So I LOVE the show Teen titans and Teen titans GO! Just a huge chunk of my child hood was in my backyard with my friends pretending to be the teen titans! So now I am opening a teen titans rp!
Jump city
A crime filled city. It's filled with evil villans. Till one day. One teenager named Robin. The sidekick to the Legendary Batman goes and meets 4 other superpowered teens. They also live in a giant T shaped tower on a small island overlooking Jump City.
Robin- (\_Blaze_/)
A white coat and black maned earthpony. His cutie mark is his Robin symbol.
He is serious,brave and smart. The leader of the titans. Often screaming "TITANS GO!" When battle arises. He does not have any super powers. But used Hookshots,Bombs and his staff for battle. He also wears a mask and never takes it off.
Starfire- Played by Me
The beautiful orange alien princess. She has long Red hair and has big green eyes. She is kind,carefree and brave. She often speaks like Princess Luna. She is the love interest to Robin. The rest of the titans often pke fun at them being together. Her superpwers are that she can fly (Being that shes a pegasus) And shot lasers out of her hooves and eyes. She can also use Sonic Voice and Super speed.
Raven - Pat.Rio.T
She is a dark demon girl who is depressing and sarcastic. She is also very brave. Shes a unicorn. She has short Black mane with a tiny purple jewel on her head. She always wears a purple cloak that only shows her eyes and mouth. She is the love interest to beast boy. But she often says that she hates him and they fight often. Her super powers are that she can turn into a demon and scare or kill her enimies. She can also levitate objects. She often is meditating or teleporting demons to anther demention.
Beast Boy -PsychedelicPony
A green earth pony with green hair and fangs for teeth. He is not very bright. Prankster and lazy. Her can turn into any animal even dinosaurs. He is the love interrest for Raven. He also used to have a small crush on Terra. He is also best friends with Cyborg and likes Videogames.
Cyborg - Open (Former person left the RP)
Cyborg is a brown pony with a blue mane. He has blue cyborg parts on his head and hooves and back. he has one black eye (Its a normal eye just not browl or green or etc) And one red eye that he can use t defuse bombs and shoot lasers. He can use Rockets and lasers with his arm cannons. He can also pick up to 3000 Ton of weight. He is also Giant.
Terra - Miss Reaper
A blonde maned and tan coated pegasus who can control the ground. She is kind,smart and a cheater. She is the apprentice of slade. She pretened to want to be a teen titan but then backstabbed them. She also pretened to love Beast Boy.
Slade- Shiranui
A black coated and brown maned Unicorn. He is huge and always wears a brown skull mask and a cloak. He is the main villan and not much is known about him.
Red X- Played by ~chaotic biscuit~
He is a Grey pony wearing a black suit with a red X on his face and chest.
Also OC's are allowed
So I hope you enjoyed reading that. (I didnt enjoy typing it.. *Finger cramps*) And if theirs spelling mistakes im sorry my new Ipad keyboard is weird.