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  1. Quickly, stop what ever you are doing, even if it is playing killing floor, and vote four Fluttershy.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. yeet



      But whats even worse is... People on killing floor, that don't know what they're doing.

      You know those ones who aren't even leveled up on the perk, but they play on normal difficulty. I couldn't even survive that with five others using my level three support.

      And the other five where quite good. One, who was also a brony, was awesome.

    3. Ruddboy Olaf

      Ruddboy Olaf

      I haven't played online,yet.


      I only played solo.



      Also,why can't you make a fist in Surgeon simulator?

    4. yeet


      Because there is no butt transplant, it would be pointless without that.


      And yeah, probably bed to level your perks up a little first. Then play easy online I'd say. But not normal, unless you're good.

      I got killed by a flesh pound in one hit, I had 100 health, but no armour. Also he was enraged.

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