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Everything posted by GemiNi

  1. this marks the first year of my bronyhood :D

  2. one down...two more days of excruciating study to go...


  4. Hopefully the video SaberSpark uploaded about Ponies vs Critics will help me. It really inspired me to tell him. #really_akward_later_on
  5. Good Question!! Maybe this is just me and my inner Fluttershy talking...i'll try not to be ashamed...mmhhh... Ohh... season 4 finale it is then!! Thank you so much!
  6. well...that's how closet bronies are. your comment wasn't that harsh, it proved a lot of points about having a best friend. Yeah I could tell him directly and say it's just a show that I love to watch. But he's a typical kind of friend, actually I don't know how he's going to react. He keeps on saying it depends on the secret, which made me scared about it. Thanks for the thumbs up, appreciated it. To you all
  7. a premier? what premiere? sorry I don't know much about...
  8. The problem is...I don't know where to get the brony tale. I am so nervous right now.
  9. Well i'll just hope my friend likes documentaries. anyways, thanks...I'm prepared for a war against my friend?
  10. Okay, let me bering you to speed. Ever since I knew my friend was a brony like me, we've been hanging out a lot and saw other bronies that we didn't know join us too...which made it very suspicious for many of my friends that something is up between us. My best friend approached me and asked what we were talking about, I told him that it was a secret(closet brony stuff) And he was determined to find out what it was. Few weeks later, he found my old fanfiction account which still haves my first(really worst) fimfiction ever. He somehow knew my username and made the assumption that I made a story about My Little Pony. Shocking...but I just told him that he was close to figuring out and I said to him...."Me, making a My Little Pony story, why would I make it something like that!!" I asked him to research more about it.....he was still determined though, he is my best friend. Which brought me to thinking if I should tell him that I watch MLP. But how? Presenting a video about the brony community would be nice. Does anyone know a video on showing people that you are a brony?
  11. Guh...Schizophrenia...I think I have it...

  12. @Proton Well, I-uh....actually, can you make the background zebra-ish looking culture. Like Zecora's tribal mark on her flank and other indian stuff that I don't know.
  13. yeah that's true...he died after the spongebob movie...the godd old days
  14. Well...after I'm done with my other fimficiton story or I could do both. I'll crossover SPB and MLP. Of course on how they got there was fully explained. Yes, very true my friend, very true.... Wow...what cross over was it? And also thanks for the positive outcome of your story.
  15. first off, Pinkie sent those letters...lol. Anyways, yeah I know you have to produce an explanation on the first or second chapter on how spongebob and the gang survive on land. If I thought of nothing, then i'll just use a Jimmy Neutron reference where he had some type of fodd technology that allows them to brethe underwater. I think there's only one thing they have in common for me, comedy. Just imagine Pinkie, Spongebob, then Patrick annoying the hay out of Equestria. And also other stuff that are long and hard to explain.
  16. Spongebob Squarepants X My Little Pony Honestly like the best crossover in my opinion. I have searched for this type of crossover everywhere and I can't find a good and continuous story about it, yet. Maybe I'll make one my own if I have to, but with my current writing skills it seems that I can't. Can you tell me any good story about this crossover? Very much appreciated, because how I love the reaction of Twilight when she gets annoyed by Spongebob, Pinkie and Patrick. Romance will be applicale of cours...hehehe
  17. BEST IDEA EVER!! SERIOUSLY, with science these days we could accomplish anything...hopefully
  18. oooooooohhhhh the Rick Dance, and walking seems to be fun if you find a carboard box saying 'Give 2 Good Home' kind of thing.
  19. Ugh...first time requesting a signature so I hope you can understand some of it...heheh Do you want a signature?: Yes, I would like a signature Do you want an avatar?: No thanks. Text: Gemini Stone (lower right part by kings76) Font: Uhm...light blue something, like princess Luna's mane when she was free from being Nightmare Moon. Images I want to be used: Well, just my OC (This is kinda embarrasing but can you go to this link http://generalzoi.deviantart.com/art/Pony-Creator-v3-397808116 and I'll give the code by PM)(You can manipulate my OC there, sorry for being unreliable at this. ) Background: White background with black stripes, only at the top and bottom then a light blue colored bar of my OC's character on the right then the other side is another yellow bar. Dimensions: The recommended ones on everyone's signature.
  20. Well that's nice, now that I think about it I'm so outdated in the outside world right now. I love to watch news but I just don't have the time. Sleeping is an option though.
  21. First I must say what a cool gif you brought us. And seriously Luna impersonations!! That's the BEST IDEA EVER!! I always wanted to speak like a royal Ah...Pokemon, sure miss the days where they were only 151 pokemon until I heard they were still going on until the 6th generation. I can't memorize them all and you can now use wi-fi to battle to other trainers, count me in!! But unfortunately I don't have a Wii or DS to play Pokemon anymore, T_T.
  22. exuberant eh? that kind of word will go in my dictionary. Curiosity you cruel mistress, I might go check on this thing called 'reddit' later. Hahahaha! Eeyup, that is so true. At least stalking's allowed in here...(difficult to explain) Which I prefer it to be called, the boredoms' greatest weakness. Ugh...I don't know your reasons, but that's your way, I guess, no one can stop you for who you truly are anyway. Thanks for your share of interests, and also sorry for being too commentative( I just keep making up words). I'm just so bored right now...
  23. Everyone gets bored once in a while, especially me, I always get bored. To cure my boredomisim(a common sickness) I just spend my hours on the net, surfing here and there. Then a few years later, the effectiveness of this medicine got me bored also, *deep sigh*, that's life I guess. But I'll work something out. What are your cures for this common disease? No mature content...shtuff...I don't know how to say it, but none of those stuff. I think we all know it's a common cure also...............................
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