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Life Giver

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Status Updates posted by Life Giver

  1. Anypony play PSO2?

  2. Meanwhile in Civilization Beyond Earth... I wonder what exactly am I doing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SCS


      Same to you, and that's an adorable pic :D

    3. Life Giver

      Life Giver

      Another day for me too.

    4. catnet


      D'awww, that image <3

      And happy Valentine's Day to you too ;)


  3. Another night... where I stay awake all night...

    1. 碇 シンジン
    2. Life Giver

      Life Giver

      *Hugs back while quietly waiting.*

  4. All the Civilization space battles.

  5. Got a unknown friend request on Skype... weird.

    1. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      ignoring, seems like everypony getting those. I got two in the last 2 weeks

    2. Lisa


      If it's no one you know, all ways deny it. It's most likely some guy looking to get your details.

  6. Hearing bad things about Halo 5.

    1. Sunshower Raindrops

      Sunshower Raindrops

      If it has ODSTs then I'm good.

  7. Looks like I'm going to be gone. No longer going to have internet for... don't know really how long. But anyhoof, I would like to say the time I spent here have been great. And I hope you all have a great time while I'm gone. Maybe I can come back soon. May the Goddess of Kindness be with all of you. Til we meet again.

    1. Ryzu


      see ya, guessing you're going on vacation or something tragic happened, but anyways best wishes!



      Best of wishes from me too!

    3. Sunshower Raindrops

      Sunshower Raindrops

      I wish thee luck also.

  8. I'm graduating... yay.

  9. Just got my Graduation Gown.

  10. Looks like I might be gone most of tomorrow.

  11. *Walks in and sits down.*

  12. Just found out one of my aunts had a heart attack a few days ago... hopefully she'll be fine.

  13. For the first time... I might get my own room.

  14. Just got three pony figures from McDonalds.

    1. DJShy


      Which ones?

    2. Life Giver

      Life Giver

      Vinyl Scratch, Rainbow Dash and Rarity.


      I wish I could of gotten Fluttershy.

  15. Wait... there's no new episode this week...

    1. Deae Rising Shine~
    2. Life Giver

      Life Giver

      NOOO... that means I'm going to sleep early... and waking up late.

  16. Doing a RP of Fallout Equestria with friends.... it going... fine.

  17. May the Goddess of Kindness forever be in our hearts...

  18. Been sick for three days now.... everything hurts.

    1. Sunny Fox

      Sunny Fox

      That's rough. I hope you get better soon!

  19. Yay.... more rain.

  20. Just went outside in the rain... it was nice.

    1. Frith is Magick

      Frith is Magick

      There are few things greater than going outside during a thunder storm.

    2. Harmonic Revelations
  21. Only with sleep I can get my strength.

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