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Harmony Spark

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Everything posted by Harmony Spark

  1. Harmony Spark was glad that her friend like the way she is, even if when she's acting funny. Sterling was certainly a nice pony and she knew that she'll finally be able to relate to him with her condition. She then continued the talk; " I've been here for about 2 years. And just so you know, there's a centre for medical studies right next to the library. I'll bet you'll do great over there and I'm always there to help out if ya need any!" Harmony asked as she pointed her hoof to the nearby library. She then eats up her daisy sandwich.
  2. "I knew you'd love it! Hey, watch this." Harmony replied. She then grabbed a piece of bread and eats it much like a duck. Afterwards, she smiles awkwardly. " Sorry, I only do that when I'm really happy." She added, clearing her throat. "Anyway, I'm real glad to have a friend that had autism. I never met anypony who had autism before, I do have acquaintances here at the uni, but not really a friend. I just wanna be friends with everypony. But you are one great friend, Sterling and I'm not kidding here." She asked, smiling at her new friend.
  3. The two ponies entered the food hall. Harmony introduced her stallion friend from the colourful environment to the delicious food! Afterwards, the two sit on a nearby table, while Harmony enthusiastically starts a conversation. "So, Sterling, do you like this place so far?" She asked.
  4. I would love to enter my OC, Princess Harmony Spark. Her profile is in the signature box. She's the bubbly Princess of Imagination who has Asperger's syndrome, a huge gamer, a diehard Transformers fan and is very creative and loves to draw. Thanks!
  5. I'm thinking of a shipping between my OC and King Sombra. But what shall i call it? SombraSpark? Harmbra? Sombrony? What do you think?

    1. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Harmbra. Made my day. XD

    2. Harmony Spark
    3. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Well, I think that's the one which suits most.

  6. My parents have argued again and my mum treats me like crap. She nags at me, she's allergic to giving me hugs and she always give my little sister the attention. I didn't do anything wrong! What should I do?

    1. Blade Lightning

      Blade Lightning

      Your parents do still care for you its just that your sister needs more care because shes younger than you, just give your parents some time to calm down.

    2. Harmony Spark

      Harmony Spark

      Thanks great advice! Brohoof /)

    3. Blade Lightning
  7. Thanks i'm proud of my OC. Yeah I'll change the bit with Celestia's pupil bit
  8. Can u rate my OC, Princess Harmony Spark? Her profile is in the link in the signature box . She's a princess of She also has Asperger's syndrome, a huge gamer and is very bubbly. Thanks!
  9. It's been a while since I posted my art here on this forum. So here is a bunch of new artwork I did for Haloween. Enjoy!! Sombra and my OC trickortreating My OCs brothers and Spike at a boys night out My OC and Finn (from Adventure Time, I love that show) as a pony, apple bopping The two sides of my OC Begone, evil ginger kids with buck teeth and evil green eyes! What my OCs story would look like in an episode of FIM No comment XP Here's something to keep ur mind of it!
  10. "Well, yeah actually. I'm also a huge fan of toys. I literally collect all of them." She replied with a simple smile. The bell suddenly rang loudly in the gallery. "Lunchtime! Hey, why don't you sit next to me? Consider it a friendy gesture" Harmpny added with a wink. The two ponies quickly galloped to the lunch hall.
  11. "I was born here in Trottingham and lived with my parents in a small sweet shop which was in my family for 3 generations. My mother was a sweet-maker and my father was a Cloudsdale cadet officer. Even though I had Asperger's, my parents always helped me and respected my autism. When I went to school, most ponies made fun of me and called me countless names. I never felt so lonely in my life. It made me think that my autism was some sort of curse, a hex, 'cause that's what everypony believed. Only the teachers and my family were kind enough to understand me. When I was 8, my family's shop was on the edge of bankruptcy when Mr Pennypincher, a rich confectionist, built a very successful sweet mall right next to ours. If my parents didn't come up with 20,000 bits in 2 weeks, we had to end up on the streets and Mr Pennypincher would demolish the store. I suggested my family to enter a sweet making contest which the prize was 50,000 bits so we can save our business and our home. Unfortunately, reality had other plans. My father had to work on the same day as the contest to start a course for his cadets, my mother had fallen ill for hay fever, so we had no choice but to pack our bags. But I was determined to save my home. Even though I was afraid my autism would stop me from winning, but i didn't care. I had to try. So when my mother slept, she sneakily got my equipment and galloped to the contest. Me Pennypincher was there of course, showering in pride, thinking he would obviously win. Ponies like that disgust me, but I didn't let that cloud my mind. As the contest began, I took out a palette with sweet mix in different colours instead of paint. Everypony began to laugh and decided to admire Pennypincher's work, but I didn't flinch. After the contest was over, I revealed my paintings made entirely out of sweet mix, showing the ponies being the victims of Pennypincher's evil, money-hungry, care-less schemes. And I also found out that the sweets that he made was entirely out of food additives. Everypony was in awe of my art, even my classmates and they roared with applause. I won. The money was ours, my parents worriedly rushed to the contest, shocked but soon were proud. I was so happy that my imagination and my autism achieved my goal and helped me in My time of need. Mr Pennypincher was then taken to prison because of his crime and his mall turned into a quaint shoe factory. My family was able to pay the bills and add an extra floor to the shop. As my family took a bow to the crowd, my cutie mark appeared; a rainbow coloured spark surrounded by blue nebulae. It was that day on that I learned to accept my autism. Now I study here at Trottingham University, making art with the power of imagination and care." Harmony told the red stallion.
  12. "You do? I have autism as well!! Oh my Celestia, NOpony in all my social life has autism before! I always wanted a friend who understood me! Ponies might not believe me but even though I'm popular here at university. I was quite lonely in primary school. Would you mind if I told you a story?" She asked the red stallion.
  13. "Thanks. I saw you were arriving and I didn't want you to feel bad on your first day. Besides, NOpony gets beaten in this university when I'm around. Anyway, since you're new, let me have the honour of showing you around!" She replied with a beaming smile. The white mare and Sterling both toured the school facility, with Harmony explaining every single corner of every hall. "There's the main hall, staircase number 5, science labs, the new observatory, staircase number 26, the literature classrooms, library and my favorite, the art gallery." She explained rapidly, them finally showing the red stallion the art gallery. "Not to boast or anything, but most of my work is shown here. I'm considered the most creative in my family." Harmony added. Harmony first showed a very colourful abstract painting to her new friend. "This one I made is called You. Isn't that an awesome title? I made it to represent about ponies like me with autism and other disorders and to tell them to appreciate themselves."
  14. My mum accused me of not taking a shower yesterday when I did! I know it's not a big deal but I want to prove to her that I did do it. Why should I do?

    1. Inactive01


      Making her smell you's the best option! xD. Just make sure to place a LOT of hair shampoo and body wash!

    2. Harmony Spark
  15. This just in: I love Adventure Time!!! I should do a drawing on this :D

  16. Why hasn't DHX revealed the MLP Season 4 episode names? It's nearly a month until the premiere.

  17. I'm the only brony in my school and I'm getting really lonely. I'm autistic, I have no best friends in school only outside school and I feel the only way for me to be friends with everyone is to convert everyone into a brony. I know it's sounds conspiracy but I just want some friends :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harmony Spark
    3. Blade Lightning
    4. Inactive01


      I'm autistic too. If you need a chat, you've got me. And then there's the roleplay... :P

  18. Harmony noticed the red stallion and saw the look of horror on his face. She knew all the pressure was in him and she didn't want him to feel bad just after arriving. Before Lightning can perform his last blow, the mare quickly formulated a plan. She quickly dodged Lightning and talked to the crowd, "Come on everypony, let's stand together. We can bet these goons if we become one." Harmony said to the aspiring crowd, who all stood with Harmony. "Give up, Lightning. You can't fight all of us." The white mare said, winking to the red stallion. Outnumbered, Lightning admitted defeat "Okay, Harmony, you won this round." He replied in anger and flew away. With the crowd cheering, Harmony trots over to the stallion "I'm sorry about that. Lightning is a jerk around here and normally this school is in high spirits but I really didn't want you to feel bad just as you got here. I'm Harmony Spark." The white mare introduces herself.
  19. Do any of you guys love Piglets Big Movie?

    1. Fluttershyfan94


      I remember that movie, it's been a while though. I remember it being fun I don't remember it very well.

  20. I don't know why but I'm kinda embarrassed that I'm watching My little pony with my little sister. Whys that?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Harmony Spark

      Harmony Spark

      I think it's because since it's my favourite hobby, I think I get protective since because it's mine.

    3. Harmony Spark

      Harmony Spark

      Sorry I'm being a greedy pig :(

    4. Harmony Spark

      Harmony Spark

      Yeah ur right, Earthbending Prodigy

  21. Trottingham University was full of rustic yet colourful charm and most of their students spirits were high, but not all of them. A white earth pony with a long wavy mane of blue, indigo and violet, by the name of Harmony Spark, is being threatened by some bullies of the university, Lightning Grease and his sidekick, Double Trouble. "Hah! What's a stupid mare like you doing playing and talking to yourself?" Lightning sneered. "What a weirdo," Double retorted. "Hey, at least I don't act like the stupid jerk like you, Grease. With that attitude, I'm surprised why you came to this school." Harmony replied in an angered but disciplined tone. Harmony started to walk away when she finds that her bag is stolen by Lightning. "Hey, give it back!" Harmony shouted. "Too late, weirdo." Lightning back chatted, rudely peaking at Harmony's notepad, seeing highly imaginative drawings. Lightning shoved this into every pony's faces and yelled "HEY EVERYPONY! CHECK THIS OUT! HARMONY MADE THESE LAME GIANT ROBOTS THAT CAN TURN INTO THINGS!" However, to Lightning's amazement, everypony loved the idea and started to praise Harmony for her imagination. Lightning Grease cringed red with embarrassment and in order to survive awkwardness, he charges at Harmony and fights her.
  22. I have two bets friends who are boys, Calum and Max. Max is younger than Calum and I've seen the two bicker all the time and I really hate. I often tell them that it's upsetting me and my other best friend, Paige (who's a girl). But they still do it! They have different interests and since max is more angelic and Calum is more demonic its sort of Chaos. I really want everyone to get along cos I have a fear of disharmony and that I really care about them! What should I do??...

    1. Fluttershyfan94


      Sometimes you just have to let people deal with stuff on their own. So don't worry about it, guys usually just get into a fight then they're best friends afterwards.

    2. Harmony Spark

      Harmony Spark

      Thanks you really helped me a lot! :)

    3. Fluttershyfan94


      No problem, sometimes the solution is just to not get involved.

  23. My OC didnt win in the Outflanks Contest and im felling kind of down ;(

  24. Are there any OC contests?

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