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Lord Sprixx

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Everything posted by Lord Sprixx

  1. So I just got out of the HARDEST game I have ever played. Every lane was fed with the exception of my own (Ashe and Ali). For once, I can proudly say these words! I CARRIED HARD ENOUGH! AD carries, I tell you. Also, screw boots! Also here is the damage dealt, With the build I got away with, it better be high!
  2. So... Who here have heard of the Blitz+Ali combo in lane? Probably, but how often do you see it, probably not often. So I convinced Eavath to play it with me and well... This happened. This game was recorded and is going to be frapsed for awesomeness sake.
  3. Bro man, it's cool. Shit happens right? No big deal, we could have won without you but... Well I can tell ya all about it later. I hope everything is alright. Banned till Sunday right? I'll play with ya on Sunday, no more stupid luck ya? It'll be fun On an unrelated note, ever had a game that was so clutch, it came down to base racing each other for the win? Well our top lane let Yi free farm (you'll see what I mean) and he became monster Yi before our eyes. However I had wrecked mid lane to being fed myself and farmed really well, but it came down to one extreme team fight in their base where I barely survived and me and Ziggs were base racing for victory, I won . Their builds really show just how much they didn't want to deal with me. Still 3 shot WW in the end for the last kill (Barely, he had an auto attack worth of health to go through.) I only wonder what would have happened if Graves had stayed... Maybe I would have gotten some more kills on him, who knows.
  4. That'd be nice, then you could upload it and we could review it. Figure out the "What we did right" vs the "What we did wrong" a lot easier (It's what my old team did, worked rather well.). Still need to find time to be able to focus on this. I figure next week sometime at this rate -.-
  5. Let me ASHE you a question, you like LoL puns? I got a ZILEAN of em! But on a serious note, you seem to have a level head on all this business, glad to see that . Good first impressions and all that.
  6. I need update my status more. I've been neglectful of this >.<. Well... Uhh... Goodnight!

  7. Hey, welcome to the forums. I say good on you for doing this. Glad to see some people with an open mind i guess. Also, I noticed your avatar is Traditional Lee Sin, play much LoL? Wouldn't mind joining you for a game some time. Well I hope you find CLARITY here on these issues (See what I did there? )
  8. Now, before you look at this, I want to make this clear. AD carry is a position that I am completely uncomfortable, and normally bad at. However I think I finally have an AD carry I can play with. Just remember this: Double heal in a lane is really powerful and sustain is amazing. I have even considered Nidali and Soraka (If someone is willing to try it with me, AD Nid can work I say!). I never imagined myself doing this, I have also done this top lane with a similar result, same build.
  9. I've been waiting on people to give tell me their availability and what not >.< no worries. Once I am done avoiding my "Friends" I'll be able to sit down and focus on this.
  10. All are welcome, no one has even stepped forward while I've been online about trying out so... =/ You're welcome to try
  11. I can help with that. just in game press escape and go into Key bindings, your then going to look for Item slots I believe.
  12. It's weird, I haven't seen a Kennen in a while, so I thought I'd pick him back up again, he holds one of my best ranked records and is fun as hell. Plus with a AP Bruiser build you can just dominate a mid to late game, while maintaining an awesome early game! Well this is why I need to play him, so many close calls, so much crazy fun! I agree, Death Fire Grasp is like his bread and butter, you should try it! Also, hourglass on him is funny, I faced a Veigar once as Veigar, and we would one shot each other with our ults, so when we fired at each other I'd hit the hourglass and watch him weep xD, keep up the good work! We need to play more though, srsly.
  13. Welcome to the forums my good sir! Have a wonderful time!
  14. I'll try my best at convincing you... *Ahem* Do it you wimp! You just need good people to play with. I would like to see it. I don't doubt it at all, I just want a good jungler xD. Anyway, I am not sure, but I am almost certain that I have yet to play with you. Are you on my Friends list? Did you add Lord Sprixx? This needs to be corrected!
  15. Know all of a champions abilities before trying a PvP game. Bot games is a great way to do this. Also be prepared, the community is very harsh on new players. I don't like Sej personally, her early game and ganks are very strong, but I find her late game falls off and most champions that fill her role just seem to do it better. Udyr or even Shyvana just seem like better choices and do much of the same thing faster and more potently. I may be bias because most Sej's I see are well... Really bad, people don't utilize her the way she ought to be use. Over all she is fairly good but I don't like her. Too many missed ults.
  17. Not terrible, his laning is vastly superior but I can stand a good Renekton Jungle.
  18. So... It has happened again. My idea's have reached their limits! I tried a different kinda hybridish build on Fizz, which works great I might add, 3 shoting Kat made me happy. Anyway, this game we tried to carry hard enough (me and Kiloz) to no avail, too much Amumu focus.
  19. So much Grats! If only I wasn't such a Pansy I did more ranked, I could get there I think. I can't say I like the community, full groups are the way to go, ignoring the enemy team xD
  20. This is odd, I can't seem to add you =/ Add Lord Sprixx on North America when you get the chance please You should add Lord Sprixx too . I would be happy to take you under my wing more or less xD
  21. God I hope you mean "to" and not"by" because then you'd be at like... 700 assuming your platinum!
  22. I such a rage aholic! I broke my mouse last night O.o. I gotta stop being so stressed out.

    1. Aureity


      Was this LoL-related?

    2. Glaceon


      Probably LoL related.

      I need to play in NA more.

    3. Lord Sprixx
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