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Toxic Widow

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Everything posted by Toxic Widow

  1. Novella stept into the classroom fully. "Excuse me, but I'm supposed to be in this class....I'll just take a seat right here if you don't mind." She said while smiling at the teacher. She took a seat next to Delia and smiled at her too. She looked at her hands and studied them carefully, she had read some books about human anatomy but they were very vague. She knew they were like hooves but they sure didn't look like hooves! She waited for a pencil to levitate towards her, forgetting that she didn't have access to magic here. When it didn't levitate to her she cautiously picked it up and started to write everything she noticed about the human world on a piece of paper.
  2. (( Just letting you all know my joining in was okayed by @@PinkieShyFlutterPie, )) As more than a few ponies had been disappearing from Ponyville, Novella had decided to go to the Everfree forest and check it out herself. Upon entering the forest she spotted the door for herself. "Looks like fun...." She thought as she stepped through the door. She fell out the other side and blinked a few times taking in the strange sight in New York Central Park. She reached her hoof hand up to check her horn and make sure it was not damaged, but it wasn't there! "Huh? What's going on?!?" She thought puzzled. She reached back to fix her mane and it had turned into a strange thing called hair! She look around at her back and her tail had disappeared! She looked down and instead of her light blue skin she had a baggy light blue sweater and black tank top. She had jean shorts on and brown boots. She reached up to touch her face and felt glasses! Having never had to wear glasses before, she started to remove them, but her vision got so blurry that she had to put them back on. Still perplexed she felt the back of her head to fix her bow and sighed in relief when it was still there. "At least I still have my bow..." She thought optimistically. She stood up and held on to the trees to regain her balance and try to walk. When she finally did figure out how to walk normally she headed out of the park. She saw the school sign and automatically thought of how much she loved school. She ran giddily up to the school then shyly opened the door and tapped the desk of the big woman with glasses. "Umm...Miss? Excuse me? I'd like to join your school." She says quietly while blushing. The woman thinks for a moment. Then she glares at her and throws her a uniform. "Alright. Go get changed into this and go to (insert whatever class the others are in) class." The woman replies. Novella changes into her uniform in the bathroom then wanders up and down the halls of the school until she finds the class. She stands outside the class for about five minutes and then works up the courage to knock on the door and open it. She sticks her head in and she is majorly blushing.
  3. I love it! You did the cutie mark much better than I could've ever imagined! I love the mane and tail and of course levitating books! The eyes are also really good! I just love the whole thing! Thanks so much @@PinkieShyFlutterPie, !!
  4. Banned because you don't know what "Safety Dance" is. Double banned because sweetie, I'm not mainstream I'm main-ocean.
  5. I'd like to include my OC pony Novella please! You can see a picture of her here. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/novella-r3167 Sorry that I couldn't send it here so I hope the character database photo will be ok.
  6. Heart Wubs Black Speakers Pink Bass (as in dropping the bass) Dark Musette Musette Sorry I'm terrible at names. I hope I could help!
  7. Unfortunately Matt Bellamy came and picked up your chicken. Fortunately you got to hang out with Matt Bellamy.
  8. Granted, but the movie is a documentary on what happened to you. I wish I had a TARDIS.
  9. Banned because I went back in time and infinity googleplex banned you.
  10. Unfortunately as you got your toaster back it exploded. Fortunately the severe burns you got allowed you to miss the test at school on Monday.
  11. Banned because you aren't a Time Lord like me
  12. Banned because you didn't do the drunken giraffe
  13. Banned because you didn't send out invitations
  14. Granted, but then the guitar learns to play you and you die from guitar assault. I wish I was a Time Lord.
  15. Banned because you know about "Safety Dance" and are therefore awesome
  16. Unfortunately, everyone blamed you for the world blowing up.
  17. Banned because we can leave your friends behind Double ban because if they don't dance and if they wont dance then they aint no friends of mine
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