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Alicorn Fluttershy

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Everything posted by Alicorn Fluttershy

  1. Momiji, starved because he hadn't eaten anything since the eggs Shigure had made him, started eating the pizza hungrily. he ate half the box. when the pizza was gone he tore into the box of cookies and started munching loudly. "Fo ere ith Tohwu?" he said with his mouth full. he looked at Shigure for an answer thinking he would be the only one who could answer.
  2. "i don't know Kisa, things have gotten awefully quiet. its like all the other people in the house just..." Momiji trailed off searching for the right word, "disapeared." he went searching around the house for the adults. he didn't find them. "Kisa i can't find Tohru!" the smell of burning leaks filled the air. "oh no the food!"
  3. getting even more excited for mine to be done! i can wait, but the anticipation because of what you've already done is at a very high level. and also because there is only one ahead of my characters. eek! so excited!
  4. you only need one more post sis. then derpy will try to eat you
  5. "like we said we don't know what to do." the twins stated "soooooo its your job. and we need her awake to be interogated." the twins crossed their arms as if one was doing it in a mirror. "Haruhi you should know by now we don't know the first thing about first aid."
  6. welcome to the forums i hope you have a great time here!
  7. "oh dear" said Kaoru then in unison with his brother "Haruhi, she's fainted. you have to deal with it." once they had draged her into the house they proped Wendy up against the wall and sat on either side of her. the twins looked at Haruhi in expectation. "well we don't know what to do!"
  8. anyone know of a good pony maker other than general zoi's? i'm bored of it already.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. PandaPie


      SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO are u gunna join~!


    3. PandaPie




    4. Dovashy


      Here's one, I haven't used it properly though. http://ponylumen.net/

  9. banned for not wanting hugs when you claim to be a brony
  10. "we just wanted to make sure Tamaki doesn't follow us." Hikaru flashed a devilish smile. the twins then said in unison, "We want the hero ceremony all to ourselves. Tamaki would surely want a part of it if it meant spending more time with you." they arrived at Haruhi's apartment "ah! we're here!" said Kaoru. "We'll call you when we need you," Hikaru told the driver. they exited the limo and walked towards Haruhi's door each twin towing one of the 2 mares along with them.
  11. no no no no no EQ Rainbow : hey Twilight from the other universe! wanna make a band with me so i can win a competition? because i don't have a singer. Twilight:OK! or Twilight: Guys! our EQ alternate personas have dissapeared! Rainbow: oh no! Fluttershy:thats terrible! Twilight: and on top of that princess celestia wants us to go impersonate them and win a band contest. Pinky: Wicked!
  12. Hikaru and Kaoru dragged Haruhi and Wendy down the stairs and into the court yard. their limo as usual was waiting for them at the entrance. they got both mares into the limo and said "driver! location 4 please!" they sped off down the street in the direction of Harhi's appartment.
  13. hmmmm notifications are hard to come by these days

  14. QuickRose accepted the seed and planted it in the ground. She covered it up with dirt. As she started to use magic her horn glowed neon green, not evil green, just plant green. Soon the seed sprouted into a little sapling. QuickRose stepped back satisfied with her work.
  15. Momiji winced because of the pain " ok that might be a good idea." He sat down but soon found there was nothing to do so he started twitleing his thumbs. Soon he couldn't bare sitting around any longer. "Waaa I can't take it anymore!" He jumped up quite rabbit like and began hopping around.
  16. "Where is everyone anyways? (Note my question people who arn't posting????)" Hikaru looked around "come to think of it, what time is it?" The host club was closed. "WHA? Where has time gone? Haruhi we need to relocate to your house ok?" Dragging Wendy along Hikaru grabbed haruhi's arm with his other hoof and Tryed to pull her too.
  17. "Well every unicorn is good at a certain kind of magic based on their cutie mark. Mine is plant magic. Drill Horn is good at building magic. And princess twilight's is magic! All magic!"QuickRose was at her coronation so she felt a special bond to princess twilight.
  18. "ok here goes!" QuickRose's horn began to glow and shimmer and before long the seed started to grow. soon it had grown into a giant apple tree touching the top of the greenhouse with its canopy. "heh heh. there might have been a little more fertiliser than i thought."
  19. "go ahead! this'll be great! which one do you want to grow with magic?" this was gonna be great! sunset'll get his cutiemark for sure now! even QuickRose could see it was apple farming ya didn't need a cutiemark in talent seeking to see that. really he should have figured it out by now.
  20. yes please just in case that didn't work yes please
  21. hi so i've wanted to make a chrystal pony OC for a wille but i haven't found a Chrystal pony creator anywhere online. i saw you can do the chrystal ponys so if it isn't too much to ask... and if at all possible with my breezie oc Bluebell wishes. you can do whatever with her as long as she's happy Name: Chrystal Heart Reference Pic/description: Cutie Mark: Personality:Regal yet shy Expression: Royal type smile Pose: thankyou
  22. oh my! i haven't updated my status in forever!

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