couldn't get this to link properly, check interests
Profile Information
Personal Motto
"Would You Kindly.."
I got here because when playing tf2, saw a bunch of references to mlp. During some youtube surfing, I came across 'Guile theme goes with everything - sonic rainboom' and recognized the characters from the tf2 references. Since I had nothing to watch for the next couple of weeks due to it being holiday break for tv series, I decided to give the show a try.
A couple of weeks past, and I finally caught up with the recent episodes. With nothing more to watch, I remembered the sonic rainboom video and decided to look for other interesting pony related fan videos. This eventually led me to seeing many of the popular animations on youtube, along with the more known youtube usernames in the fanbase of mlp creators. After a bit of hopping and linking, I eventually came upon AppleBl00m's chat+stream reaction videos from equestria tv. The people seemed like a grand ol' bunch, and it would make a great place to see the new episodes, so I hopped over there to check it out. After some chatting with folks and joining in the weekly movienights and mlp saturdays, the forum thread for the chatroom was mentioned to vote for the next week's movie. Intrigued, I decided to join this site and partake in the decisions for movienight.
A bit about myself:
I dabble in a bit of digital arts and dribble in programming.