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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Commander Tangent

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Everything posted by Commander Tangent

  1. When did your avatar change D:

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      For me everyone loves Sid, my dire wolf. Or Icarus, who is a normal unicorn but also a plague doctor. I guess people love unusual concepts :P

    3. Handsome Changeling

      Handsome Changeling

      It's always the odd ones :3 Or cute ones too they gather attention

    4. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      A mix of both works both. That or one that is just so completely strange that everyone wants to keep poking it.

  2. Yeah, I figure they have at least thinned the hoard a bit or something Skyhop is pushing for the shop.
  3. @@Orange Sparks, @@Hazard Time, Skyhop continued his shenanigan of shooting the goons in the feet under the cars. They were starting to catch on however, with some taking cover behind wheels and hard objects. But it still left plenty moving out for cover that wouldn't get their foot shot off. As he moved up the street he passed his two compatriots.He gave both of them a glance, a smile, and then continued up the street carefully. Right now he was aiming to shoot through the goons and see if Raze's shop buddy was still alive. They might need him later.
  4. @@Orange Sparks, @@Hazard Time, Skyhop continued fighting in the street, only stopping to exchange magazines. The translucent nature of his mags made it easy to tell how much ammo he had remaining with a quick glance. As round zipped and cracked past him, he cracked a devious little plan. Much to his nature, Skyhop never minded fighting dirty. With a smile, he flopped down on his side next to a car, aiming under the vehicles around him. He saw plenty of legs and feet that were unaware of their impending removal. Switching to semi-automatic, he fired round after round into the legs of his assailants. They yelped and jumped, many panicking and jumping away from cover. One unlucky goon aimed under a car at him, only to receive a nice FMJ round to the face.
  5. Going to bed Hopefully I don't wake up buried in posts tomorrow X3
  6. I don't like snow, it's cold and wet. And it gets everywhere.
  7. @@Hazard Time, Skyhop came off of his ship gun ready. With the safety off, he put two three round bursts down range. Each burst reverberated off the buildings and echoed down the street. It was a wonderful sound. Quickly he dove behind a car and fired another burst at a goon that was changing cover. Two of the three rounds impacted him, tumbling wildly through his torso before exiting. He fell to the ground with a yelp. "I'm covering you !" He shouted back to his ally, firing four or five bursts downrange at any enemy that tried to return fire. Most of them kept their heads down, while one unlucky enemy took a hit to the shoulder, falling backwards from the impact. "Come on, keep up the pressure !" He murmured to himself, glancing quickly at his translucent magazine before continuing his assault. It seemed his ally had not packed as much firepower as him, and he attempted to compensate for that while they pushed.
  8. @@Orange Sparks, I wouldnt mind it too much either, but it may need slight modification to fit the setting. Maybe something similar to the real life S&W 500 Magnum. I would ask the DM before anything
  9. @@Driz, @@Hazard Time, @, @@Orange Sparks, Finally Skyhop arrived at the street. It was a mess, and one that didnt look easy to fix. Quickly he armed the stingers. The street looked like it would be a straight shot to go down. With a loud roar, the Odonatta flew down the street at the thugs, trying to use the loud engines to startle them. Using his thumb, he flipped off the saftey for the weapons and let loose. The shots echoed down the street as he strafed the cluster of enemies, showering them with lead. It wasn't accurate fire,but it did cut down several of the assailants, and sent the rest ducking into cover, hopefully buying his allies on the ground precious time. Once he was at the end of the street, he sharply turned the corner and set the Odonatta down, powering it down. He turned to Bronze as he hopped off, not even removing his helmet, " Lets roll out, see if we can flank these goons !"
  10. @@Driz, @, @@Orange Sparks, @@Hazard Time, The Odonatta was screaming into the city now. Skyhop lowered the speed of the small craft a bit so he could duck it between buildings and other obstacles. He was close to the firefight, the sound of gunfire echoing in the streets. He would be upon it in a short few seconds more than likely. He loaded the stingers in the wings and opened the com. link. "Hey Cap ! Let me know were you guys are at and I could probably get a good strafe in with the Odonatta !" He shouted into his communicator. He then turned back to his passenger, " Want me to let you off near the fight ? "
  11. @, Sorry if that came off as rude. Just thought it was a little strange >.< Anyways, I am off to bed as well. Goodnight everyone Tomorrow is gonna be awesome
  12. @, So, random question How did the Templar catch up to and pass the Odonatta ? Don't you think the small unarmored craft would be the faster ship ?
  13. @@Hazard Time, " It was on the to buy list when we ran outta cash !" He shouted back. He was about to say something else when a transmission crackled over the radio. ""Vega, code red! I repeat, code red! We're in big trouble here! Come to the city center right now! Hurry!!" Skyhop let out a sigh. What trouble could they have landed themselves into now, he had just gotten on the Odonatta and didn't even get a chance to joyride it. He connected to the channel. "Skyhop here ! Heading to you guys. ETA is about one minute !" He shouted over the radio. Looked like they would be getting some action today. Luckily he had packed his rifle and not just a backup pistol, or today would have been getting a little too interesting. "Captains in trouble ! We are going in to help !" He shouted over the wind. The craft was now racing towards the city center.
  14. @@Hazard Time, Skyhop remained silent as his new passenger hopped on. After she was secure he did one quick post launch check before leaning forward. "Ready for liftoff ?" He asked, half asking a question, half just wanting to say the phrase. With a loud roar the engines fired up. Within seconds they were accelerating to extreme speeds. The craft rocketed over the water, leaving a salty wake behind them. With a quick movementof his arms, the stallion pulled back on the manipulators and brought them into a fast climb, gaining altitude and bearing towards the nearby city. Skyhop loved the exhilarating feeling, the wind whipping past, the roar of the engines. It was always a great experience for him. He craned his head back a bit to his passenger. "Doing good back there ?" He shouted over the noise.
  15. @, True enough Seems like we are getting to the fun part
  16. @@Orange Sparks, I saw it Skyhop is just too excited to get out of the ship and on his Odonatta again.
  17. @@Hazard Time, Yeah XD This is going to be brilliant I already know it with an accent like that Also, to clarify to everyone. The stingers are what Skyhop nicknamed the weapons on the Odonatta
  18. @@Hazard Time, "Imagine a flying motorcycle with a little bit of a punch installed" He smiled, "First ride is the most exhilarating" he waved his hand and took the short jog down too the hangar. Noticing the door was already open, he walked over to the wall. The small frame of the Odonatta sat there in it's compact form, it's stingers bristling in the sunlight. He grabbed ahold of it and pulled it off the wall, activating the small craft's hover mode. With a brilliant roar the engine came to life ! "Time to ride !" He smiled, as the wings unfolded and the vehicle extended to full size, still pretty small compared to the other craft. Grabbing his helmet off the seat, he straddled the saddle in the center of the frame and put his helmet on. It was go time. @@Driz, @, Skyhop grabbed onto the manipulators for the wings and slowly drifted out of the hangar. He gave the other crew members a small nod before revving the engines, preparing for liftoff.
  19. @@Hazard Time, Could always ride with Skyhop on the Odonatta
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