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Stargazer Nights

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Everything posted by Stargazer Nights

  1. If I get to it tonight, I will. Not a problem. , your sketch is done now too!
  2. I'll add you to the list! It may have to wait until tomorrow before I can get to it though.
  3. Your sketch is done! I hope you like it! I think I have time to do one more sketch tonight! I'll get on it in a bit :3
  4. Shadow Strike, you're request is completed! Hope you like it! And I'll add you to the queue, RDashie. Edit: By the way, that's the only Painting I can complete tonight. I'll try to get another one done tomorrow.
  5. Alright... I can add one more slot to the Queue... It may be a while before I can get to it though, Fullmoon. xD
  6. Alright I'll add you to the Queue! Hopefully I can get to it tonight! Edit: Alright both painting slots are queued!
  7. Stargazer Nights' Doodle Shop Hello everypony! I've finally decided to open a new request shop! In this shop I'll be taking art requests for sketches and paintings! The requests will be done in as prudent a manner as I am absolutely capable of, and will be of the highest quality I am absolutely capable of. Now for the details of what each of the two types of requests entail. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sketches In order to request a sketch, please fill out this form [center][u][b]Sketch Request[/b][/u][/center] [center] [/center] [center][b]Character name: NAME[/b][/center] [center][b]Character page: PAGE LINK OR OC REFERENCE LINK[/b][/center] [center][b]Pose requested (optional): DESCRIPTION[/b][/center] [center][b]Background requested (optional): DESCRIPTION[/b][/center] Example Form Sketch Request Character name: Stargazer Character page: Stargazer Nights Pose requested (optional): Closeup Background requested (optional): None Example Result ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paintings In order to request a painting, please fill out this form [b][b][center][u][b]Painting Request[/b][/u][/center] [center] [/center] [center][b]Character name: NAME[/b][/center] [center][b]Character page: PAGE LINK OR OC REFERENCE LINK[/b][/center] [center][b]Pose requested (optional): DESCRIPTION[/b][/center] [center][b]Background requested (optional): DESCRIPTION[/b][/center][/b][/b] Example Form Painting Request Character name: Stargazer Character page: Stargazer Nights Pose requested (optional): Closeup Background requested (optional): None Example Result ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Things I reserve the right to refuse any request, for any reason whatsoever. There will be a limit for how many queued requests I will allow in each category. Please try to respect this, and my reasoning behind setting this up now, which is to maintain maximum efficiency on my end. Keep in mind, sketches take, depending on request complexity, anywhere from 30 minutes to and hour or so. Paintings take anywhere from 2 hours to 4 hours. In addition, I do have school and work, and other responsibilities as well. So, please be patient as I can only work on requests in my free time, which is variable day in and day out. Queue Sketches Closed! Complete! Closed! Complete! Closed! Closed! Paintings Closed! Complete! Closed! Closed! Completed Requests!
  8. Daily update for Stargazer's stuff is up! :3

  9. Have you heard of Extra Credits? They're a channel based around video games and they have great advice for people looking to get into the industry. I, at one point, was interested, but alas I have not the dedication for such a career.
  10. I own it. It's decently ponified. The gameplay is fairly different, but yeah... it's essentially a re-skin. Edit: Interestingly enough I won the game at an arcade. Got lucky with a few games there and won the jackpot a few times, so i decided why not get the game.
  11. I'm at university working towards a degree in aviation, so there's that. I hope to get a job flying corporate or airline.
  12. Back with my updated, and more personally accurate OC, Stargazer. He's a pegasus that's pretty nerdy. I'm nerdy, and I'm training to be a pilot, so I figure a pegasus suits me better than a unicorn. :3

  13. So I just recently started to practice animating in SFM, again.. sorta. Anyway. I managed to push this out in a matter of 3 hours. It's short. It's not amazing. It's using someone else's audio. But I hope it's decent. xD So without further adieu... Any Comments? Criticisms? I'll appreciate both. ^-^
  14. @, Your request has been filled to the best of my current ability. Enjoy! I will attempt to do the other paintings tomorrow when I return home after my schooling.
  15. I apologize to everyone for the delay! I'll try to get to the vector and paintings as soon as possible, but I seemed to have gotten caught up on trying to actually improve my painting skill that I haven't actually gotten anybody's work done. As for the vector, I have no excuse, I've just not thought about it during the free time I have during the day. Again, sorry. I will try to get them done by the end of the weekend at the latest!
  16. @@Arcanel, No no, you're fine. I'm glad you enjoy my art enough to keep coming back. And hopefully, if you saw my last painting, I've changed to work into a better looking style. Albeit, one that takes longer, but hey, it's worth it in the end if you guys are happy with it! And I've queued you up, although I feel like I've lost someone's request in the midst somewhere. Is anyone waiting on a painting or sketch still? I've totally lost track of whose requests I've filled and whose I haven't.... exactly what I was trying to avoid. >.>
  17. @@Jack Spades, Your painting is complete! Went all out on this one, too. Spent a good hour and a half on it. Enjoy! As for my vector request, I apologize. I didn't get to it today, but expect something possibly tomorrow! :'D
  18. Thank you for the request.. you sure you don't want to request a specific pose or anything? I highly suggest you choose something... the more specific you are, the more happy you'll be with the result, I assure you.
  19. @@Starshine, Your vector request is completed! I apologize for the extreme wait, as well. I did two versions, one of which severely utilized the creative freedom you gave me for the saddlebag's contents. Use whichever you like though :3 With that being said, I am open to a new vector request, for whoever fills out the form first. :'D
  20. Bass hesitated a bit, "A tour? Don't you need to get your ornament home? You don-" He realized he was about to ramble, which was odd for him, being the super smooth DJ that he was, and stopped himself. "If it's not a problem, I'd love a tour of your nice town!" He finally choked out quite happily.
  21. @@Arcanel, I actually need to get to work on some other stuff, plus it turns out I missed a request from earlier, so I should actually add it to the queue... but next time I open it up, feel free to drop another request. Also, thank you for the feedback, I'll keep it in mind the next time I get to work!
  22. @@Arcanel, Ze request haz been filled. Hope you like it! As for my other requests.. including the vector, I'm hoping to also complete them today, although it'll definitely be a push.
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