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About MisterRe

  • Birthday November 22

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    San Fransiscolt
  • Personal Motto
    I am a Mister Re
  • Interests
    Analysis, Intuition, Awesomeness. And of course Ponies

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    No Preference

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  1. Merry Birthiversary! 

  2. "Trust me... I can make them claustrophobic. Plus I'm not sure they can get me out of this box with a few corners to their shins and ribs. I'm sorry I missed the fight earlier. Kinda fell alseep." Corners perked up a bit. She liked the idea of a fight.
  3. "Plan B could just capture the leader or one of them and interrogate them. I have a claustrophobic box to put them in until they are ready to talk." Corners was ready to knock some heads in and get her hooves on that gem and her amnesty.
  4. Corners was still straight ahead but not too far from hearing the conversation behind her. The forest seemed to deeper and deeper, more stark and steep. She braced through the ever thickening brambles and grass blades. In the corner of her eye she spotted a ominus blue glow. Was it? Is it? A deceptive blue patch of flowers were off in the distance. "Think I found some of that blue crud you guys want." A hoof poked out the way to the Poison joke.
  5. "Blegh...." She shook off every branch and bramble."Don't need this anymore. Say you two love birds wanna just get move it while we talk. I like forests and all but the idea of being longer is peeving me." Corners ran ahead again but this time checking her footing as she ran.
  6. " I feel like I was unheard. Like always..." She muttered the last part. Corners shrunk a bit inside her box. She knew she was destined to be alone and that orb could be the final reason why. "We should move. Any clue where to next?"
  7. "I usually don't get fresh coffee. I used to always grab the stale left overs from diners. Even though celestia gave these coffee beans to you. But thank you anyway, Mike." A hoof grabbed the cup from one of the eye holes and poured down the remaining free eyehole. You don't see if she got burned or not drinking this way. You might not want to find out either. Corners wondered if she could harness the power for herself. If there was a killing curse then, the box pony would be 'fine' theoretically. She should be able to invoke her schrodinstic cutie mark to not die. "If thats the case Ursa, you should let me handle it when we do get it back. If it does kill me, which it could. I always have a 50/50 chance of not dying and likewise if were the state in which this gem would kill me. Just don't open my box, I can probably stay in the simetanous state of death and life untill I expire."
  8. "I usually don't get fresh coffee. I used to always grab the stale left overs from diners. Even though celestia gave these coffee beans to you. But thank you anyway, Mike." A hoof grabbed the cup from one of the eye holes and poured down the remaining free eyehole. You don't see if she got burned or not drinking this way. You might not want to find out either.
  9. "Its more sight based in all honesty. Plus, timber wolves won't be able to smell past this heavily sapling'ed cover." Corners was thirsty for some of that coffee. "Oh... coffee. Can I have some?"
  10. Corners had been busy. She seemed even less intrested in the job more than ever but was ready to move out in the morning. The box bad been covered in leaves and branches, giving it extra camo in the forest. Corners didn't like to stay at one place for long so she gathered some of these materials while she watched the group sleep. "Blegh. What you guys think?" The camo box pony said to the group
  11. "Awake. I'll take the rest of the shifts." Corners yawned. "Sorry guys, the dream I had was amazing. Real top tier dream things.I was back and not convicted of multiple petty theivery and... I should just stop talking. Thr rest of you go back to bed"
  12. Box pony is still sleeping, missing most of the action that unfurled. Inside she was indeed a deep sleeper. The metalic shell had muffled most sounds and she couldnt help the ponies that needed her. (My bad was budy)
  13. Shipping? Should box ponygive you an extra box for that?
  14. "Wake me when you need me." Corners stopped dead in her tracks and began. "I'll take a double shift if you don't mind. I had plenty of sleep beforehoof, being a vagrant and all has its perks." Corners pushed her box downward to make a foundation with in the dirt. You can hear an audible crunch as the ground crumpled beneath the earth pony's force. A testamite to how strong she is. "Sigh... can these ponies really become my friends..." Corners whispered with her box.
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