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LunaKitty R5

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Everything posted by LunaKitty R5

  1. Starfire Was in to much shock. All she could say was "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She got up and started running around. Tears in her eyes cause she just fired lasers out of them. She finally stopped. "IS this what my dad warned me abut? Some strange power being inside my family? Is that why we are royalty? Well he did start that kingdom but still.." She just stood their debating in front of hazmat and Ocean.
  2. (? weres the 4th person? The griffon? And sorry shes having a magical surge. She has control magic even if shes a pegasus. All she can do is shoot lasers.And if she shoots to many she will get tired. She can shoot like 10 and thats it.) Starfire laid their. Her head was spinning. She was so dizzy and in pain. (Maybe bring in Ocean? You could either make him help Star or make him help Heart. WHich will make me laugh)
  3. Starfire heard Heart say smething. she shot up and readyed for attack. Sudden green beams shot from her eyes and hooves. She screamed and was sent flying back into Heart. She moaned in pain. (Are we gonna get anywere with the Love triangle? :3 If were doing it..) (Um Hellllllllllooooo? AAnyone even here? ive never really seen this rp so empty. Im sorry if this counts as fully none rp so here) Starfire screamed in pain as she landed.Green Lasers had just shot out of her hooves and eyes. She landed on Heath heart.
  4. So I LOVE the show Teen titans and Teen titans GO! Just a huge chunk of my child hood was in my backyard with my friends pretending to be the teen titans! So now I am opening a teen titans rp! Story Jump city A crime filled city. It's filled with evil villans. Till one day. One teenager named Robin. The sidekick to the Legendary Batman goes and meets 4 other superpowered teens. They also live in a giant T shaped tower on a small island overlooking Jump City. Robin- (\_Blaze_/) A white coat and black maned earthpony. His cutie mark is his Robin symbol. He is serious,brave and smart. The leader of the titans. Often screaming "TITANS GO!" When battle arises. He does not have any super powers. But used Hookshots,Bombs and his staff for battle. He also wears a mask and never takes it off. Starfire- Played by Me The beautiful orange alien princess. She has long Red hair and has big green eyes. She is kind,carefree and brave. She often speaks like Princess Luna. She is the love interest to Robin. The rest of the titans often pke fun at them being together. Her superpwers are that she can fly (Being that shes a pegasus) And shot lasers out of her hooves and eyes. She can also use Sonic Voice and Super speed. Raven - Pat.Rio.T She is a dark demon girl who is depressing and sarcastic. She is also very brave. Shes a unicorn. She has short Black mane with a tiny purple jewel on her head. She always wears a purple cloak that only shows her eyes and mouth. She is the love interest to beast boy. But she often says that she hates him and they fight often. Her super powers are that she can turn into a demon and scare or kill her enimies. She can also levitate objects. She often is meditating or teleporting demons to anther demention. Beast Boy -PsychedelicPony A green earth pony with green hair and fangs for teeth. He is not very bright. Prankster and lazy. Her can turn into any animal even dinosaurs. He is the love interrest for Raven. He also used to have a small crush on Terra. He is also best friends with Cyborg and likes Videogames. Cyborg - Open (Former person left the RP) Cyborg is a brown pony with a blue mane. He has blue cyborg parts on his head and hooves and back. he has one black eye (Its a normal eye just not browl or green or etc) And one red eye that he can use t defuse bombs and shoot lasers. He can use Rockets and lasers with his arm cannons. He can also pick up to 3000 Ton of weight. He is also Giant. Terra - Miss Reaper A blonde maned and tan coated pegasus who can control the ground. She is kind,smart and a cheater. She is the apprentice of slade. She pretened to want to be a teen titan but then backstabbed them. She also pretened to love Beast Boy. Slade- Shiranui A black coated and brown maned Unicorn. He is huge and always wears a brown skull mask and a cloak. He is the main villan and not much is known about him. Red X- Played by ~chaotic biscuit~ He is a Grey pony wearing a black suit with a red X on his face and chest. Also OC's are allowed So I hope you enjoyed reading that. (I didnt enjoy typing it.. *Finger cramps*) And if theirs spelling mistakes im sorry my new Ipad keyboard is weird.
  5. The title says it all. I have a rarity banner ready and I want t add it to my signature.
  6. Yay! My older sister is letting m use her account! :D

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Rockymoo


      Nah, don't sweat it. You won't get in trouble for it. Makusu's just being a buckethead.

    3. Demonic Soulz

      Demonic Soulz

      I am was confused when you then your sister then you again talked...which one was which exactly?

    4. Vermillion



  7. No not on the arena, On the forums! If it was on the arena I would have said the Arena.
  8. Wow. this person has just started a thread about Gen 1 people hating us. AND NOW HES CHOOSING OUR SIDE! Like can you PLEASE choose a side? You were all like Gen 1 is better. Now that you've been ragged on your crawling back saying Gen 1ners hate us... GOOD FLIPPING JOB! (Not trying to argue. Cause he assumed we would be ok. But Assuming always makes an ass out of you. ((Its a Saying))
  9. If Gen 1ners wanna hate us its fine. Like I dont get if people only wanna be here for clopping. It doesnt make any scence in my eyes. I love MLP:FIM for the show. My first episode was a dg and pony show. Which made me love Rarity. Now some f you may be thinking "Luna why is Rainbow Dash your profile picture?" Well its just a filler till im done my rarity one!
  10. (SShes now revealed herself to be called Starfire) Starfire walked to the end of the shelter and lad down. she fell asleep and dreamed of being reunited with her family. she smiled and sad in her sleep "Oh family how much ive missed you.." With tears formiiiiing in her eyes.] (Srry gotta charge ipad keybooard. its messing up)
  11. I would love to join! My oc is below! Starfire (Shes not Starshine.) Is the princess of the highschol. She's not sunset shimmer. Shes kind,smart and funny. And not to menntion Beautiful and having superpowers and can sing. Thus her 8th note cutie mark.
  12. (Guys ddo you mind if at the end f the rp. I MEAN AT THE END f this can Staar becme the Princess of hope Cause she sure has a lot of it. Allways looking on the brightside and thinks that this will end. She is already a princess) STarfire joined her friends. She said "Well were leaving for hoome soon!"" ((Srry my keyboard is messing up!!)
  13. Starshine said "Then llets tell Gentle and we will leave in an hour. Its only and hour away.. Thats why I brought it up!" She smiled widely. She brushed agenst Ocean as she walked to Gentle crouching over Moonlight's body. She said "The kingdom of falidor.. I am Princess Starfire.. I took the name Starshine so nobody would reconize me... We can go their and stay their.. Its an hour away and we will leave in an hour if we want to stay their. They only open their doors once a week,, and today is that day. So wwe will leave in an hour." She didnt give Gentle time to respond as she turned away and walked 10 feet to join her friends. ((Get the name refernce??))
  14. I have a PM convo thats 493 Pages. And it was with DJLancyDance. But they have been on vacation for a week.. So they PMing is on hold.. WHAT CAN I DO WWTH MY LIFE!
  15. Starshine replied to Ocean "I dont like to brag.." She looked down embarresed. She didn't really enjoy bragging that she was a princess. But her city was huge.. And they streets were gold and the building were like diamonds. Water so clean that tooxic waste would be instantly cleaned. And the biggest ballroom in Equestria.
  16. Starshine quipped "If yur with me they will understand.. My father is the ruler..." She looked off to the side. Her long pale lavender hair that was tied up into a curly ponytail brushed her cheeks. Chunks of hair laid down at the side of her head like pin curls. (She has the Applejack side things. When applejack curled her hair. She even has Aj's Bangs.)
  17. (Oops ment to type Oceans name. Sorry..) Starshine smiled as Ocean was warming up to her. She said "Well I know of an underground city.... Its abut a days trip from here.. They will allow us in cause your with me.. A member of the city.. I wanted to explore the world.. see what it was like in this apocalytic state.. Its oh so beautiful! Theirs ball rooms! The streets are paved with gold! And its a very tight system! Only 50 people live in the city! My family is safely in their!" She smiled.
  18. Starshine said to Night Comb "Yeah I'm sick of all the freaking drama.. Like that pony over their with the accent is just plain on my nerves.. Its just the accent and the way he holds himself to the highest standered.. and that Alicorn.. Im glad we kicked her!" She growled. She would rather start her own group with Ocean Heart and Night but it would be like backstabbing. (Im not trying to be mean. She's just hard to please sometimes. Plus she HATES Drama)
  19. I Text every day! Kik,Skype is n almost 24/7 Imessege and more! I love texting!
  20. StarShine said "It's ok.. Theirs things to keep to ourselves sometimes.." She smiled warmly and bumped Heart slightly gesturing she cared. She looked at Ocean and said "Sooooo what's up?" She asked awkwardly. She put on a fake smile and walked with him. (She can be awkward sometimes)
  21. (Were the hell are we? I'm just gonna poof into were gentle is?) StarShine watched the scene unfold. She could fight but it would make her weak again. Her shoulder was holding up though. She has used her wings as umbrellas. She walked towards were the rest of the group was with Ocean and. Heart trailing behind. She said "Hey guys!"
  22. StarShine got up and out of bed. She walked outside and saw storm clouds had gathered and it was raining. She pressed herself to Oceans side and said "Follow me.." As she ran along a path that lead to their camp. (Ok I'm heading off to sleep. It's 11:30 were I am. Goodnight everyone!)
  23. (The guy who played the griffon is offline) StarShine shoke her head. She smiled and fluttered out of bed. She sat beside Heart on top of the bed and said "The group is in this camp.. I can show you!" She said with a small smile. (Is he still going to be sorta nasty or are we gonna drop that. It's up to you.)
  24. StarShine blushed "Thank you..." She smiled which made her look more adorable. She just couldn't stop being super cute. They way her eyes sparkled. The way her mane covered one eye. She was super adorable. (Hey Grace.. Just for you! I made it a few weeks back it's Yellowfang from the warriors books.
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