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Captain Marvelous

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Status Updates posted by Captain Marvelous

  1. Site has barely any members on it. Post Ponies!

  2. Okay, Princess Luna, I know your trying to scare us and stuff for Nightmare Night and all, but would you stop chasing me with a knife... on Easter?

  3. I shall do everything in my power to make a crossover of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Kodomo no Jikan. Just watch me HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*shot*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doctor XFizzle
    3. Zoop


      Good. Good on you, sir. You've made the intrawebs a safer place for all of man and/or pony kind.

    4. Captain Marvelous

      Captain Marvelous

      I'm beginning to think you don't think I was joking... lol

  4. not pony news, but this news http://www.jefusion.com/2011/10/rumors-metal-heroes-join-legend-wars.html has me so excited... hell yeah... you can ignore this if you want.

    1. Captain Marvelous

      Captain Marvelous

      I should probably explain a bit, it says the movie that it speaks of will feature characters from "Big Bad Beetleborgs" "BeetleBorgs Metalix" and "VR Troopers" teaming up with 35 years worth of "Power Rangers"

  5. so how about dere dem pona?

  6. So I hear bronies are changing their names in other countries. I shall call myself, Masaru "Marvelous" Mikoto

    1. Discordian
    2. Captain Marvelous

      Captain Marvelous




      I was mearly joking anyway.

  7. anybody else love Twilight's hobo costume?

    1. Goodra


      She's a country music singer u dodo.

    2. Captain Marvelous

      Captain Marvelous

      Don't call me things I don't know the meaning of!!! *rageface*


  9. I'm kind of waiting to see the fanbase reaction to Luna episode tomorrow... will be really good for my research

  10. You gotta care. You gotta share.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kurtiss


      Hey, that's what I said!

    3. Goodra


      That's what she said.


    4. SugarSlatheredCandyApple


      .........now that song is stuck in my head again.

  11. not a bad episode. I enjoyed myself, especially the last half.

  12. and the bidding for Fluttershy is complete: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fluttershy-Galloping-Gala-Custom-Plush-My-Little-Pony-Friendship-Magic-/120792470190?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c1fcad2ae&afsrc=1 you bronies are awesome!!! You get the marvelous seal of approval!!

    1. Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Geeze, $2500?

      Someone, please teach me how to make that kind of money.

    2. Captain Marvelous

      Captain Marvelous


      Make Pony. Declare that it will be the last pony that will be made.

    3. Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Making the pony's gonna be a problem - I'm no craftsman.

    1. Tom The Diamond

      Tom The Diamond

      Oh, that neat. How mu-1400!!!


      Sheesh, you could make a living making a pony plushie a week.

    2. Gummy


      1400 damn.

    3. Goodra


      Rich bronies out dare, Eeyup!



  13. Question: Would you be excited if an MLP: FiM movie was announced.

  14. Should there be a pony with Panty's hair to be related to Twilight Sparkle?

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