t worry, they’re not gonna eat you.” She added. “Sure.” said Rainbow eagerly. “ALL RIGHT, YOU GUYS! THE COAST IS CLEAR! COME ON OUT!” Skybolt yelled to the Forest. Then, hundreds of Wolfras flooded the area and in the front was 5 other Wolfras, one was coloured violet, one coloured rose, one called neon yellow, one coloured pink and one coloured all white. “Everyone, meet my friends Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Dash, Flutter, meet my friends Misty, Diamond Rose, Vivica, Butterpup and Princess Bianca.” she said. “Oh, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Highn-.” “Hey, girls, don’t worry about the whole ‘royal bowing thing’, just be yourselves, besides I HATE people who hide their true nature.” Bianca asked. “I’m beginning to like this princess.” Dash whispered to Fluttershy. Before the Wolfras and the Pegasi can become friends, the rest of the mane 6 turn up. “What in Equestria is going on here? I heard a yell, loud noises and (gasps).” said Twilight Sparkle, who appears with Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie, who all meet the Guardians for the first time. “Wha’ in land’s sake are those varmints doin’ in Ponyville?” Applejack asked with a stern face. “Applejack, these are the Wolfras. They are lovable, friendly-.” Fluttershy said, “Awesome wolves from the Everfree Forest!” Rainbow interrupted. “Yes, but they’re wolves.” Twilight debated. “Mean, vicious, super-snarly, could- eat-a pony-in one-minute, spit-dribbling, back-biting WOLVES!” Pinkie Pie added, standing on Dash’s head and bending her neck to lock eyes with Dash. “Now come on, girls. Shouldn’t we show a little compassion?” Fluttershy retaliated. “Yeah, Skybolt here saved my life from Timberwolves an hour ago!” Dash supported. No matter how hard Dash and Fluttershy persuaded their pony friends, they felt like they could never reconsider them to give the Wolfras a chance. “Girls, we are not the same creatures as the Timberwolves. They’re our enemies.” Princess Bianca said to the ponies. “And we’re not from the Everfree Forest.” Bianca explained “You see, we’ve come from a faraway empire called Caniselia, where I and my mother, Princess Aura ruled over the land for generations. However, a few years ago, a cluster of migrating dragons attacked us. The Wolfra Gods tried to fight back with their powers, but the dragons were too strong. Eventually, they burnt the empire to a charred wasteland and for years, we Wolfras try to find a new home but since it was filled with other animals, which we thought we could share, but the animals were too scared of us, thinking that we were monstrous beasts. Now, we have no other choice but to give up.” Princess Bianca explained “You see we Wolfras are wolves but have the ability to talk and show kindness and love while other wolves show hatred and evil. I understand that you don’t want us to live aside with you ponies.” She continued. “If you don’t want us to live here, we’ll happily leave if it‘ll make you happy. Come on guys, let’s go.” The princess called out to her subjects and they, all with heavy hearts, walk away. The mane 6 huddle up and ultimately Twilight calls out to the Wolfras. “Wait a minute, I have decided that you all can stay with us, because you guys have saved Dash’s life and since you’ve such a hard time trying to fit in, we’ll be more than glad to help you.” The alicorn replies and the Wolfras cheer and jump for joy. “You know, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.” Twilight said. ‘You’ve said it.” replied Princess Bianca. And with that said, the Guardians and the mane 6 happily go to Ponyville to meet the others. “Oh, just so you know, we DO eat meat.” Princess Bianca adds. “WHAT?!” The mane 6 replied, now beginning to worry whether to trust these creatures or not. Here it is, my first ever fanfic's first chapter, the Wolfras. Feel free to comment and Hope you liked it!
With my fanfic going on, I wanted to get some vectors of my characters the Wolras, a group of colourful talking wolves. So is it okay if you do some vectors of some of the Wolfras, maybe interacting with the Mane 6? Or maybe Vinyl Scratch, Pinkie Pie and one Wolfra, Vivica having a rave party? It's up to you! Here are the drawing I did of three main Wolfras, Skybolt, Misty and Vivica for references: (Misty here is completely white with green eyes) (Vivica here has neon yellow and white fur like a normal wolf with bright pink eyes) COMPLETELY IGNORE THE FACT THAT THEY'RE UPSIDE DOWN. MY IPAD IS A BUCKING TROLL! Thanks!
Wooden Toaster is one of the most talented brony-musicians in the fandom. And we all fantasise our OCs in the show. And after watching Games Ponies Play, I noticed one of the Crystal Empire athletes during the stadium scen, there was a Crystal Pony that was very similar to Glaze, Wooden Toaster's OC. Now, isn't that just amazing, I bet that half of the background ponies in MLP are similar to your OCS!
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Whenever a villain comes by, the ultimate showdown is Twilight and mane 6 use the Element of Harmony and destroys the villain with a TASTE THE RAINBOW, MOTHERFUCKER! Way that is pretty boring now. it's really epic but something different would be nice. My way for the Elements is like all of the colours of the amen 6 sending auroras upwards and come together in a white light which targets the villains in its chest and completely destroys it. So, do you think the Elements of Harmony should use a different way, if so, what way would you have the Elements do? http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=io3Qa06sUxs&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dio3Qa06sUxs
As this is my first editorial: I just want to say that this is only my opinion and I won't judge your points of view cause I care about everyone . So, here's my question, is HASBRO a money-grabbing bastard? Well, since HASBRO owns the My Little Pony toy line, the decisions on the show made by HASBRO such as Twilight being an alicorn pisses off the brony fandom since these were made to sell toys. But the thing is, even though the company did do this, people forget that this is what HASBRO does to a popular toy line/ TV show; make show popular then sell toys like a lunatic. Now, in my opinion, I don't think HASBRO doesn't care about the brony fandom, they still care. They have made toy collectibles, including Favourite Collections sets, a card game and other merchandise to support the fans. And besides, the company doesn't go too far into the decisions of the show, they do leave most of them up to the writers. Also, there's Derpy being sued, now many bronies got pissed off, and I do to, but there was a reason why she had to be toned down because having Derpy be wall-eyed and clumsy offended some people with disabilities so I think it was necessary for HASBRO to do that cause they knew that the show will become controversial and will cause the toy line to go downhill. But on the other hand, I still think that HASBRO can get stupid when they messed with Faust's ideas for the show and made it half the reason why Faust left the show. For example, when Lauren Faust was involved in Cadance's story. At that point in development, she was not designed as an Alicorn, and Faust was surprised at this, which also caused her decision to leave MLP. This is HASBROs doing and I hated that and I understand why bronies have a distrust to HASBRO. So, in conclusion, I think HASBRO is not that bad. yes, it can make changes to the characters and the show in general that just makes you wanna say: But the thing is that most people forget that HASBRO is only doing its job, MAKE TOYS. It wants to appeal to the demographic of girls but it still keeps the adult fans happy with the fandom merchandise. Yes, it can mess up sometimes but they don't go fuck you, Meghan, we're gonna ruin the show and the fandom! It's a toy company and wants to be a good one, sometimes competitive to Mattel but still good. And besides, if Hasbro WAS a dick, well they wouldn't choose legendary animator and cartoonist Lauren Faust to develop My Little Pony, wouldn't they? So, even though they can make unnecessary bullcrap sometimes, they promise not to ruin something so beautiful and phenomenal as My Little Pony. I hope you enjoyed my editorial, feel free to comment! If my review sucked, please say so
I was watching Tiny Pop for my little sister and I found out that MLP is airing on Tiny Pop, a UK TV Channel, on 28th September. Now this, in my opinion, is great because MLP is finally coming to other countries such as the UK and that if I persuade my classmates to watch the show, maybe they'll become bronies and pegasisters! But what's your reaction to this? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? If you want to catch this channel, get it on Tiny Pop Here's the numbers for different TVs: Freesat: Channel 605 Sky: Channel 617 Channel 625 (+1) Cable: WightFibre Channel 104
I know this is an obvious question, but since I have nothing else to topic, why not? Anyway, why do you love Tom and Jerry? Which adaption do you like? Would you like to see Tom and Jerry get back to shorts like before? And most importantly, would u like to see a Tom and Jerry reference in My Little Pony?
Based on THE DOG Collection, there is a Wii game called THE DOG Island, where you play a dog that has a sibling which has an illness which can only be cured by the Legendary Flower, a plant which heals any illness. The plant is on THE DOG Island and you have to go on an adventure to retrieve the flower, by becoming a Sniff Master. (Basically a dog that can sniff any scent and can recognise it) I bought the game years ago and I really loved it! You can dress it up with crowns, tiaras, neckties, etc. You can do additional quests, you can play mini-games to get gold and silver and the dogs are so freaking ADORABLE!!!!!! So, my question is; did you play this game? And if so, did you enjoy it?
[Open] Feedback for your OC for Roleplaying!
Harmony Spark replied to Inactive01's topic in Original Character Help
Thanks for the review, Sterling. I followed your advice and I made a few new tweaks to my OC. Thanks anyway, and Im not gonna lie, your OC is really cool- 226 replies
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request shop (CLOSED) Free my little chibi OC requests
Harmony Spark replied to slimmyjimjim's topic in Requestria
Hey, I know this request is closed but have you done my OC, yet? I really want to see my OC as a Chiba cause they look so cool. Thanks -
Hi can u do my OC please? She's an teen alicorn called Princess Harmony Spark, the Princess of Imagination. She's a huge Transformers G1 fan and has Asperger's syndrome. Her profile is in the signature box below thanks
Even though I don't watch anime, I still can see why so many people love Sailor Moon. so I decided to draw the mane 6 as Sailor Scouts for you anime bronies and pegasisters out there! Here's the ponies that have their own powers. Hopefully these powers will be canon in Season 4 Sailor Twilight - Magic and Telekinesis Sailor Applejack - Earth and Super- Strength Sailor Rainbow Dash - Fire and Super- Speed Sailor Rarity - Water and Illusions Sailor Fluttershy - Nature and Talking To Animals (no shit) Sailor Pinkie Pie - Stretchability and FUCKING BUBBLES!!
request shop (CLOSED) Free my little chibi OC requests
Harmony Spark replied to slimmyjimjim's topic in Requestria
Can u do my OC as a chibi? Her name is Princess Harmony Spark, an alicorn who has Asperger's syndrome and is the Princess of Imagination. Her profile is in my signature box thanks Name: Harmony Spark Position: Jumping excitedly Cutie Mark: Rainbow coloured spark with blue nebulae surrounding it Picture: -
Thanks i wanted to prove to everyone that alicorn OCs are NOT typical Mary Sues and my OC really represents me.
[Open] Feedback for your OC for Roleplaying!
Harmony Spark replied to Inactive01's topic in Original Character Help
Can u do my OC, Princess Harmony Spark? Her profile page is in my signature box. She's a alicorn who is a huge Transformers fan and has Asperger's syndrome. Thanks anyway :3- 226 replies
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For my recent artwork, I have made some drawings I'd like to call Transfoals, obviously the Transforemrs as tiny foals. Here are some I have made and I want to show them to you! Feel free to comment
Yeah I know I've done several topics of this, but since I'm a female MLP/ Transformers fanatic, I just want to know: are any of you bronies and pegasisters a fan of the 80s show Transformers G1? If so, why do you like it so much, out of curiosity. For my opinion, I loved Transformers G1 because it had kickass fighting scenes, awesome special effects (and this was 80s material!), the characters are memorable, the animation was well-done, the plots were creative, it was very energised and enthusiastic! All tied together with giant robots beating the crap out of each other for justice and freedom. Also another thing: Optimus Prime x Celestia! Also, are there any FEMALE fans of the show?
To Kill A Mockingbird and MLP?
Harmony Spark replied to Harmony Spark's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
To kill a mockingbird is about racism but I want MLP to make a reference or a based on or some elements from the book. Cause the book is about innocence, courage, the dark side of humanity, prejudice and etc. Having an episode about these particular elements will be good in MLP. Now I didn't mean a racist MLP episode but does the same way in Bridle Gossip as in never judge a book by its cover, which is, once ya get down to it, is racism itself. I understand about MLP not having a based on episode but a reference or element would be nice cause the book and MLP have so much and it would be really cool in my opinion!