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Lord Sprixx

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Everything posted by Lord Sprixx

  1. I'd totally play a game with you I even have a lower level account you could add. Main account is Lord Sprixx (duh) and the low level account is GlowingLotus HEY EVERYONE! I've been MIA for quite a while I think. Well my first semester of College is coming to an end so I've had some free time again . So what better way to get my posting started than right here. I finally hit my goal of being 200 positive for wins to losses . So how are all my LoL bronies doing?
  2. Hmmm... I gotta think about this. I GOT IT! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2ALsvU50wQ
  3. Well lets be completely fair, SOMEONE is going to ban Alistar, that's just how it is. Last month he was banned in 95% of all games man. 95%! All of the alistar hate. One of my personal bans right now is Ez, Thankfully him and Rengar are getting nerfed soon so that'll be good for business. I still need to practice Jayce, gotta be proficient with all the OP as it were
  4. Must... Fight... INACTIVITY!!! Jeez, I haven't posted in too long. Inbetween college and trying to get gold I have had no time. I had a bit of a bad streak in ranked, just over 1400 now. There is still hope though! In addition, when did Eve become the new OP champ? Seriously, she replaced Morg for being banned all the time. I actually tried her a bit (and Jayce but I haven't figured him out yet) and I kinda see why she's been getting banned. Eve going mid, getting banned. What has LoL come to?!
  5. I swear you have a habbit of buying the hardest to play champs xD. Get Syndra and Orianna since you're already on that kind of a roll! Anyway, I like Anivia too, Egg baiting and having 2 1 to 1 AP ratios (The snow ball and the icicle both have .5's but they both have methods of doubling the damage) and her ult in a team fight. Side note, I have the new name for those players that get you so angry, so rage and hate filled you just say "I hope you are banned AND set on fire!". Oh yes, I have the perfect title for these jerk faces. I call them now "The Human Condition". Still working on my ranked score, its looking good. I actually made some progress in solo queue with Riven and Morgana. I just need to get more games where Blitz and/or Morg don't get banned... Wishful thinking i know.
  6. I swear, getting a hold of people today has a been a real nightmare... Guess I shouldn't set my status on Skype to invisible -.-

    1. Adiirus


      Yet sometimes that is the only way to keep from ending someone.

  7. Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry if it seems I've been playing with you guys less lately. Since the changes to the rating system and with the rewards revealed, I've been trying to get my ranked ELO up 1500. I think I can do it and I have a good friend of mine Duo queueing with so I think we'll make it. I've also taken to playing with some of the people I go to college with, but I promise you, I will be playing with my fellow bronies again more often than them now, they are no where near as fun . Wish me luck in ranked, we all know I need it.
  8. I would love to participate in this, but I am pretty sure I am either banned, or no one would wanna be on my team anyway xD. I have a bad track record it seems
  9. The options you have presented me annoy me... Lux is really lacking as a late game champion. Her early game has potential, but there are too many champs that just flat out stomp her. I cant tell you how many Lux have shown up to mid with the hope of getting a kill or even some minion kills... LeBlanc on the other hand still lacks late game, but can assassinate with extreme ease and actually does counter most common mids. Granted you mentioned Gragas and Cass in that list. Yeah counters for them don't really exist. Hell, Cass can walk all over Kassidin and he's the counter mid of counter mids xD. I say LeBlanc just because she can snow ball with just a few kills, and really doesn't need to farm to make herself powerful.
  10. Oh come on... I'm not THAT bad... Right? either way I have some news. I just got a penta kill, in a live game on NA as... You'll never guess. Teemo! That's right as on hit Teemo. I switched my build half way through so I could carry better however I had my whole on-hit set up when it happened. I have a screen shot showing the multi kill and I am going to upload the recording of it. You should have heard my victory shriek! Olaf can be fairly strong in the late game, though yes he falls off. Pantheon does the same thing, however he can rule a laning phase. His lane presence is insane and he can do serious damage out of no where. GP is in a weird place I'd say. I really don't know where he falls, but he can face down a lot of different top lanes with relative ease.
  11. You want a gaming buddy? I'm always like playing with people, though my expectations CAN be high of some people (you know who you are!) I am generally easy going on the new players . Much luck on your future conquest on the Fields of Justice! And WhiteShade, we need to play more! Shoot me an invite, I'll make some time for you if I have to! and nice GP Builds, looks a lot like mine. Ever thought about trying Atma's impaler and Warmogs armor on him? May have gotten nerfed a while back but I think it still is pretty brutal with an IE and Trinity Force. PS. Ice Storm, You will be good, I shall mold thee if I have to!
  12. First day of College done!

  13. So... I was jungling Eve today, game went amazing, ganks all played out well and I got robbed not one but TWO penta kills, one was legit stolen, and the other could have been easily secured if Jarvan had dropped a single.... anything. Funny enough it was Jarvan who stole my penta away from me. Regardless my score speaks for itself. Also I gotta try to get on the forums more often, college starts tomorrow so I'll be busy most weekdays, mondays off . Try not to miss me too much ya hear (i'll be around enough I am sure.)
  14. Inactivity sucks, it feels as if I've been gone for years! Time to get posting!

  15. Most of the hotels are REALLY costly because it's near an event. I came across a few that were fairly priced so don't give up hope. Sadly my budget doesn't really allow for a motel for me =/ I could off some cash if someone lets me bunk in with em but you know not much Last call I guess. Only a few more days before the event starts (starts Thursday). Kind of a reminder to those who are still interested.
  16. Okay, pep talk time. MAN UP! Don't give up over one shitty game! Learn from it, better yourself and accept advice where it counts! Don't give up because one Varus had your number, Now get your sorry ass online when ever you can and we will play a game and I NEVER want to hear this kinda talk from you again. You are still better than most players, and even the best have their bad games. You think I go perfect every game? HELL NO! Now as previously stated... MAN THE F UP! For me broseph.
  17. That's awesome... Wait, Jayce was mid? Well... Alright then! xD You should play game with me sometime, your on NA right?
  18. Reasonably priced? Why not Annie, I mean she is 450, really effective and has some fairly good match ups. Not to mention that burst combo is OBNOXIOUS!
  19. I like playing with everyone D:. I just has too many friends. SO MANY FRIENDS! FOR ME! ON THE MOON! Sawwy
  20. You lost too a Morde that built Frozen heart... The words cannot be found on this day, please leave a message after the tone.
  21. Dang, I have accounts set up NA (main) EUW and PBE if you ever find yourself in those parts I'm generally up for games, assuming I'm not playing with others from the forums xD
  22. WOOO! Add 2 more penta kills too the list! A trolly game no doubt, but I even gave em a chance for redemption by starting a 1v5. It was on PBE and they were well... not very good to say the least and I squeaked out not 1, but 2 penta kills in 1 game CAUGHT ON CAMERA!
  23. I really like Cass. I wish I was better with her. Not many mids that can stand up to her. Even counter mages get wrecked pretty hard by her. But dat skill cap! Oh man a good Cass is scary. Thankfully they are very rare and tend to stay too their secluded island skull fortress in the center of mount doom... Trufax look it up! Don't get me started on the community... I like to think of myself as LoL player light. I have played Ranked so I know how bad it gets. I actually had a short lived team.
  24. So... It happened again. 3 shotting people isn't enough. Did 20k damage shy of half our total damage.
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