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Arctic Night

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Status Replies posted by Arctic Night

  1. Planning to use this for an upcoming fan film's villain.........may sound familiar to some folks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34hcWTbxkjs

  2. Planning to use this for an upcoming fan film's villain.........may sound familiar to some folks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34hcWTbxkjs

  3. Planning to use this for an upcoming fan film's villain.........may sound familiar to some folks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34hcWTbxkjs

  4. I hate my life

  5. Is it me or does nobody seem to remember the "sticks and stones may break my bones" saying nowadays?

  6. Is it me or does nobody seem to remember the "sticks and stones may break my bones" saying nowadays?

  7. I've always had a soft spot for Kaname <3

  8. I've always had a soft spot for Kaname <3

  9. I've always had a soft spot for Kaname <3

  10. I've always had a soft spot for Kaname <3

  11. I've always had a soft spot for Kaname <3

  12. I've always had a soft spot for Kaname <3

  13. I've always had a soft spot for Kaname <3

  14. So I'm about to send a fan email to one of the few people currently living I consider a hero of mine and in some sense a Father figure, think everyone here knows who by now; asking him essentially, "Hey, would you appear on MLP?" I need some serious brony broniness from everypony right now...

  15. Now, im getting knocked.........night then.

  16. After coming back from my break, I had 322 notifications.

  17. After all the controversy, the favorite member thread still remains alive


  19. Been on 2 PC's all day today...........gonna give my eyes a rest........Night

  20. I'm a MLP conservative. I liked Season 1 the best.

  21. Well I need a new show to watch and I think I'm gonna do another anime. I'm thinking maybe Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood or Fairy Tail. Thoughts?

  22. Well I need a new show to watch and I think I'm gonna do another anime. I'm thinking maybe Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood or Fairy Tail. Thoughts?

  23. Recently re watched Pinkie Pride. Still awesome, but dat shipping man

  24. First time I've gotten a phone call over an IT issue. Hope its not a stupid question, :(

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