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Lord Sprixx

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Everything posted by Lord Sprixx

  1. Oh and a side note. I have a perfect match history I haven't gotten one of those in a while. The Rumble was a 1v2 lane against Ashe and Wu Kong, that Thornmail couldn't come fast enough xD
  2. A list is a half decent idea. I have a very short list on my LoL Team thread but I don't think that's what you're looking for. Could I get a roll call more or less? just say your summoner name in your next post and we can get a list together. I've sifted through those 25 pages... Never again. Lord Sprixx. (Dammit Vicke I hope your paying attention, get this on the first post xD)
  3. This patch is bug fixes. I can't stand a lot of the bugs that their fixing up, like the Event Horrizon, and Explosive shot (I like getting Wriggles as a "Oh crap I'm getting trounced" item and trist couldn't use it). Not to mention some better response time with Rumble is very nice, you might start seeing me rocking him top lane a bit more now. Also finally getting the 20% chance to be team leader in draft from last patch is awesome.
  4. I like to think of myself as a bit of a Shen expert, I've played him since he was bad xD. All about dem Vorpal blades!
  5. just message me when anyone is good for trying out. If I can grab enough people at once, we can do it via custom game (Which makes things a tonne easier)
  6. And you have added your favorite stalker? What gives? Add Lord Sprixx NAO!
  7. Don't worry, it's not too late at all! I want a nice full team, I just need to access who needs more practice, and who can go right into a ranked game with little to no problems. I already have a few in mind. We also could use a dedicated camera man more or less, I know Frapsing during a game can be a nightmare, and LoL Replay can look at bit sloppy in the wrong hands(Mine included >.<).
  8. Ugh... The internet. Hope that doesn't go any father than that. I'd hate to hear of a breach taking credit card and PayPal info because lets face it if they can get that its not a complete stretch someone would try for it.
  9. THE TIME HAS COME! We now have the numbers and the levels to pull this off. HOWEVER, I will be leading try outs, yes tryouts. I want only THE BEST for this. So bring your A game. Now I will be extremely critical when I am doing this, but remember I am only doing it because I love . Bring out your best and show me what you got! (Team name pending, leaning towards Equestrian Highlords.)
  10. So... I got Quads this game, almost the penta but Soraka managed to drop me because I made a misplay with my DFG. Got 3 quads, and an "Unofficial" Penta, got a triple and a double because one of them took a second too long to die. Also, AD Soraka TOO STRONK! I should play Brand more.
  11. Hmm... Well from an artist stand point, and in my personal...- D'aww I can't be all serious. 10/D'aww love it.
  12. I like that... Wait... Curtains? I use blinds bro... Who's house are you looking into?
  13. I need to set up a mobafire account so I can put up some guides, so tired of seeing such lacking, and uninspired Guides there. I will bring some quality to the table! Oh sweet mother of Mercy. The difference a 5v5 vs a 4v5 can make. Me and my good friend Renekton tried our very best. We HELD THE LINE!!! They ended up rushing our Nexus for the win and I 2 shotted Teemo, then 3 shotted Hec as Darius finished the job. I hate leavers... How bout dat Creep?
  14. Excuse me, but my pipe has been replaced with this pony... I am not complaining or anything, just saying.
  15. Drop the Cloak and Dagger for Phantom Dancer, it's more potent and does its job far better. Ghost Blade is mainly for Melee and kinda hurt a little bit. A defensive item might be better, like a Banshee's Veil or Guardian Angel. Also don't get both Black Cleaver AND Last Whisper, they dont stack well. Just my thoughts on the standard AD carry.
  16. I know it's late. But welcome anyway! I owe you at least that much
  17. AP kog is semi Viable, the last game is a bit lack luster but it can have some solid match ups and makes a good counter in some games. In Dom though... Hmm, Couldn't say, I don't play Dom enough but I don't say why not. He could make a solid bot defender.
  18. Goonies

    1. Typhoid Libby

      Typhoid Libby

      You are all Goonies to me.

  19. He is an AD carry... He hurts. But he is a bit tankier than other AD carries I notice (Similar to Graves) but it's not enough to survive the Annie/Veigar combo
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