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Blood Moon

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Posts posted by Blood Moon

  1. @Techno Universal @Acnologia

    The attendant gave Yuki a nod and a smile as she tucked the bits away into a lock box. "You are very welcome, miss." She said politely before continuing on her way through the car, starting to make her way back the way she had come. Stopping at the table of the gray stallion on in the car, she gave her usual polite smile to him.

    "Is there a snack I could get for you?"


    Mint jumped in surprise as her newfound conversation partner fell to the floor, leaning down a bit to offer a hoof up. "Whoa there, are you okay?" She asked with a hint of concern in her tone of voice. "You seem to be quite the interesting pony. If I may ask, what's your story?"

    @Drago Ryder

    A new attendant stopped in place as he was flagged down, stepping up to the table bearing the dragon and griffon. "You're in luck, we do for situations just like these! I will need to alert the dining car staff, but I will have your salmon to you as quickly as I can." He offered in a polite tone of voice.

  2. @Acnologia

    The attendant kept her smile going strong while listening to what was requested. Plucking the mango off of the cart, she held it out towards Kyubi. "That will be two bits, little lady." She said in her cheery tone of voice.


    As Mint finished off her cider, her curiosity finally got the better. The unicorn set her glass down and she leaned a bit closer to the clothes-pony across the aisle from her. "Hey, aren't you a little hot in...all of that?" She asked with a raised brow. "It's already pretty warm in here, and those must be boiling."

  3. @Acnologia

    As she made her way through the train car, the attendant gently dropped off a cup of warm cider at each table. Soon she stopped at a table bearing a gray and green-coated bat pony, bearing a warm smile. "Good morning, would you like to purchase something to snack on for the remainder of our trip?" She asked in a polite, yet warm tone of voice as she gestured towards her cart of sweets, snacks and drinks beyond the complementary cider.


    Mint yawned as she soon put her attention back towards those inside the train with her. Her eyes soon fell upon what appeared to be a clothes pile with a pony somewhere inside of it. Though she was curious about why somepony would have a need for that much clothing when it was perfectly warm inside the train car, she decided to simply observe for the moment while sipping from the cup of cider she just realized was sitting in front of her.

  4. OOC Thread

    The quiet of the snow-covered valley was broken as the train known as the Friendship Express raced around the mountains, marking the only hint of civilization for miles upon miles in all directions. Inside of the colorful train, passengers bobbed up and down with the gentle bumps of the wheels on the tracks below. The air was kept at a comfortable toasty temperature to stave off the cold outside, the snow whipping past the windows only serving to prove just how cold it was beyond the nicely-painted walls. As time passed, a mare in a nice uniform made her way down the rows of seats with a cart bearing snacks and drinks, offering free warm cider to the passengers for the long ride they had already taken and still have ahead of them.


    A white unicorn mare sighed softly as she stared out of the window next to her seat, cheek resting on her hoof as her eyes idly reflected the snow outside. The name tag on her travel bag read Mint Rose, a black rose just like her cutie mark embroidered on the side of said bag marking it at hers. "I can't believe the captain put me on this job way out in the boonies just because I broke one vase in the castle. They have backups in storage." She grumbled to herself, only getting pulled from her thoughts when the train attendant cleared her throat to get her attention.

    Looking down at the cart, she simply shook her head before returning to her thoughts and blank stare out the window without any attention put towards the cup of warm cider placed on the table in front of her. Her eyes followed the mountain peaks in the distance, sun rising in the early morning making the beautiful white landscape of the valley sparkle in a display of dancing lights all around the train.

    "We will be arriving in the Hoofer Bay station in one hour." The train's engineer announced calmly over the speakers as they crackled to life. "I hope you all have enjoyed your ride through the scenic mountain passes and help yourself to some complementary cider provided by the wonderful Sweet Apple Acres."

  5. IC Thread


    Hello everyone! For a good long while now, I've been wanting to host an RP with this theme. Despite my long resume of RPing elsewhere, I've never actually hosted one before, so my nerves have been keeping my from posting this. I hope I don't make too many mistakes and can make this an enjoyable time for everyone!


    High up in the mountains at the very northern edge of the Equestrian border before entering into Yak territory, a humble snow-covered town rests. In the past, this town had been praised for its many snow resorts and vacation spots, but for unknown reasons this praise has quieted down in recent years and tourist numbers have dwindled. That is until one of the resorts starts sending out fliers announcing a new marketing promotion: Anypony who books a stay in one of their cabins for a week or more will be entered into a drawing taking place at the end of the year to own said cabin as a personal vacation home!

    Early one winter morning as the date of the drawing comes near, the renowned Friendship Express speeds along its tracks, whisking its riders along towards the old resort town of Hoofer Bay. The train offers the vacationers a chance to socialize and taken in the sights of the snow-covered mountains speeding by, cars kept nice and toasty warm for the riders. Little do the ponies know that there is a reason tourist numbers started dwindling. A reason they will all soon discover during their not so relaxing vacation.


    This RP is open for anyone to join, I will make the IC thread once I get a couple interested RPers. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

    • Brohoof 2
  6. Well, I've always been deep in the nerdy and geeky side of life, so I thought it was cool that there was a fandom for something such as a reboot of My Little Pony. The fact that there were males in that group simply made me go "cool" and leave it at that as I hopped into the community.

  7. I haven't played any MMOs for about five years, but back when I played it, Maplestory was something that I absolutely loved. It was very fun with tons to do despite being a 2D sidescroller. The environments, the music, the enemies, the friends I made...I have nothing but good memories of that game. At least before it fell into new management that only cared about the cash and turned it into a pay-to-win scheme. Despite the rough part in time that made me leave the game, I had six years of amazing times in that game.

  8. Honestly, I say neither is better than the other. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, and I honestly game on both. Granted, the only consoles I play on are Nintendo ones as the games that would be on the other two of the big three tend to also be on PC. But, both have games I can't get on the other so I like them both. It's all about preference. I never understood the argument of which is "better" when it's all of a matter of taste. I prefer consoles, but I wouldn't say consoles are better, since I also enjoy PC games as well.

    Agree to disagree, let people have their tastes. Simple.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Ever since I graduated from college, summer is just any other time of year to me. Though Washingtom summers are mild compared to my previous home state of California, I much more prefer winter. It's much nicer getting to snuggle up under a nice warm blanket than sit in front of a fan.

  10. Some of my definite favorites would be Yami from Okami, Dark Bowser/Dark Store Core from Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story and Cartesia from Stella Glow.

    Not only are all of these final battles just really fun to go get through, they all have amazing music to go with them, giving your hearing as much of a treat as your other senses!

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