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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by AfTeRwArDs

  1. SPQR, mothabuckas

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Wayzer


      Tue but i meant like a normal soldier XD

    3. Wayzer


      Private rank :P

    4. AfTeRwArDs


      nu thats boring :P

  2. Centurion? You joining the legion, Harmy?

    1. Harmonic Revelations
    2. AfTeRwArDs


      Ooh goody.

      I am joining as well.

      As you can clearly see

  3. Welp, avatar derped. Fuuuuuuuuuuu

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AfTeRwArDs


      can't even get derpy either. My derpy avvie is on my computer, which is dead >_<

    3. Wayzer
    4. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      well that sucks I guess xD

  4. Guys, help me decide my new avvie: Discord or Vinyl Scratch?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AfTeRwArDs


      i already have a rarity avvie goddamn ._.

    3. Wayzer


      Seems discord wins ^_^

    4. AfTeRwArDs
  5. And now I am off. Farewell my frienemies (loljk ur all my fr0nds)

  6. Discord I'm howling at the moon And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon Discord Whatever did we do To make you take our world away? Discord Are we your prey alone? Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne? Discord We won't take it anymore So take your tyranny away!
  7. I'm not a fan of puppeteers But I've a nagging fear Someone else is pulling at the strings Something terrible is going down Through the entire town Wreaking anarchy and all it brings I can't sit idly No, I can't move at all I curse the name The one behind it all...
  8. angstangstangstangst

    1. Malinter


      the mindset of fluttershy

    2. AfTeRwArDs
  9. Hmmmm Should I get a vinyl scratch or a discord avvie next? Decisions, decisions...
  10. I am giggling like a schoolgirl. I am quite literally giggling like a motherbuckin schoolgirl.

  11. AfTeRwArDs


    Most of my dreams are about creamy, frothy love...
  12. dat avvie tho

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AfTeRwArDs


      I wish I could copypasta that but phone :U

    3. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea


      That suuuucks.

    4. AfTeRwArDs


      Indeed it does. :/

  13. Sounds gud. Even though I know nothing about british cartoons or money systems
  14. .________________________________________.
  15. So my laptop's charger broke .________.
  16. My favorite OC's would have to be Calumn and Trail Blazer from Harmony Theory. The Slendermare also gets an honorable mention. As for OC's from people on the forums, Autumn the Merseal is definitely the best (I would post pictures but I'm on my phone :U)
  17. She was probably exaggerating or sumthin :U But yes I can understand the confusion
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