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Pencil Hoof

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Everything posted by Pencil Hoof

  1. Got LOTS of art to post today ^_^ as long as the forum and my 3DS decide to make up...

    1. StingeMuffin


      Do you have a deviantart? I look forward to seeing what you post! : )

    2. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Not yet :P

      I'll make one now and post the link when I've made the topic :)

  2. Practic makes perfect? What do you mean? It already IS perfect! lol jk, I'll keep practicing Thanks! I love the hat as well XD Well he is supposed to be based off me, glad that part got through lol XD Why can't you say that? Thanks Well, this is version 3.0 tbh, but I was never happy with the previous designs, because they didn't reflect above mentioned things LOL the background was the hardest part! All that nothing (it was just the light hitting paper lol )XDIn all seriousness, the hardest part was the explanation, I was typing on my 3DS, so it took about 3 times longer than the drawing itself haha
  3. Uploaded some new art as promised! A lot better than the other three :P

  4. Half an Hour... excpect some pretty awesome news
  5. LOL I've drawn on texts before, but I didn't get in trouble Thanks! I think I would like it more if the curriculum was better, because I know I LOVED learning Japanese But I find French class fairly boring and somewhat tedious for some reason :/ http://mlpforums.com/topic/14681-introducing-pencil-hoof/ As promised, more drawings! I'm a LOT happier with this one. A LOT. Check it out if you guys want, and once again thanks for the support
  6. Hi everypony! My name is Pencil Hoof, and I just joined! I wasn't sure where to post this so it can be- lol I'm kidding the actual reason this thread is named as it is, is not to introduce me, but the OC I've (loosely) based off myself - Pencil Hoof. I'll tell you a little about why he is the way he is. Wgtrbosasawotilsiwwitatldr? (Was going to read, but opened spoiler and saw a wall of text i'm lazy, so I was wondering, is there a "too long didn't read"? Why yes, yes there is. Ready? Here goes: It's a Zebra with a hat! So what do you guys think?
  7. But then if you only look at what a character does, you'll never gonna be able to completely read into the plot or characters...
  8. It's weird, because Fluttershy looks really weird because her hair isn't covering her horn, and Rarity is the exact opposite, she looks weird because she doesn't have her horn where there's that blank... space... *shudder*
  9. Just spent TWENTY dollars extra of my hard earned money on my phone plan because of butt calls. BUUT CALLS. It's not even my fault! My phone was designed to make them!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof


      I live in Canada, I don't even know if we HAVE GEICO here...

      If we do, it's not that popular :/

    3. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      Why don't you put your phone in your front pocket..?

    4. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      lol I DO

      When I said butt calls I just meant accidental calls :P

      And like I said, my phone is designed to make accidental calls :(

  10. Thanks everypony Maybe i'll do some more drawings tomorrow... in civics... and still get an A XD bu seriously, probably some more drawings to come to morrow, maybe even later tonight (unlikely though)
  11. So... I was sitting in civics, bored, as always. To cure my boredom I decided to draw a pony. I liked how it looked, so I decided to draw a pony in all of my (four) periods (except for 2nd period math (I had a unit test :S )) So first is the civics pony then the next two, English and French, are sort of embodiments of their subjects.Though I wasn't very happy with my English pony :/ tl;dr Ponies
  12. WellI watched the whole episode again, it left a lot of questions... At first, it seemed like she couldn't really transform into anything but small objects, or possess objects in general. Then her power jumps when she suddenly turns into The Shadow Bolts. At first I thought that, was it, I guess she can transform, but as I thought about it more, I realized, that this was most likely some sort of illusion a holograph or that sort of thing. Mainly because, if she could transform into some sort of monster, especially something as powerful as Chrysalis, why wouldn't she have done it in the first place? I realized the most likely answer, is because she wouldn't be able to actually DO anything. Why didn't The Shadow Bolts just take Rainbow Dash out? She was by herself, no one else could reach except Fluttershy, (who isn't the strongest fighter (but still is best pony XD )) and they were in the middle of the EVERGREEN FOREST. There must have been plenty of places to hide Rainbow Dash if she didn't want to kill her. And if she'd hidden her and, as you suggested, she can transform her shape, she could even have turned into Rainbow Dash her self. That way, she would have been able to destroy the Original Elements of Harmony, and when Twilight tried to create the Elements in her friends, one would have been missing.Also, as we can see when she charges head on at Twilight, she obviously was ready to take one of the ponies on directly in a battle of Physical Strength. So the only answer I could come up with, once again, is, because Shadow Bolts were simply a conjuring, she COULDN'T. In other words, she can't change, she doesn't have the ability to turn into another pony, or animal. If this theory is to work it's gonna have to be the other way around. Is Chrysalis Princess Luna?
  13. Ha! Metal Wins? Don't make me use my Royal Canterlot voice! Oh, and... MORE PONIEEEES! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckoQj0x8r1g&feature=relmfu
  14. If Cadence is Celestia's niece, she is either Luna's daughter (which seems unlikely, because Luna and her didn't even talk in the episode) or, they have another sibling. If they have another sibling, what was their power? Were they there at the beginning of time as well? And if not, then how did they appear? How come they've never mentioned him/her before? So many questions...
  15. Well I think the main problem with this theory is that it's very unlikely Luna has the ability to change forms. So her changing into a changeling is one thing, because it kind of looks like her, but into Princess Cadence... that seems iffy :/ Maybe it's the other way around? Maybe the changeling queen also disguised herself as Luna?
  16. Ponies are the answer to all <3
  17. Hah!Extra points for Ponies? :3 http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6PGx8z1Ubc&feature=relmfu
  18. Happy Birthday Nico! ----------->http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/b2500460e245a13ee993f5c399620435/66595 - birthday_card fluttershy merchandise.jpg

  19. JUST got around to watching the season 2 finale. All I can say is: Oh. My. Goodness. Best episode, no question. The songs, the last song with (you know (I don't wanna ruin it for anyone who hasn't watched (if anypony hasn't watched they'd better get on it, now!)) The popular one) Just, amazing. Laughed, nearly cried, and even squeed a little XD !

  20. So... do we... win...?
  21. I guess I'll "rejoin" Team Techno
  22. Than DOA so far? Definitely. But don't get me started on Melee vs. Brawl. Don't.
  23. How can you not like FlutterShy? Think how she would react if she heard you say that!
  24. Huh, you spend a day coughing up phlegm and a bit of blood, and a couple hours at the hospital, and come back to find no chat. Then when you're about to post your opinion, the thread gets locked. I hate locked thread. .Well I guess I won't be posting any more of my art around here any more... or my first fanfic.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ⓡⓐⓘⓝⓓⓡⓞⓟⓢ


      thats a bummer pencil hoof

      Welcome back!

    3. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Well I'm a bit better now, but thank for your concern everypony :/

      Still, I can't do the forum thing w/out chat :(

  25. Again, since when do bronies care what haters say?If they don't wanna play the champion, that's their loss, and or gain
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