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Jellal Fernandes

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Status Updates posted by Jellal Fernandes

  1. Going to see Warcraft tonight! I hope that the critics were just being harsh...

  2. I hate insomnia so much.

    1. DND


      same smh

    2. Venomous


      It can be really difficult :/

  3. I can't remember the last time I was this bored...

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I have plenty of those days. Boredom can be the worst thign ever. :c Perhaps going on a walk can clear your mind? That is what I tend to do if I feel so very bored and stuck.

    2. Varrack


      YouTube is the ultimate boredom killer ;) for me at least

  4. Why do I get so many right-wing advertisements? I'm a left-winger, I don't want to get rid of sanctuary cities.

  5. Why do I get so many right-wing advertisements? I'm a left-winger, I don't want to get rid of shield cities.

  6. Now that school's out, I'm back!

  7. So to everyone I'm RPing with right now I'd like to apologize, my anxiety and depression have been really bad lately and I've let a lot of work pile up that I need to do, so I probably won't be on the forums much for a while.

  8. So I have the "Unexpected Cena" addon for Chrome and I clicked it like 250 times, and now I've just got "JOHN CENA" scrolling across my screen every half a second, about a minute after I stopped clicking it...

    1. Drago Ryder

      Drago Ryder

      Sounds like a virsu

    2. Jellal Fernandes

      Jellal Fernandes

      It's not, it sends the words "JOHN CENA" across the screen when you click it, as well as playing part of his theme song.

    3. Celtore


      Great idea for a browser addon!

  9. I can't remember how to add images to the "About Me" section without using a URL...

    1. Violet_S


      I've been trying to find out how to do that as well so if someone tells you, let me know xD

  10. Time to overhaul my "About Me" section...

  11. I probably need to update my about me section, I've changed a lot...

  12. Anyone wanna chat?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jellal Fernandes

      Jellal Fernandes

      No offense, but Skype is a bit personal for me. I'm more one for Steam chat and the messaging system.

    3. DND


      no offense taken! Thanks for the heads up. I'm pretty busy on here in particular regarding PMs especially, but we can still chat if you're up for it

    4. Jellal Fernandes

      Jellal Fernandes

      If you're not up to it it's fine.

  13. To all of those on my friends list, I still exist! I've been on hiatus, don't know exactly why. I'll be on here every once in a while, I've got a busy couple of weeks coming up in school, but I should be on here at least once a week.

  14. Friday the 13th really lived up to it's connotation today...

  15. Would anyone join a Steampunk RP if I made one?

  16. Why are there so many one-on-one RPs nowadays? What happened to group RPs?

  17. Does anyone else notice the irony in the white and Christian stereotypes?

  18. Why do so few people seem to grasp how grammar works?

    1. J.T.


      Because most people don't care :P

  19. Yay! My favorite Pokemon is on the banner!

    1. Jeremiah


      which one? there is like 6-10 of them...

    2. Jellal Fernandes

      Jellal Fernandes

      Never got notified about your comment... Weird...

      It's cyndaquil!

  20. Teaching yourself Russian, Italian, Mandarin, and Japanese while you're learning French in school is tough, especially whenever you sometimes speak in German on your French tests. Maybe I should just stick to three languages for now...

  21. I'm soooooooo booooooooored.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DND


      I'm doing okay, a bit frustrated- that feel when you have a craving you can't eat

    3. Jellal Fernandes
    4. DND


      and then you're hungry and you gotta eat a thing you really don't wanna eat ahh

  22. Hurray! I start school again tomorrow!

    1. gamecubeguy214
    2. Monsoon


      I don't start school again until September

  23. So I just saw Mr. Holmes, and it is easily one of the greatest films I have ever seen!

    1. Reaver


      Ohmygawd I just saw it a week ago too! I definitely agree! It was heartwarming, terrifying, sad, and I never thought it would end the way it did! SQUEE!


      Yeah, I loved it.

  24. It's 2 in the morning, and it's my last day of summer. I might as well give The Walking Dead another shot.

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