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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  1. Is this signature to simple? http://i.imgur.com/AYK3GIR.gif

  2. Man, I forgotten how much fail CWC is full of...

  3. One last question about torrents: Will I be arrested or tracked down by NSA?

  4. Is it ethical to use stock backgrounds in my work?

  5. Do you think MLP is the greatest show ever?

  6. Freaking love this movie!


  8. All my saved data is gone, hooray!

  9. All my saved data is gone, hooray!

  10. Relevant to something or other, I'm sure.

  11. Someone just fluttered my shy.

  12. Confound you Nature Of Fluttershy, burrito's are my one weakness!

  13. Okay, that's gonna be my avatar for a bit.

  14. The Great Powerful Trixie wants some peanut butter crackers.

  15. In a topic you just recently posted you mentioned that you deleted most of your artwork a while back. Query: Why?

  16. The Great Powerful Trixie wants some peanut butter crackers.

  17. OMG International Cheesecake day is only 5 days away!!! OMGGG who else is super-excited!? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  18. OMG International Cheesecake day is only 5 days away!!! OMGGG who else is super-excited!? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  19. OMG International Cheesecake day is only 5 days away!!! OMGGG who else is super-excited!? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  20. OMG International Cheesecake day is only 5 days away!!! OMGGG who else is super-excited!? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  21. *Mind's in a complete rage and disappointment*

  22. *Mind's in a complete rage and disappointment*

  23. *Mind's in a complete rage and disappointment*

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