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Lord Sprixx

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Everything posted by Lord Sprixx

  1. Well that hurt my feelings I know that you're link failed too steal my soul because you need to talk to Blizzards Lawyers about that >.> Now for the one above me. Known for being a fellow LoL player
  2. Lord Sprixx

    gaming RPG talk

    I was looking into Dragon's Dogma a bit. It looks pretty good. I think I might be getting it, Capcom doesn't let me down too often. This is really random but something was floating around my head the other night. How do you feel about adding RPG elements to a game? Like a first person shooter with levels to earn unlockables and what have for example. Does it really add anything or is just a cheap way to extend game play. I think personally it can go either way, it really depends on how its used. I can't think of any clear examples off the top of my head, but I know RPG's have been thrown into just about every other genre imaginable.
  3. Grand Parents are coming over today. My parents seem... Nervous, pretty standard at this point >.<

  4. Sign me up too! Sounds like fun to play with y'all Also @Ynomir: For a top lane you could also think about Teemo, Morde and Yorick. They're a lot more situational (except Yorick, Yorick wins his lane) but they all do their jobs very well. (Just remember Yorick doesn't have much for late game, so just ult the carry and built tank xD)
  5. Alright I MAAAAY have summoned the black hole... But I didn't jump into it!
  6. Achievement unlocked: Eternal Darkness and Black holes. Be the bringer of the black hole.
  7. So... Redemption from my earlier Cho game. Remember kids, Creep score wins games! Finished my build
  8. ToG is Tear of the Goddess I believe, I could be wrong. So... My back has officially been broken. My ideas, burned at the stake. This game has hurt me like no other. Help me...
  9. A HUUUUUGE fan of Guran Lagen
  10. Welcome Scotch! Fun? We have lots of fun! Please take some! We're ready to explode in fun! Like... Dangerous levels broseph.
  11. How is third birthday? I had heard some things and I am a huge fan of PE1 and would hate to find out one of my favorite games was mistreated by its developer. I am playing Mass Effect 3, just finished ME2 to get the best possible ending I could. Edit: You hate games with Time Travel? CHRONO TRIGGER NOOOOOOOOOOO!
  12. Well I have one but it's not really my own, I just got to see the build up and execution, it was the funniest thing ever I swear. So a friend of mine met someone at our school that looked... similar to him, like scary similar! The guy was grade 10 so there was an evident age difference but you couldn't tell em apart unless you looked real close. So on the last day of school before the grad breakfast he went up to this person in a large crowd, grabbed him and pushed him into a wall. He then yelled as loud as he could "I'm you in 15 years jack ass! Stop F*cking up!" It was hilarious and the kid was freaked out something fierce! Good times. Every time they crossed paths that day he just gave him this look like "I'm watching you"
  13. I personally just told my friends and said "give it a chance" but then again I don't exactly fear my friends, or anything they can do. We've been through a lot so I doubt they would have just left me because I watched a kids show >.<. I guess I am saying I see where you are coming from and can agree with it, but it varies from person to person really, everyone has different situations. Look at it this way, if my friend didn't just say "I watch my little pony, you watch too maybe" I wouldn't be here.
  14. thanks, I give you a 9/10 too . Changing the press start thing soon me thinks. Just need to prepare something.
  15. I beat ME2 again last night, took 4 days xD but I got the absolutely perfect ending. Started ME3 and this song just came into my head.
  16. Not sure if my idea's can handle a trip into LoL hell... Maybe someone wants to join me in LoL hell, yeah?

  17. 11/10 because Kamina goes up and above all the time! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?!
  18. Achievement unlocked: Shave and a Haircut Got through a drastic Avatar change! I like it!
  19. I like all those except ToG really, Then again I just dont like Arch angels all that much because of how long some champs take to build the sucker. Ahri has some rather large CD's making it a bit inefficiency. I build her like Malz, RoA and Rylais, Rabs, then WotA. Just my take on her so you don't have to take that to the bank or anything.
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