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Everything posted by Acnologia

  1. Clayton sighed and shook his head. This wasn't what he had planned, but what else could he expect. The unicorn then levitated a vial of clear liquid out of a compartment on his scythe and wiped the liquid over the blade. He was scared, but he wasn't going to stand down. (The liquid is holy water. Might as well give Clayton some advantage.)
  2. Clayton gave a slight laugh. "Oh, I don't discount the fact that you have a large force amassed within the walls of Hell above, but this is Tempest we're talking about here." He said. "If I'm not mistaken, didn't he take you head on and managed to win, and from what I can tell, he's only gotten more powerful, probably more powerful than any of us here, more powerful than all of us combined. I know you can feel such a thing, but what do I know of power or spiritual beings or even what goes through Tempest's mind whenever those he cares for are in danger. I'm just some blacksmith/artist who can be a lot more deadly if it is needed." The unicorn then began to think about what Zecz had said, before glancing at said demon. "And what of the divine?" He was quite curious to see how this would turn out.
  3. Clayton shrugged slightly and smirked. "Wouldn't be the most dangerous situation I've been in, so I don't mind." He said. "Somepony will have to carry my scythe, though. I know a bit of magic, but this is my main weapon." The unicorn then put a hoof on the weapon on his back for a bit of emphasis and to make sure that it was still there.
  4. Clayton smirked as an idea came into his head. "Oh, we're just buying time for a friend." He said. It was a bluff, but he had to make it believable. "After all, you did just leave your city virtually defenseless, then again, Tempest is only looking for one pony in particular and I would imagine he already knows where she is."
  5. Clayton sighed as he drew his scythe. "This couldn't possibly work." He thought to himself. "A divine, a pony with a strange suit of armor, and a smith with a scythe against two demon lords. Those sound like terrible odds." The unicorn didn't move, though. He wasn't going to let his home be destroyed.
  6. Ryu smiled gently and laid a hand on the seat. "My name is Ryu." He said, blushing slightly. He hadn't expected this to happen, but he wasn't about to back out. The dragon had to admit that the wolf sitting next to him was cute. "It is certainly a pleasure to meet you, Dawn."
  7. Clayton got out of the barrel and breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, that was a bit to stressful for my tastes." He thought to himself before turning his head to Dragonfire. "Yeah, that would make sense." The unicorn then slowly moved forward, taking precaution as to not be detected by the dragons. "I hope the others made it out ok. I don't think that the dragons will be as lenient as they were before." The unicorn then came across a forked hallway and looked in both directions. Neither had dragons, but he still handed the smaller map that he had managed to steal to Dragonfire. "Take good care of that." He said. "Someone's going to need to get that to Equestria." The unicorn then trotted down the right path and was ready for a fight. Orion nodded and followed Gale. "It'll be ok. I won't let them hurt you." He said. Of course the dragon wanted to spend more time with his friend, even if he did view as more than just simply a friend at times. Eventually, the two arrived back at the mountain and the dragon glanced at Gale. "There are some things I need to look into. I'll see you tonight." The dragon then walked deeper into the mountain.
  8. To be quite honest, it wasn't hard for Clayton to convince the others that they needed to leave the outpost. He had told them what had just happened and they believed him. The unicorn then headed back to Golden and sighed. "Where in the name of Celestia is Tempest?" He muttered. "We're being pushed back and the demons are probably going to gain a better foothold with the outpost."
  9. Ryu glanced at Dawn and shook his head. "No. I was just watching." He said, blushing a bit. He didn't really have much experience with women, but she had come to him and he wasn't rude enough to turn her away. "So, what brings you here?" Amber sighed as she watched the others. To be honest, she was a bit bored and she didn't really want to interrupt any of the others. She then noticed Mena and decided to try and talk to her. "So, what brings you here?" She asked, as she moved a bit closer to the wolf.
  10. Clayton nodded as he headed back to the base. To be honest, he didn't expect the news to go over well, but he couldn't really hide it anyway. "I just hope this works." He thought to himself as he looked into the air. Something wasn't right and he could already tell that Tempest was in the middle of it.
  11. Amber purred in content as she drank her tea. She didn't know what the dragon had done to it, but it certainly helped relax her body. "This is pretty good." She thought to herself. The wolf had noticed the way Lucy and Blitz had been acting and a small smirk played on her muzzle. "You know he likes you." She said, leaning close to the dragoness. Ryu watched the group and couldn't help by be amused at Draco and Kiki. "Well, I wasn't exactly expecting this, but I don't mind." He muttered under his breath.
  12. Clayton sighed as he sat on a chair in front of a window on the top floor of the med center. He had been on guard for any androids that might take the chance of returning and sighed. "Something isn't right about all of this?" The unicorn thought as he stood and headed downstairs. He had noticed that the others had gathered as soon as he entered the room and facehooved. "Ok, what did I miss?"
  13. Clayton thought for a moment before coming up with an answer. "She could've been trying to prove herself. That demon seemed a bit protective of her, so maybe she was trying to show him that she could handle herself." The unicorn then looked at the armored pony. "That seems like the best option we have right now, especially if she got any important information."
  14. Clayton sighed as he looked around. He didn't know the answer to the question and the unicorn sat on the ground. "There will probably be other chances." He muttered under his breath. "Tempest is still missing and the worst case scenario is that they caught him when he was trying to get Dawn."
  15. Amber had sat at the same table with the other girls and she wasn't expecting a fight. She then glanced at Tempest and shook her head. "I'm fine for now, but could I get some tea?" She asked. Ryu watched the others and facepalmed. "Well, that happened." He muttered to himself. "Granted something like this was bound to happen." The dragon had to admit, he enjoyed the club.
  16. Ryu mentally groaned and shook his head. "I might as well go with it." He thought to himself, before looking at Blitz. "Huh. Interesting name choice for a dragon." Amber smiled slightly at the group and shrugged. "Why don't we all go? That way we'll at least know someone there who we can talk to." She suggested. The wolf figured that they probably would do that anyway, but she figured she might as well speed up the process.
  17. Ryu was stunned slightly and didn't really know what to say for a moment. "Ummm, I'm not like that." He said, a bit to nervous. The dragon knew he was lying to himself, but he didn't want the others to think any less of him and it seemed that one already didn't like him. "So, who are you all? I don't think I caught your names yet."
  18. Ryu gulped nervously and glanced between the four. "I'm Ryu, and I'm not really a client. I just saw you come in here and was a bit curious as to what all this was." He said, motioning to Blitz and then the rest of the room as he spoke. "I'm sorry if I did something wrong."
  19. Ryu had entered the club he had seen the other dragon gone into and noticed that he was sitting on a couch facing away from the door. Unfortunately for Blitz, he had also heard the last bit of his conversation to himself. "Umm, find out about what exactly?" He asked. Ryu then noticed the balled up piece of paper, but figured it was nothing. Amber smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you, Dawn." She said, calming down a bit. The wolf the watched as Draco left and shrugged.
  20. Amber noticed three other girls and a wolf as she walked out and smiled slightly. "Hi, I'm Amber. Who are you?" She asked, looking at Dawn, Kiki, and Lucy. She was a bit more developed than Dawn and didn't really ask Draco his name, seeing as how she had heard him. She was definitely energetic, like a young pup.
  21. Clayton sighed and facehooved as the demons simply disappeared. "Well, that went no where." He muttered to himself as he glanced at Golden and the new pony. Something didn't feel right, but he pushed it to the back of his mind, as he put his scythe on his back. "It's getting late. We should head back to the outpost."
  22. Clayton could tell that something wasn't right, seeing how Caras reacted to the armored pony. "While you're at it, I believe you have somepony that a friend of mine wants back. Of course, knowing him, he probably tried to get her back, but failed, so where are they now?" The unicorn then smirked, seeing an opportunity to get some information.
  23. Amber got the homework down and quickly finished it, before writing in a small journal. It was more or less of a diary to her, even though she wrote more than what had simply happened during the day. Ryu looked at a few of the male wolves he had noticed cheating on the test and thought for a second, before turning his attention to his homework. He wouldn't be able to finish it all during class, but he would probably be able to do it after school.
  24. Clayton sighed as he watched the others and wasn't to fond of the pony with the strange looking armor. He also wasn't sure of Chrysteel's intentions, but that could just be a mute point. "Hopefully this doesn't escalate to quickly." The unicorn thought as he looked over the demons that had already arrived.
  25. It didn't take long for Amber to finish her test and she smiled as she turned it in and headed back to her seat. She noticed another wolf and was slightly interested. The girl then made a mental note to talk to her after class. Ryu was probably one of the last to turn in his test. He thought he had gotten most of the answers, but he wasn't entirely sure of that. "Well, that was stressful." He muttered to himself as he sat down.
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