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LunaKitty R5

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Everything posted by LunaKitty R5

  1. Annoying Orange. Team Umi Zoomi. Fan by and chum chum. And it hurts to say this but Spongebob. It used to bo ok but nw it makes me sad. Fairly Odd Parents is still good. It will never get old cause it doesn't run things into the ground and rely n the Characters to have Dirt for brains.
  2. I have around 40 to 70 posts a day. I am in 3 Rp's I discuss with people and I chat a lot! I used t do like 100 A day!
  3. Starfire moved along with the group. She said to Ocean "I have to tell you something.." She paused in her voice, she looked down the. Replied again "Can we be friends... I need some.. Blue is now dead.. She used to be my friend.. Now she's insane.." She stopped and looked up. Seeing a missile flying at them. Her eyes widened "UM WHATS THAT?" She ran under a tree and it exploded.
  4. (Um what does that thing do?) Starfire got up and walked to Ocean. She said "C-can you help me walk?" She gave him big sad eyes. She was beyond tired. But they needed to leave. She closed her wings and dropped her brothers crown. The rain was getting harder by the minute.
  5. (Im 100000000% fine with it. Yu can run free with this idea. Der if ive ruined things im so sorry.. *Hides under bed* Im sorry if I did..) Starfire held the crown close. The rain washed the blood off her coat. She has lost everything she ever had. She looked at her friends and said "C-can we leave now?"
  6. (Yeah Son the city will be destroyed. And the people love Star. But they will be killed. the city will collapse. How about we do that right now? The military has planted bombs?) Starfire heard rumbling above her. She flew out and saw dirt falling from the roof or the city. They used magic to hold up the roof. But the barrier was broken. She quickly dove down and said to her friends in panic "This place is going to fall GO!" she flew back to her room. She packed food and gold and caps. She flew down to her brothers room. He wasn't their. She saw ponies fleeing the city. She panicked and checked every room. She didn't find him. She got out of the castle and saw most of the city was already collapsed. She flew as fast as she could. As dirt was catching up to her. She looked back and saw her brother running. Since he was a unicorn. She gasped and dove down. He screamed "DONT WORRY! I WLL TELEPORT!" She kept running and focused. Suddenly with dirt fell on him. She screamed "BROTHER!" She tried to dive down but the dirt had already flashed by him. She kept flying and she could see the entrance. She felt dirt grab her hoof and soon she was under the dirt. she felt mud and bodies float around her. She used all her energy and blasted a laser and flew out. She was covered in Mud and Blood. Her city was gone like that. She was left standing in the rain with 5% of her population and her friends. She looked back to see her brothers crown. Glistening at the entrance of the blocked off tunnel. She picked it up slowly and hugged it to her chest.
  7. Starfire stared in horror as she started to at like a broken robot. She gasped "Thy Blue is not a real pony? What has thy citizens done?" She was shocked and angry. "Why have you guys tried to kill her.. Tears welling in her eyes as she remembered all the good times before her friend went crazy. She gulped and said "Take her out.. Shes a robot for the military... Shes trying to get info on our city.." She looked away as the guards dragged Blue away. She was heartbroken that her friends were slowly becoming weird. She then turned to Heart. She sliced her Blanket with her lasers. "Why doesn't thy just walk?" She growled. Her spirit was broken. Her citizens gathered around her. they hugged her. But she just sobbed. She son flew up to her room in the castle. Their she just cried. Thinking f how Blue is standing outside in the rain. Alone and defenceless.
  8. Starfire replied "Sure!" she dropped Heart onto Dracos back. She smiled and continued greeting ponies as they walked to the giant golden castle. Once they got in she ran up to her brother in the throne room. She said "Brother! Oh how much ive missed you! I haven't seen you since Mother and Fathers funerals!" She hugged him gingerly. She smiled and turned around to her friends. She said "Brother this is Solitude Ocean,Gentle secret,Hearth Heart!" She smiled warmly. She also added "This is Nightcomb,Draco and Blue berry.." SHe added the last part not so happily. She then got hit by the shovel. She screamed in agony. two ponies helped her up. She growled "I feel so dizzy.." Tears forming in her eyes. Blood drizzeled down her head. The citizens screamed "OUR PRINCESS HAS BEEN HURT! GET HER!" And they attacked Blue by punching and kicking. Even biting her. Starfire screamed "STOP! You cannot hurt her! I will not stand for violence!"
  9. SStarfire floated beside Ocean. She said "Thy family owned a mine. And when my father found all this gold, he became rich and made a city. Its a legal city. Celestia gave it legal rights." The gld made her look marvelous. She was a princess and looked like Celestia herself. Her light lavender coat turned with and her hair sparkled in a rainbow hue. She smiled as the building glistened. Ponies greeted her and she kindly greeted them back. She hugged whoever looked sad and she kissed the cheek of whoever was needing of love. She treated her people as if they were all royalty. She treated them with respect and never looked down upon them.
  10. Starfire flew over and picked up Heart. She said "Draco.. I don't trust him.. But my city is prepared for everything. Theirs even a doomsday device!" She smiled. It would touch the city cause it was make of Gold. And the bomb wouldn't blow that up. She picked her up and carried her into the city. Once everyone was in the guards stopped Draco. "Excuse me sir. You must leave your weapons with us." The larger Stallion said to Draco. He towered over him. His laser gun pointed at Draco. The second guard followed in suit. (Weres Ocean?)
  11. Yeah. I wish they would reshow the show.. But now they have Teen titans GO! Were its a slapstick comedy! SHOW THE OLD ONE! >:\
  12. (Um dude did you even read my post? WE FOUND HER FATHERS UNDERGROUND KINGDOM! Falidor. Were theirs gold paved streets and diamond shining buildings and water so clean that toxic is cleaned away. READ MY POSTS DRAGON BEFORE YOU SAY THAT) Starfire smiled widely and hugged all the guards. Now had felt bad for cutting Blues hair to chin length and blasting her face.. And yelling at everypony.. (Also G2G for an hour for vocal lessons. I must teach some students. Sorry for the suddenness! And some random Rp filler so it doesn't get flagged as OT) Starfire looked at the group to tell them they could follow her in. She couldn't wait to see her parents.
  13. Starfire said "Im not stupid.. And I could easily kill all of you." She turned to the guards that had formed around the doors. They had small smiles on their face as their beautiful princess has returned home. The lavender coloured mare smiled and said "Guys I missed you to.." Tears forming in her eyes.
  14. Yeah! So it will work. You guys can just discuss what Red will do!
  15. Starfire's eyes turned bright green. She screamed "HOW DARE YOU HIT ME!?!? YOU UNWORTHY WHORE!" She shot a laser right at Blues face. Green steam rolled from her eyes in waves. She dove down blood and glass flying from her face. She kicked Blue's face and spat in her eye. She then collapsed as she had used a lot of energy. But then she felt something rumble below her. She looked down to see doors rising beside her. She gasped "Falidor?" As she recognized the giant golden doors.
  16. THis made me laugh so hard im crying. Wii U is more powerful than PSpoor And the Xbox crap. It has 2 times the power.
  17. Sure Shiranui! And yes. I wont be following all the plot lines. Just the basic ones.
  18. Starfire felt sick as she scented her breath. Starfire replied slowly "Don't you love Hazmat.." She whispered under her breath. She could barely hear it. Starfire then replied "Whats the secret? Thy would love to hear it!" She put on a fake smile. Wanting to please the drunk Pony. But she readied her hoof lasers. Incase she attacked. (DOnt say you heard the Hazmat thing and don't say you see the lasers. Cause their invisible until she realeses them.)
  19. (Shes just gained powers that her family line has always had. Shes not bats**t crazy. or Drunk. She just did something and shes scared. And she hasn't had sleep in 2 days. So lets all just see my kingdom and go inside and then return to normal? Cause im sick of this crazy drunk crap to. And I have to do an action so here. Unless someone replies before I do. Also Der her name is Starfire. She faked her name) Starfire panted.
  20. Starfire said "Its just that I shot lasers out of my hooves and eyes.. It was scary.." SHe then made a shocked face t hear Blue say that. She whipped around and screamed "YOU UNWRTHY WHORE! HW DARE YOU SAY THAT! I WLL SHOW THY WHAT A TRUE WOMEN DOES NOT SPEW!" She then flew up in the air and blinked. She screamed as a laser shot out of her eye. She singed off Blues hair so it was now shrt. About chin level. She jumped on blue and said "Im so sorry.." But then kicked her as she retaliated back. She said "Thy is drunk isnt she?" (I knew she would retaliate cause shes drunk. And Starfire is very women like. But when shes mad she goes flying off the handel! >.<)
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