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LunaKitty R5

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Everything posted by LunaKitty R5

  1. Starfire landed on Robin. She opened her eyes. She was sitting n his back. She blushed and got up. She said "Come on Robin! Lets beat him.. And I have a plan.." SHe whispered in his ear. She shot at Red X and said "Please don't hurt my friends!"" She smirked suductivily and kiissed hiis cheek. SHe then smashed his head onto a steel pipe and shot green lasers at him head. She kneed his sstomach and left him lieing on the ground mooaning. (SSorry internets laggy. Spelling is crappY)
  2. Just sang Music in the treetops like a pro! That last note sounded beautiful! #Broadway singer for life!

    1. Courageous Thunder Dash

      Courageous Thunder Dash

      Want a pianist to accompany you next time? I can do that. Would've been nice to hear.

    2. LunaKitty R5
  3. (Hey Guys! Anyone online? Can we please end this plot line ASAP? Cause other people aren't getting their spotlight. Other villains. Get her out of chains fight Red X and get back to the tower.) Starfire saw her friends enter. She called out "Hellllllooo Friends! IM over here!" She was chained to a wall 10 feet above the ground. She couldnt wait to touch the ground again. She smiled "I missed you guys go much!"
  4. So sorry! I dont want to hurt your feelings!
  5. (Guys you do realize I didnt mean now. I have time to chill. Starfire cant do much until shes free so please stop stalling and just save her and we can get on with the rp!) Starfire saw a green rat enter. SHe smiled widely as she knew it was Beast Boy. She has even more hope.
  6. Starfire smiled and said "Oh joy my friends are here! My heros! Oh please save me!" She smiled and started jumped around. Her chains retrained her. Her green eyes glowed with joy. (Yeah sorry.. Most of my rp's die.. Im just nervous.. And I might be gone for like 20 minutes soon. But I will still post. But my cousins coming to pick me up to go to my grandmas. I will post when I get their.)
  7. Starfire just sat their. She wanted them to come now. She could fell uneasiness in the air. She felt as though something bad was gonna happen when they got here. She gulped nervously. Her friends might have just come to a trap. (Maybe an attack with Red X? Muhahah So heres my plan. You get here and your communicators going crazy and they lead you to my warehouse and Robin is full out sprinting. Her busts into the warehouse sees STar. He then sets her free and BAM RED X!) (Guys please don't leet this RP Die! I want this RP to survive! IF your online please Post! I want to keep this RP Going!) Starfire felt wind gust by her. She saw a shadow whip by her. She knew nothing was safe. Maybe it was a bird. A rat or something. She hoped her friends would not get hurt. (Guys this rp's gonna die soon please! It would be a shame... Please..) Starfire bit hard into the rope that was covering her mouth. She chew through it and called out "Hello? ROBIN? FRIENDS? ARE YOU HERE?" Her voice rang through the warehouse. She heard a car park outside.
  8. Your so difficult! LOL! I wonder when blaze will get on!
  9. This is my favourite Season. I don't get why people are saying its so weak! They just wish they could bring back the old style of MLP. Well they have to evolve in order to keep up with the crowd that's growing up. Its been 4 years. Their probs 10 or older. Best season yet.
  10. I'm sorry but I have to leave. This RP has spiraled out of control. Dragon your character is WAY to OP. He just ARG! And everything is everywere. Im leaving. Bye.
  11. Heres the Mane 6 In my eyes. Rarity Dashie AJ Pinkie Twilight Flutter Dont kill me but Flutter is boring to me. And Rarity's the better singer... Tabatha Is the better voice actor. That won me over and Raritys amazing personality. FLuttershy has the same problem. SHYNESS. I'm sick and tired of the same thing over and over again. But Dash Has so many layers. She doesnt learn things only about loyalty. SHe learns way more.
  12. This movie was good. But tangled was WAY better. Alot of people agree with me. And I did not see Anna using her Act of true love for Elsa. But the Trolls were weak. And I loved kristoff. Also cause Jonathan Groff played him so well. (PLus I LOVE him and Idina So Much!) But I liked Tangled way more.
  13. She did fantastic! I remember being a good singer like that when I was younger. (I'm a broadway singer.)
  14. Yes. The singing actor is diffrent. SHes the voice of Applebloom! THats why Singing Bloom sounds like Singing Belle.
  15. Yeah shes ageing! Its life. Shes going through puberty.
  16. Starfire looked at her communicator and she saw it was beeping again. They were very close. She swung around in joy. She was very thirsty and light headed. She was also very hungry. She wanted to see her teammates to badly. But mostly Robin. She could just feel their hearts beating rapidly.
  17. Starfire could feel something stirring inside her. Was is worry? Anxiety? She gulped. She knew Robin must have been a mess. Without her. Sh smiled as she thought he was worried for her. SHe thought "He does care for me!" And smiled. But her sister would not approve her fawning over a guy.
  18. (I ship RObinXStarfire so much. Its so cute! Hes so serious and shes so free! Its just naawwww! So cute!) Starfire looked int the sky again. She wondered "Were are you Robin?" She wanted her knight in shining yellow cape. She gulped as she heard banging on the door.
  19. I thought we'd agred to never speak of this again! (Raritys best pony)
  20. Um this is the OT Thread (Off topic) Not the RP
  21. Starfire hopped they would get their soon. She could hear gunfire. And before soon ponies would find her. She just breathed in and out. (NO HARRY! Im watching Spiderman 3 with my sister. I loved harry so much!! Spoiler!: He dies and it makes me sad! Not even fluttershy makes me feel better..)
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