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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Delernil

  1. I started making an RPG, If anyone wants to help.

  2. I started making an RPG, If anyone wants to help.

  3. I started making an RPG, If anyone wants to help.

  4. I don't even not know.

  5. I have a no reason boner

  6. "I'm going to hell, in a hand basket!"

  7. Just sold my friend as a sex slave. Delernil: Moral Crusader

  8. 5am ... yep time to sleep... good night :3

  9. The Falliut RP has corrupted me. I'm selling my friend as a sex slave ;-;

  10. Back down to zero warning points, i've been a good boy ! x3

  11. I messed up....WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

  12. Wishes he could live in the ever happy and peaceful ponyville

  13. Wishes he could live in the ever happy and peaceful ponyville

  14. I really hope the eagle snatching up birds/random objects becomes a running gag throughout the season

  15. Wishes he could live in the ever happy and peaceful ponyville

  16. Am I the only one who REALLY LOVES flying?

  17. Been busy all day... So tired.

  18. And my mood continues to worsen...

  19. ... I suddenly feel like shit :(

  20. ... I suddenly feel like shit :(

  21. So I just finished watching this anime and....my emotions...I need a hug..

  22. First it was too bright, now it's too damn dark! *Table Flip* How're you guys doing tonight?

  23. that was an awesome episode

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