Set around 400 years after the events of Friendship is magic, this story follows Scarlet Frost, who has had more than enough death and violence in her life, and has spent the last several years living quietly as a librarian and scholar in the city of Swanrun. Sadly, it seems that death and violence are not yet done with her.
Forced to leave her peaceful home and flee for her life alongside a mysterious orphan filly named Primrose, Scarlet will have to use every resource at her disposal just to stay alive. In order to survive, she must confront the ghosts of not only her own past, but those of this long-broken world as well.
'Scarlet' is intended to be a lengthy and intense fantasy adventure, dealing with the themes of coping with grief and overcoming personal prejudices. I won't be putting any of the actual story in this forum thread, though, mostly because it opens with some pretty dark themes already being on the table.
I hope some of you take an interest and enjoy it.