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Lord Sprixx

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Everything posted by Lord Sprixx

  1. Kayle?! . Kayle's my main AD carry. I can play her just about anywhere. Try her as an AD carry sometime, it's interesting too say the least. oooo an Annie player! Annie is one of my favorite mids, so powerful. By the way: Yes, I have seen your bear Tibbers.
  2. Oh somebody couldn't carry hard enough?! REALLY?! Get on the band wagon with the rest of us... Just do what I do, play hard carries. Going top lane? Kayle... Mid? Kalye... I don't even care what my team says any more.... CARRY ALL THE NUBS!
  3. Final Fantasy 9. It was the first one I played and what hooked me onto the series. I mean it had everything I wanted out of an RPG! A good combat system, a wonderful art approach, great story telling, secrets and easter eggs galore, likable characters. Overall just an enjoyable experience and needs to be played! Close second would have too be Final Fantasy tactics or 6... maybe 3. THEY'RE ALL GOOD (Pre 12 at least. new ones haven't struck that note for me in while )! Tactics is great because of it's unique feel in the series and it just felt good! plus I get to be creative with my party set up (So who else had Ramza as a Squire with the two swords skill dual wielding Excalibur and Ragnerok?) 6 is just amazing, and I could write a NOVEL over everything I like about that one. 3 just taught be to grind... And grind I did! I gotta be careful, this topic is... dangerous for me. I can nerd out for DAYS over this! I own/played all of them, (again not 12, I hated 12 I sold it) and for the most part enjoyed them from beginning to end. Never played the MMO's, I never hear anything good about em though.
  4. First impression of you is I thought you were someone else xD. Seriously looked at your name and was like "I know that person!.. Wait a minute..." So new first impression. You like Cloud Chaser almost as much as you like Rainbow Dash. First impression of you is I thought you were someone else xD. Seriously looked at your name and was like "I know that person!.. Wait a minute..." So new first impression. You like Cloud Chaser almost as much as you like Rainbow Dash.
  5. Playing Kat? Bouncing blades for harass and farming, and then Shun po for later damage. I personally don't even get a point in Killer instinct until level 13 but that's just me. And timing, LOTS OF TIMING. When dealing with a lane with any form of CC you need to be able to dodge it more or less BEFORE you ult. So many ults going to waste because of a poorly timed stun or silence. So just watch for openings.
  6. Well I haven't posted one of these in a while. I just won a 4v5. and it wasn't team work, trust me, we were at each others throats. Game started with Nunu calling me a noob. GP RQ'd at about 10 mins or so, maybe 15. I am actually shocked we won, I was prepared for a loss. I CARRIED HARD ENOUGH! I was pleasantly surprised. Also, this new Eve is very fun, pretty strong in my opinion, but few seem too agree with me. I just don't think people have found where her new strengths lie.
  7. I got it! for my team idea. We could throw a Galio into mid. screws the balance a bit. But again I say, this will require some playing around with and experimenting.
  8. Wukong is the only one I'd really accept. WW's damage is reasonable high but no where high enough for the idea I'm going for and really doesn't fit the motif of this set up (It's a gimmick!). WW's laning is amazing, but I would hardly call him a late game god, too easy to stop his ult and his over all damage is not enough to kill people fast enough. My problem with Wukong s that he just doesn't have the range. This is a mainly long ranged team with the exception of Talon and Amumu, and they both have generally safe ways in. Wukong DOES however work with this but the innate lack of range is just too much, only having Nid as ranged damage is just simply too much to handle. Not too mention. I really like Kayle! I mean regardless I'll be playing around with the idea, but AD carry top is just too nice too pass up for now.
  9. Okay, Now I can respect most of what you just said with the exception of a few things. NUMBER 1! and this is a big one, you said Bruisers win games. Frankly Bruisers hold otherwise good teams back, what do they do? Damage... Not really. They become sponges if anything and well kinda useless in their own regard. Bruisers from what I have seen as of late should be building some form of Carry (Still tanky but not as their focus) Which Kayle does very well. Granted most Bruisers should built like that anyway but none of the kind of late game OR the range you would need for a good team. Back to Kayle: As far as AD carries are concerned she is rather tanky and fills the role rather well. You wouldn't send her top lane if she was squishy. Kayle is one of the harder carries out there and can last in a fight. Kayle IS COUNTER INITIATION! They jumped on someone, focus them, blow ults on them. 3 seconds wasted because of a well timed Kayle ult (You may disagree but whatever). Secondly you seem to have attacked this idea in an attempt to shut it down in a ranked or draft scenario. This is a fun team comp, it's something that can win, stomp, and just plain silly. When did I once say this is was going to be the be all and end all to win all games forever in ranked team? Regardless this is your opinion, I am just putting in my own thoughts on it. Regardless I play for fun, if I wanted to win all the time I'd play draft and counter all of the picks. One last little thing, I would NEVER attempt this in draft, because I ban Soraka every game personally. However I am curious. Who would you put top? What champion do you have in mind that can be a late game monster from top lane?
  10. Don't forget Xerath, I have yet too face a Xerath as Talon I could face down on even playing field. But those other mids are pretty uncommon so I wouldn't be worried. and remember: KASS FREE WEEK! REJOICE!
  11. Looked at my match history today, it looked TERRIBLE! I am on a crusade to repair it now, made some progress today (3 wins 0 losses this morning). Now for Why I am posting. I have a few idea's and I need the team to back it up. So firstly I wanna try some kill lane bot lane combo's, mainly stuff including Mundo, have a few cute idea's. Another idea I am playing around with is a whole team. Top: Kayle Mid: Talon Jungle: Amumu/Alistar Bot: Soraka & Nidalee. So here is my idea, take a tank into the jungle so we maintain some solid initiation and some good ganking potential. The idea is that we forgo the normal AP mid and AD Support bot lane for a double AP bot (Soraka in the roll of support still) and still maintaining the AP:AD balance by putting Talon mid. Now we have Kayle build AD carry (Which she can easily do in top lane) therefore having dual carries still (maintaining SOME form of meta standards). All of these champs in lanes are lane winners, they can hold their own very well in most situations and have very few bad match ups as far as team comps go. I think this team has the potential for a huge amount of early game dominance, and some half decent team fighting presence with a hard Carry (Kayle) and a strong assassin(Talon) and finally having the sustain and MASSIVE poke from Nid and Raka. Ali or Amumu for your team fight starters and CC and I think you have a formidable team. I SHALL MENTOR YOU!!!!!!!!! Add Lord Sprixx when you get a chance, assuming I haven't added you first.
  12. LoL is quiet this morning. Back too Memebase!

  13. Well put! Welcome too the forums and I am positive you will have a great time here. I always love seeing that kind of good attitude, here here for a little less hate!
  14. Dayum son! Well done! Keep up the good work, now I wanna see that kinda playing next time I play with you alright?
  15. Urgot wins his lane, I've been taking him top lane too counter all those melee champs that thing they got game xD. Seriously, last time I did it pre-nerf I went like 20/5/10 or something crazy like that. Second Urgot nerf recently too . Oh well I picked Urgot up this week again for some fun, looks like taking him top lane is over. 5 second increase on the Noxian corrosive charge, 200 range off of his ult at earlier ranks... WELP, back to AD carry Kayle I guess! I am not allowed to have fun with other AD carries it would seem. Also I should have time for a game before i leave for the airport... I'm not going anywhere, I just need too talk to one of the managers there about a job.
  16. I look forward too playing with you. However I know EXACTLY how you feel! There are a few champs that I can carry hard enough, but once you lose 15/2/10 as Cho with a fully stacked Mejais and Leviathan. Or losing as Fizz with 26 kills and JUST GOT A PENTA KILL! It leaves a mark you know. Also: THEY NERFED URGOT D:
  17. Send the AD's mid! Just did Urgot V Kass... Yeah... Kass was rofl stomped into next patch week. And I do have to warn you. I get a bit ragey at times but nothing overly insane, or personal. Normally just stuff to keep my self sane (see flipped tables). Thought I would have high expectations for you, since you sit around the same stats I do.
  18. So who else is annoyed as hell by Kassidin being free for yet another week? These are some dark times indeed. Well start getting your AD's ready because you're going mid now! Just a friendly suggestion for all you mid players out there, buy Talon, hardest of counters for Kass in mid, plus matches up really well against a lot of other short-mid range mages.
  19. Riven is amazing, a lane winner and holds a pretty solid late game if built right. Screw mana!
  20. Lesser known facts?! Now this is my kinda thread! Now I don't think I saw this one posted already: So did you know that Final Fantasy was actually supposed to be Square's final title? It was following a long string of poor selling games and they planned to bow out of the industry gracefully with their title "Final Fantasy", their last dream I guess you could say. You want some off game facts? I follow this religiously, I love this kinda stuff! I was going to post all the stuff from here as it was relevant, but I figure this is easier xD http://didyouknowgaming.com/. CHECK IT OUT! This stuff is weird as hell.
  21. Random something, my mind went too the Muppet today.

  22. Some one actually said to me "I do not deem myself worthy to play LoL with you, Sprixx" I mean... How do you respond to that? Am I REALLY that demanding? Kinda hurt actually.

  23. *Judges harshly!* lol just kidding. Don't feel pressured. it'll be k, just sit down and eat some oranges
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