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Justin ZW

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Everything posted by Justin ZW

  1. Banned for not understanding abbreviations.
  2. Banned for having a username which makes no sense.
  3. @ "It is no matter," Swordpoint told Crimson calmly. "But I cannot shake this feeling... That pony in black was... but it couldn't have been... could she have escaped somehow?" He began talking to himself, forgetting that Crimson was there. "If Rainbow Dash is here... then she must have escaped, which would bring relief to my fears. But... I still cannot concede. This curse which Knightfall has placed upon me... I must fight. For the sake of living my life in peace, I must participate in more bloodshed. That is how it has always been." He closed his eyes and hung his head. "Why must peace be achieved through violence? Why is it that such evil exists in our world? Perhaps one day... I may change it. And maybe then... all the blood I have spilled will serve a purpose. Or maybe... I shall disappear along with the rest of the evil."
  4. @ "I meant no offense," Swordpoint responded calmly. "I am very old... I have walked this earth for over forty years, and yet... It took me most of my life to discover more than mindless service to an evil princess. All those years of training and conditioning have served me well. I trust my experience will see me through the battles ahead."
  5. @ Swordoint smiled. "Those pathetic weapons of his are nothing in the face of magic. He is smug, and that is his weakness." Swordpoint calmly walked in the direction of the lobby with Crimson. "I gave him his warning, and he ignored it. But maybe his luck will hold out and I will be defeated..." At this, Swordpoint laughed coldly. "I do jest, of course."
  6. @,@ Swordpoint put his hoof down. "Then you have sealed your fate. And as for you..." Swordpoint pointed at Rail. "I will not lose. Perhaps you should put your money on that." He turned and walked down the corridor, not noticing Crimson against the wall of the corridor.
  7. I've noticed that when moderators perform some form of... moderation, they use an automatically generated message. While this saves time, it's very cold and impersonal. In my experience, people tend to appreciate it when you take the time to type something out yourself. It shows that they are aware and informed of the situation, and it can also be more welcoming to newbies. The site I work on used to use canned messages, but we agreed to stay away from them when we discovered that no one really liked them and we were driving users away. Personally it's something that bothers me. You can't take the 60 seconds to make a post saying what you did, why you did it, and explaining a little bit more according to the situation? That strikes me as laziness. Just my two cents on that.
  8. Justin ZW

    request shop Requests for OC drawings

    Holy carp of the sea, I forgot I even posted in here. Not a bad start... but he uses a lance Also, he's older and more mature... and he's had one hell of a rough past, so he generally wouldn't smirk or smile, or show much emotion. But definitely go ahead with it if you like.
  9. @ Swordpoint glared at Standoff. "I bring you a warning. Your senseless killing will not go unpunished... I promise you. And if you truly believe that your grisly actions will win you this tournament, you are wrong." He stepped forward. "Money does not control everything. It cannot subvert the spirit or suppress the heart. I fight for what is right... and you once did, as well. I am aware of your desire to restore your friend, but that does not excuse your actions. What good is there in regaining what you've lost if you lose yourself as well?" He extended his hoof to Standoff. "Renounce this path, before it drags you into the darkness. If you refuse... you would do well to pray that you and I never meet in the ring... or outside this tournament."
  10. @ Swordpoint stepped carefully through the corridor until he could clearly hear Standoff... and another familiar voice. "... know who killed her. You did. Money runs this contest, and you've shown me you've plenty of that." Swordpoint had to cover his mouth to keep from making a sound. I knew it... they are picking and choosing the champion of their choice. They must have quite a bit against me. But I will not falter. I am sorry, Crimson, but I will win our battle... and once I do, Standoff will suffer... unless he takes the chance that I give him.
  11. @, @ Swordpoint nodded. ”Very well. We must prepare for the next match. I have a warning to give.” Swordpoint calmly walked out of the lobby through the winding hallways, casting a tracer spell. He found exactly who he was looking for. Standoff should be just beyond that hallway... Are those voices?
  12. Swordpoint glanced at Crimson. ”No... That pony was not your father. Whoever it is... They know me. But as for your father... Would you see him dead? Or may he be saved yet?” Swordpoint waited for Crimson's response. Redemption is a mighty force, and even the greatest villain may yet find it.
  13. Swordpoint was wary. ”I must know, Crimson. Please cast off your reservations. The stakes are far too great.” Swordpoint was distant and distracted. That pony... Could it be her? I pray that it is. If I could just know that she lives... My heart would not be so fearful.
  14. @, @@Fivefs Swordpoint ignored Knightfall. ”Come. We must return to the lobby. And Rune... Sleep. Do not weaken yourself.” He led them back into the lobby and made sure that Rune got a bed in the infirmary. As he entered the hall with Crimson, he stopped. ”what do you need to discuss?”
  15. Swordpoint glanced at the monitor in the spectators' lobby. He saw Standoff tear Lite Shade's head off, and he felt rage boiling inside him. "She was unarmed, and she had surrendered! I promise you, Standoff, I am the last pony you want to face, now. Your end will not be pleasant, for your crimes have condemned you." He turned and exited through the door to stadium three. Rune Breaker and Crimson were conversing amongst themselves, looking confused. He gently floated down toward them.
  16. @, @@Fivefs Swordpoint grinned. "I have already taken precautions against Knightfall. He is too weak to take over again. My supression magic made sure of that. The healing of Rune's horn was an unexpected side effect." He turned to face Crimson. "But... who is this other pony of whom you speak? I must know if it is--" Swordpoint felt the presence once again. He turned to the sky and stared. He swore he saw a glimpse of blue among the clouds. "... I must cut this short. I will return." Swordpoint extended his wings and took off into the sky. He closed his eyes and searched for it again. Oddly enough, he felt it from inside the tournament building... from the spectators' area. He glided down toward the doorway into the spectators' lobby. As he entered, a crowd of ponies gasped and began to point. He heard muttered insults, and whisperings of "traitor" and "worthless." But he felt her. Rainbow... or somepony just like her. He scanned the room and found a pony in a black robe. He approached slowly, but the pony noticed him and quickly galloped toward the exit. Swordpoint tried to follow, but the spectators refused to move aside for him. He'd lost the mysterious pony. "Damn!" he cursed.
  17. @, @@Fivefs Swordpoint held his hoof up to Crimson. "Patience. We are still very much in the public eye. But Rune, here... he is not." He turned to face Rune Breaker. "Rune, do you remember what I told you about the nexus? Well it seems that they may have opened a door to it. If they can harness its power... it could spell doom for us all. If you are willing... I need you to snoop around. Search for any documents, oddities, restricted rooms... anything. And if you are ever discovered or your life is in danger, send me a signal. I will not leave you to die. Of this, you have my word." He placed a hoof on Rune's shoulder. "Perhaps you should wait until after our battle. I will be left with no choice but to forfeit the match if anything happens to you while we battle." He removed his hoof, and there was a faint glow on Rune's shoulder. Swordpoint turned to Crimson. "As far as the weaponry... I shall not use destructive magic. I gave my word, and I am a pony of honor." He closed his eyes and the armor began to glow. It quickly became one with his magic aura and then disappeared.
  18. The problem with this is that Luna is the princess of the night, not just the moon. Twilight is a princess, yes, but we don't know what she will rule over... if anything at all.
  19. @@Fivefs Swordpoint extended his wings. They began to glow in his usual bright gold, and he released the spell. The glow surrounded his body, and quickly materialized into a set of white armor. The armor itself was littered with runes, and Swordpoint could feel its power coursing through him. "Amazing... While this isn't as strong as Celestia's armor, it is a close second. I thank you, Rune Breaker."
  20. I hate Obama, gay people who like to throw their sexuality in your face and dare you to say otherwise, most liberals, most straight up conservatives, democracy in general, America, and anyone who hates on MLP because they think it's gay. Yeah, that's right. Fuck yourself if you have a problem with any of that. CLARIFICATION: When I say I hate America, I mean I hate what America has become. It's being slowly taken over by liberal shitheads. And no, I won't censor myself. This thread is for speaking the truth, so I'm speaking it. I hate liberals.

  22. @@Fivefs Swordpoint felt a rush of energy. "Wh... what is this? I feel magic flowing freely through my veins... I imagine that I could cast spells like a unicorn and not tire for a long time." He glanced at Rune Breaker. "Thank you, Rune. But perhaps you could tell me what else this little trick of yours has done."
  23. @@Fivefs Swordpoint felt the magic grip him. "Augh... Rune," he grunted, "this had better serve some purpose..." The pain was nothing new, but he didn't enjoy it. Again, he felt the strange presence... closer, this time. Coming from outside the building. He completely forgot about the pain in his body, focusing only on the energy he felt. ... This is impossible. It must be her... but how could she have escaped? Please... Just let it be her. Let her be alive. Let me see her again... hold her. I must know she lives.
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