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Justin ZW

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Everything posted by Justin ZW

  1. MLP gives me the feels hardcore. That is a sign of good writing. Through the course of one episode, I'll often laugh, cry, get angry at one of the characters, and smile. Thus, I have no embarrassment about watching it.
  2. Welcome to the club. There's cupcakes and punch over there, and we have Vinyl Scratch booked tonight. The party never ends here at MLP forums. ...I've been here about a month and I'm saying this stuff. lol But in all seriousness, welcome. I was skeptical about these forums, but I ended up fitting right in. Need to stop posting while I'm drunk, though... I seem to get warnings every time I do that. But anyways, there's lots to do 'round these parts. There's a section for Roleplaying (my personal favorite and my eternal haunt), as well as stupid forum games which can be fun little time wasters. Welcome to the herd. /)
  3. I hope this RP's reboot will be more successful. The premise is a great one, and I'm eager to partcipate.



      What RP is rebooting?

    2. Justin ZW

      Justin ZW

      The Tyranny of Princess Cadence. It became a clusterfuck pretty quickly, and a ton of people dropped out, so I've been talking with Super Derpy and another participant about rebooting it, and he agreed it was probably a good idea.



      ooh yah I looked at it after I asked so yah.

  4. DJ Alex S. - Trixie the Pony Troll (VIP Remix) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoPH5zESuJM DAT DROP. Seriously addicting. I've been listening to this all last night and all today. It's on repeat right now on my compy.
  5. It's always sad when a character dies in a fanfic. It's even worse when you have to go through the death of a main character. That poor pony...

  6. @, @ Swordpoint landed gracefully beside Crimson's unconscious body. "I am sorry, Crimson. You have fought with honor, and you have my respect." He bowed his head respectfully and stood for a moment in silence. After a short time, he extended his wings and gathered energy. As it swirled around him, he could feel his scrapes and bruises healing. Once the energy had dissipated, he floated back into the air, where he awaited the ref's call. @@Applejack25 (OoC: He replied. This is his post.)
  7. @ As Swordpoint impacted the ground, he howled in pain. Slightly dazed, he forced himself unsteadily to his feet. "Augh... that was a quite a trick. But I am not out yet." He spat out some blood and charged at Crimson, wrapping his forelegs around Crimson's midsection. He then began to rise into the air. "After this is over, I could teach you a spell to give you temporary wings. They're powerful enough to carry your weight, although they dissipate after several hours." He hovered just above the top of the arena, still holding Crimson. "But for now, flight will elude you." He released his hold on Crimson and flapped his wings forward, propelling him away from Crimson.
  8. @ Swordpoint quickly flapped his wings and lifted both himself and Crimson off the ground. He easily righted himself and kicked Crimson's squirming body off of his waist. The fall to the ground would hurt, but it certainly couldn't kill him. Swordpoint smiled and descended back to the ground. "You must try harder than that."
  9. @ "Yes, incapacitation could earn you victory," Swordpoint affirmed, "if you could achieve it. I am afraid the time has come for me to cease the games." Acting quickly, Swordpoint thrust his other leg into Crimson's face and jumped to his feet. He flew at Crimson, aiming to tackle him to the ground.
  10. I will not be buying the Wii U because I'm sick of Nintendo's complete suckage when it comes to third parties. As a result, I will not be getting the new SSB. Since I also do not have a 3DS. Too bad, though. I grew up playing SSB games
  11. So I've noticed while searching through the character database that there's an option for "Equestrian World Characters" and "Equestrian World Character Comments." What are these? They don't even seem to exist at all, having no content whatsoever. They can be seen by selecting "pages" in the search bar and searching for anything. They're on the left sidebar under "By Section." Is this a coming feature? Something that was disabled long ago but now exists because of a bug? The result of someone drinking too much and trying to do coding? Just curious about this is all.
  12. It's quite possible, and I certainly hope so. Having it make fun of all those high school tropes and cliches would be perfect. It'd still entertain all the little girls, but it would give us shitloads of laughs along with it. I think it's funny that everyone wants to judge the movie before seeing it. Well I dunno about you guys, but I think it's going to be well worth the money, especially if Meghan McCarthy had a hand in writing it.
  13. It's been a long time since I've seen a good troll. This is bringing me quality entertainment.
  14. @ (Well, I suppose I can just edit the post, then. As I said in the message AND the thread, that could've been handled better.) Swordpoint stared at Zeta. "Yes... I apologize for the delay. It is... difficult to leave loved ones when you are unsure if you'll ever see them again. Now, then... what is the status? Has there been any word on the movements of the Crystal Empire's Army?" He glanced around. "And where are Goldie and Avolon?"
  15. PRE-EMPTIVE C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER Seriously, just no. "What are you looking at? Do you want to get stabbed in the eye, too?"
  16. Fucking ninja'd. Shut up. I don't care that you told me not to play with the fireworks. It was still worth it.
  17. (Just saying now that I'm not big on how that was handled ^, so if anyone has any problems with it, I'll willfully ask for this post to be deleted and request that this be handled differently.) Swordpoint flew through the morning sky, with images from the previous night still lingering in his mind. He missed the feel of Rainbow's soft body against his, and he hated to worry her so. Every time he was sent away, he knew that there was a possibility that he would never return, and so did she. Gathering energy in his wings, he used his magic to search for the energy signature of the royal guards. He found them quickly just outside a small town. As he began his descent, he began to wonder what could have corrupted Cadence to the point of insanity. She was always so kind... and she'd provided critical assistance to him and his companions during the reapling invasion. Pushing the thought from his mind, he landed just outside the camp. He calmly walked toward it when two of the guards spotted him. "HALT! State your name and business!" they shouted. "At attention, soldiers!" Swordpoint snapped. At the sound of his voice, the guards promptly saluted. "Sorry, sir!" Swordpoint chuckled. "Nothing to be sorry for. Well done, men. At ease." He entered the commander's tent to find Zeta staring down at a tactical map. Swordpoint stamped his hoof loudly. "Attention!"
  18. Swordpoint landed gently on the clouds of his home. He unlocked the door and stepped inside, closing it behind him. "Rainbow... I have returned." At once, the sound of flapping wings could be heard. Rainbow darted down the stairs and tackled him within seconds. "You're back! It's about time, too! I've been lonely here by myself!" Swordpoint laughed and locked lips with her. When they pulled away, he stood up. "Rainbow, I'm afraid that I have some troubling news..." Rainbow shook her head. "Oh, no! I don't even wanna hear it! Don't tell me you've got to go somewhere else AGAIN?!" Swordpoint nodded gravely. "I'm sorry... I truly am. But there is a situation of grave importance. Equestria is in danger." Rainbow held up her hooves. "What do you mean?!" She tapped her back hoof, clearly upset. "I am sorry," Swordpoint chided, "but Princess Cadence has gone mad. She murdered Shining Armor, Rainbow, and now she wishes to advance an army upon us. I have been called to lead them in the defense of the kingdom." Rainbow's jaw dropped. She began to shake, and would have fallen had Swordpoint not caught her. "Wha... there's no way..." she muttered. "That can't be true..." Swordpoint held her close. "It is... and I have no choice. But I promise you that I shall return safely. I always have." Rainbow scoffed. "Yeah, except for when you, y'know, DIED!" Swordpoint hung his head. "In my defense... I gave my life willingly for you... and for the rest of Equestria. If I must give it again to keep you safe, I shall not hesitate." Rainbow wrapped her hooves around him and began to cry. "NO! I won't let you do this to me! I don't want to see you die! Don't you get that I love you?! Doesn't that mean anything to you?! What's life worth if I have to go through it with a bunch of pain every day?!" Swordpoint felt tears come to his eyes. "Rainbow... this is far more grand than just us. It is my duty to ensure that nopony must suffer as they did during the reapling invasion." "Yeah, but..." Rainbow began, trying to fight back her tears. "If you die again... There's no bringing you back. I don't want to have to live without you... Please! I'm begging you! Don't do it! Just stay here!" Swordpoint stifled a sob. "I cannot, Rainbow. You know this." Rainbow hugged him tighter. "... yeah. I do. Just promise me... PROMISE me that you'll be careful." She gazed at him with teary eyes. Swordpoint broke down at last and began to cry. "I promise, Rainbow," he managed to choke through his tears. Rainbow let go of him at last. "Look... the sun is setting. Can't you at least spend one night with me? Please?" "I..." Swordpoint stuttered. "Yes. I have missed you greatly. Zeta should be capable of commanding the troops until tomorrow." Rainbow wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at him. "Thank you." He smiled back and the two went upstairs. (Swordpoint will rejoin the army after a little bit. It won't be long, promise )
  19. @@Sky Warden Not even gonna rate, just gonna respond to something. If you're referring to the post that was deleted, I was drunker than hell when I posted that lol
  20. I'm obsessed with roleplays. Dammit.



      Welcome to the world of roleplaying

  21. 7/10 I recognize and love your signature
  22. Um... 3/10? No idea who you are
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