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  1. Simon's post in MLP Box subscription giveaway was marked as the answer   
    As someone else mentioned, their first batch of boxes just recently shipped out. While the giveaway took place a couple months ago, the boxes weren't being shipped until this month since that's when the subscription service got started. I got my own box for the first month a few days ago, so the rest of the boxes shouldn't be too far behind. Also keep in mind that if your box is being shipped internationally, it can take an extra couple of weeks to receive it because of the delays international shipping can cause.
    If you still don't receive the box in the next few weeks, shoot me a private message and I'll put you in touch with the folks at brony.com who can give you more accurate info on your subscription.
  2. Simon's post in Unintentional topic spam, but no mods online was marked as the answer   
    Fixed it
    It happens from time to time when the site's having some technical issues. What will happen is you'll hit post and then get an error screen or nothing which makes people think it didn't submit when it did. Best recommendation I can give is if you hit submit and think it didn't go through, check the forum in another tab before submitting again to make sure.
    And if you run into it again, just hit the report button on your topic and that will alert the mod staff when we get online.
    Hope that helps!
  3. Simon's post in MCM donations progress was marked as the answer   
    We have two donations sites going.  The amount on the homepage only calculates donations coming in directly to MLP Forums. Donations made through the BCCH's donation page for MCM will be seen here: https://secure.bcchf.ca/SuperheroPages/main.cfm?Member=59361&Event=ICE
    Add those two numbers together and you've got the current total.
  4. Simon's post in Member Q&A was marked as the answer   
    All of the Q&A's are chosen by the Poniverse Public Relations staff.  If you have someone you'd like to see in a Q&A, shoot me a suggestion and the PR staff will take any suggestions we get into consideration when we're deciding who to invite for a Q&A!
  5. Simon's post in MLP Forums: "How did you find us?" was marked as the answer   
    Actually, members can't edit that.  But no need to worry, it's not actually public. Only staff & you see that information.  You can check out your own profile when you aren't logged in or in a private browsing tab to see what other users will see.
    If it's really going to bug you having it there, shoot me a private message and I'll edit it for you.
  6. Simon's post in Unable To Change My Username After 30 Days was marked as the answer   
    Hey ,
    I've checked and you have 3 name changes within the past 30 days:

    It's June 11 today, so on June 15th you should be able to change your name again.  If you're still having difficulties after that date, please file a support ticket and we will be happy to look into the issue.
    Sorry about any inconvenience!
  7. Simon's post in Un-brohoof -- wrong usage was marked as the answer   
    I think this is the key right here.  It's not a set or well-established rule of grammar but a theory of grammar that a small group of individuals prescribe to.  I don't want to beat a dead horse here, but un-brohoof is the accepted form of a word that's not really a word anyway, but has become a term of art in the fandom.  For us, as a forum, our main priority is making the site usable for our members, and this means going with the most commonly accepted wording for something like this so people can easily tell at a glance what it is that they are being given the option to do.  Ultimately, while we appreciate the feedback, this is not something that will be changed in the foreseeable future. 
  8. Simon's post in Hue group was marked as the answer   
    The group was a relatively recent implementation (last 6 months maybe?), so some people who had previously been banned for lack of another alternative were later moved into the appropriate group. 
  9. Simon's post in unable to access account was marked as the answer   
    @, Please file a support ticket here and a member of our staff will help you to recover your old account.
  10. Simon's post in What was this forum made with? was marked as the answer   
    I've moved your thread to site questions & tech support as it deals with a question about the forum itself.
    This was also recently answered by Feld0 and Jeric, and you can find their answer on this thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/121979-what-does-poniverse-and-the-forums-run-on/
    Hope that helps answer your questions, I'll leave this thread open in case you have anything else to ask about what the forum runs on.
  11. Simon's post in Trading Allowed? was marked as the answer   
    There's not going to be a room dedicated to trading, but we do have the Creator's Lounge which is an area set aside for people to sit, relax, draw, and you're more than welcome to use that area to swap some of your pony goods as well.  And of course you're welcome to use the general convention area to swap some of your pony merchandise too.
  12. Simon's post in Support tickets was marked as the answer   
    That's not how the ticket system works, or for that matter how any businesses support ticket system works... 
    For technical issues, tickets are marked resolved once our development team has been made aware of the issue so that it can be worked on.  We don't have the resources to fix every technical issue immediately, so leaving every ticket open indefinitely while issues are worked on simply isn't feasible.  We respond to the person's concerns, explain that our developers are working on the issue and close the report.  Then the matter is put into our technical queue and triage'd appropriately.
    For disputes, matters are marked resolved when the administrators have reached a decision on the dispute.  Again, we have a limited staff and it's not feasible to allow every dispute to go on indefinitely.  Just like any other appeals system, once a decision is rendered on the dispute, the matter is closed unless there's new evidence to consider.  Because of this, I highly recommend you submit anything you have to say and any evidence you have to go along with the dispute at once so that all the relevant information can be considered in the dispute.
    To put it another way, any time there is no longer any information needed from the individual who filed the ticket, it will be closed.  This is a staff determination, not a determination made by the person filing the ticket. 
    Now all that being said, if a ticket is ever genuinely closed prematurely by accident, you are more than welcome to open up a new ticket.  For example, if a technical support ticket is closed with the staff telling you the problem has been resolved and you are still experiencing the issue, please open up a new ticket to let us know as there may be something we overlooked.
  13. Simon's post in Hours, Activities, events, and vendors at Babscon was marked as the answer   
    Hey!  Let me go through this and answer some of your questions for you.  Some of these may have already been answered, but I'm just going to go through all your questions anyway.
    The schedule hasn't been worked out quite yet, so I'm not sure of the exact hours for this year.  But to give you a frame of reference, here are last year's hours where events were going on:
    Friday - 11 am to 2 am (Though registration started much earlier than 11 am)
    Saturday - 9 am to 2 am
    Sunday - 10 am to 6 pm
    The vendor list can be found here: www.babscon.com/vendors/
    There's a ton of different sorts of vendors that will be at the convention.  Artist Alley consists mainly of visual artists selling things like prints, buttons, and other similar merchandise.  Then over in the vendors hall you'll find all sorts of goods from comics to plushies to crafts to glassware.  The vendors list also includes charity tables and a few fan tables which are fan organizations that are there to show off what they're working on.  (Be sure to stop by Poniverse's fan table near registration to meet some of the forum staff including myself ^^)
    As far as activities, the panel and event schedules haven't been released yet.  But expect panels on most any topic you could imagine having to do with the fandom.  There will be several panels with our Guests of Honor (Voice Actors, writers, comic book staff, etc), and a lot of community run panels talking about various fandom projects (like Poniverse... come visit us in our panel too )  
    As far as the larger events go, The Voice: Equestria will be making a return, there will be a cosplay contest, and there will be an art show.  Some more details on those three things can be found here.  Of course like last year, NEIGHhem Night will be returning with concerts on Friday and Saturday night.  A list of musicians can be found here.
    And then there will also be autograph sessions sprinkled throughout the convention.  When it gets a bit closer to the convention, a complete schedule and list of activities will be released, but hopefully that gives you an idea of what to expect.
    There will be a LOT of different types of merch to buy like I talked about before.  I'd highly recommend going through the vendors list and finding a few vendors you're particularly interested in to visit first.  As far as souvenirs go, there will be a BABSCon merch table with various BABSCon branded merchandise to buy.  Last year they had t-shirts, bags, pins, coffee mugs, and a few other things to buy.  And of course the con book and badge always make great souvenirs too!
    Hopefully that helps answer your questions a bit!  Feel free to let me know if you have any more questions!
  14. Simon's post in Truth, do you do it? was marked as the answer   
    Anything that violates the community rules found here (which are further explained in our FAQ) can lead to a warning or ban.  It sounds like you're specifically questioning what qualifies as abusive behavior or offensive content, so I'm going to try and explain those a bit for you to see if I can clarify.
    The FAQ on Political and Religious debates clarifies this issue a bit.  Essentially what this FAQ explains is that while it's perfectly acceptable to disagree with another member of the site and have a difference of opinions, any debate or discussion regarding that difference in opinions should remain respectful.  Essentially, it's fine to explain why you disagree with someone, but the moment someone begins to attack an individual for their opinions as opposed to discussing a difference in opinions is when it crosses the line into abusive behavior and will result in a warning.   To put this another way, telling someone you disagree with them on an issue is fine, telling someone they're an idiot for having X opinion is not acceptable.  Discussions are expected to remain mature, civilized, and focused on issues instead of individuals.
    Offensive content is a much more broad category of content.  First and foremost, anything which falls under the forum's NSFW definition will result in a warning.  Essentially, this covers anything that's not appropriate for a 13+ site.  This includes no excessive violence, excessive gore, or sexually explicit content of any kind.  Much of the stuff in the realm of offensive content falls into the NSFW rule and will be removed in accordance to that policy.  
    Beyond things that fall into the realm of NSFW, there is a certain amount of content that will be removed for being offensive even if it's not necessarily NSFW.  Generally in my experience, this takes place in the form of either trolling or flame baiting.  Essentially what I mean by this is the majority of content which is removed as offensive is content which is clearly posted with the intent of upsetting people on the forum.  This isn't something the majority of members have to worry about because when it happens, it's quite obvious.  There's no legitimate reason to start a thread about wanting to brutally murder one of the mane 6.  The staff will also remove content which has a high likelihood of offending a significant percentage of members even if it wasn't posted with bad intentions.  As far as warnings go, what's primarily going to be considered here is the intent of the poster (whether they were actually trying to upset people) and whether they knew they were posting something that would offend others.  It's worth noting that it's quite frequent when dealing with these sorts of threads that moderators will simply send the user a PM asking them to refrain from posting that offensive content in the future.
    Also keep in mind that the staff routinely has to remove content from the forum which has a high likelihood of leading to arguments or upsetting members.  Most content that is removed from the forums won't result in a warning, but instead is just being removed to keep threads and discussions civil to prevent situations from escalating to a point where warnings are necessary.  It's also worth noting that rule breaking posts are most always hidden from public view, so when a thread gets locked, it might appear that there was nothing wrong with the thread when in reality a large percentage of the thread was hidden by the staff.
    The last thing I'd like to mention in response to your question is briefly discussing how warnings are actually decided on.  What many members may not be aware of is that every warning is discussed among the moderation staff in great detail before a warning is given.  Before anybody receives a warning, multiple moderators will review the thread, post what they think is an appropriate warning, and discuss how the situation should be handled.  On top of this, we have a dispute system set up to allow for admin review of warnings that members feel were not appropriate or proportionate.  The staff puts an extraordinary amount of care into making sure warnings are fair, and quite honestly I wouldn't be on staff if that wasn't the case.  I hope that understanding our rules and our procedures a bit more will help to put your mind at ease regarding these types of warnings.
  15. Simon's post in I'm confused on to where to put this kind of topic maybe you can help was marked as the answer   
    Discussed this with the rest of the staff, and the forum lounge is the best place for your thread.  If I understand correctly, you want to organize a forum league on NHL 14... the forum lounge is most geared towards casual, social threads, so it will work much better for what you're planning than one of the discussion areas like Media Discussion that are more aimed at in depth discussions about the game itself.  Hope that helps.
  16. Simon's post in Is it possible to refund your ticket? was marked as the answer   
    Refunds are done on a case by case basis.  You'll need to contact registration@babscon.com should a situation arise to see if something can be arranged.
  17. Simon's post in The search system is pretty bad. was marked as the answer   
    I highly recommend using the advanced search and limiting your search to only search titles.  You can access the advanced search here or by clicking the gear icon in the quick search box.  When you run a keyword search, it looks through every post in every thread so you get tons of results that don't mean anything to you.  Limiting it to a title search is by far the best way to find a specific topic.
  18. Simon's post in Age Changes was marked as the answer   
    The staff is required under a U.S. law called COPPA to not permit the use of the forum by any user under 13 years of age.  Because of this, if your account has an age under 13 years of age or you state that your age is under 13 on the site, we are obligated to suspend your account until what would be your 13th birthday because of the potential of legal problems arising if it turns out you really are under 13 and we permitted you to use the forum.  Now if it's an obvious joke such as changing your age from 18 to 0 years old, you'll probably just be asked to change it or it might go ignored.  But any reasonable age under 13 is putting your account at risk.
    So long story short, it's probably not the best idea to set your account to a fake age under 13.
  19. Simon's post in Minus number of brohoofs? was marked as the answer   
    Actually, I believe the OP is referring to which is a test account of the administrators who amuse themselves by doing things like manually editing the brohoof count of their test account to -1. 
  20. Simon's post in Signature help? was marked as the answer   
    Topic is being moved to Site Questions & Tech Support since it appears to be asking how to use a feature of this forum.  
    To answer your question though, if you're talking about an image like the one at the bottom of my post, it's really simple.  All you need to do is go to the signature section of your settings menu and you can put text, an image, or both into your signature which will appear at the bottom of every post you make.  You can also find the signature menu by clicking your name on the top bar of this site, clicking "My Settings" and then going to the "Signature" tab on the settings page.
    Keep in mind that as a member, the signature can contain only one image up to 600x100 pixels in size.
  21. Simon's post in Testing Forum was marked as the answer   
    It's not.  The problem was specifically with the "Recently discussed forum topics" box, so after a few minutes your post would have fallen off of there and we wouldn't be able to see it even with the problem.
    However, I posted a test topic as well just now, and it wasn't showing in that box when I was logged in or when I logged out, so it seems like it has been fixed. 
  22. Simon's post in Double posting? was marked as the answer   
    Like @ said it happens on forums when people have a slow connection to the forum because they think the post didn't go through, and hit submit a second time.
    If it's happening to you a lot, I'd recommend you press submit once and if the page doesn't change or you're unsure about whether your post went through, open up another tab so you don't lose what you're typing and go back to the thread and see if your post is there.  If it's there then you know it went through and you can close the tab that you were posting on.  If it didn't go through, then go back and hit submit again.  That should help prevent the issue from happening.
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