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About Denim&Venöm

  • Birthday April 27

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    JukoDDT / Neigh Slayer

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    No Drugs. No Alcohol. No Smoking. Hardcore Straight-Edge XXX
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    Wrestling, Anime, Heavy metal, Kaiju (giant monsters), Furries/Anthromorphs.

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  1. I just bought $3.00 worth of chips and water from some door to door sales kids. 

    They did have sour cream/ onion & sour cream/cheddar though, so good on them for the inventory. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Starlight Serenade

      Starlight Serenade

      @Supernova Energy Precisely! I'm in an area where its a high cost of living and I was about to go out and find these kids :ButtercupLaugh:

    3. Denim&Venöm


      Update: They came back. 

      Really pounded on the door this time.

      I get like a knock on my door once a year outside of Nightmare Night. Not twice in the same day. 

      They hid behind my bench to try and startle me.

      Didn't have change, so no second helping of chips and water.

      I think I've been marked. 

    4. Starlight Serenade
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