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Alicorn Fluttershy

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Everything posted by Alicorn Fluttershy

  1. has anypony seen this? its a brony power tail its for bullying awareness specifically for bronys i can't site it because of the administrator but what do you guys think?
  2. google translate is not terribly accurite. have you seen this video? its slightly humorous and a bit crazy but it gets it point across
  3. Banned because hey don't be mean to Kyo. i need him.
  4. all of a sudden i notice i'm a parasprite. *blink blink* when did that happen?

    1. Navi


      *gets fly swatter* KILL IT BEFORE IT CAN REPRODUCE!!

    2. Alicorn Fluttershy

      Alicorn Fluttershy


    3. PandaPie


      Suprising....... YAY YAHOO YES YA

  5. *momiji you're so cute. can i keep you?*

  6. Momiji had reverted back to his normal excitedly happy self. "My favorite ice cream is cotton candy ice cream! Yuki kun will you come with us? We won't be much trouble." Really he just wanted someone who could defend him should they come across the bullys. "And after that we could watch mogetta!!!" (ok i know it looks crappy but bare with me. i'm not so good at drawing bruises on pictures.) Momiji jumped up and down excitedly expecting Yuki to agree at once and to say they should go imediately. he did his best to look like he was doing puppy dog eyes but despite his best efforts they were just too much like a bunny. of course it wasn't his fault. he is the rabbit after all.
  7. " great idea Kisa! Lets do that! Also Gure San hasn't answered whether I can stay over or not." He looked expectantly at Shigure hoping for a favorable answer. "And then call Ha San to come over?" He knew Hatori would never let him stay over unless he came to check on him.
  8. "Gure San was makeing me eggs. The bullys distroyed all my things so I didn't get anything to eat. Telling someone wouldn't do any good because its the principal's kid who beat me up and she does nothing to punish him. But if you came and scared him off Kyo I don't think he would beat me up again" momiji smiled his nicest smile that he could while holing ice on his eye and haveing his cuts looked after.
  9. (Ooc: umm Yuki is a boy and he knows he is terribe at cooking. Sorry but that just Bugs me) Momiji had finished his plate off and started to look hungrily for something else to eat although he was trying not to be rude. "Gure San can I stay over tonight? Oh but maybe Ha-San will want to come too so he can look after my cuts and my black eye. Maybe I won't even tell him about it. But then he'd figure it out the next day. Well then I'd have to ask tohru if I can borrow her makeup. But what if it washed off in the rain?"
  10. "Ah? I thought Yuki was bad at cooking. Must have been mistaken." He shook his head and started mowing down on the eggs starvedly. (Filler whnamagmjyskekektjtkthenbrhrjrhr rhrhrhhrhrheheh GmbH Thornton rbeggehhr where behave ntnfnbrfbbrb hbebehehe rbeggehhr veg ntnfnbrfbbrb he )
  11. Momiji was so hungry he really didn't care about how his eggs were. " umm" he cringed because of the pain " scrambled is fine" he said. He accepted the ice and put it over his eye. He could feel the swelling going down by the second. "Hmm Yuki and Kyo sure are late huh?
  12. "Yay Gure San! I knew I could count on you!" Momiji grinned wide but his black eye hurt him and he cringed. The swelling was getting worse. "Owwww" he said. Some ice would probably have been a good idea before now. His stomach growled so loudly demanding food that he was sure Shigure must have heard it.
  13. "The teachers don't do anything about bullying. Other kids don't want to get on the bully's bad side. One time that same kid brought a knife to school. His mother is the principal so she doesn't do anything about it. She lets him off with anything. I guess I came here because I trust you to do something Gure San." He smiled sweetly. " or at least convince Kyo or Yuki to do something"
  14. Momiji's eyes quivered remembering the mornings events "anythings fine Gure San. I'm starving. Some kids at school beat me up and ruined all the stuff in my backpack, including the backpack itself" he held up the leg of the backpack as if to prove his point. "But I'm ok"
  15. Momiji noticed Shigure come into the room. "Ah Gure San! You are here!" He wondered if he had been here the whole time. He rubbed his black eye momentarily then looked up at Shigure with a sad smile on his face. He wondered if he had noticed it. His stomach growled. "Gure San is there anything to eat?"
  16. Momiji didn't hear anyone answering his calls but decided to wait for Yuki and Kyo to return. He looked around the house just for something to do. He wondered if Shigure was even in the house. He looked at the clock. "Yuki and Kyo should be home soon!" He exclaimed. He started humming a happy little toon
  17. all i wanna do is not be ignored by everyone on the forums. is that too much to ask? i barely get notinfications anymore. have you all forgoten me?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      You're not :3

    3. Alicorn Fluttershy
    4. XxConfusedUnicornxX


      No one is ignoring you :) You can send a message to other users and chat with them. And if you want to be known by the forums, you should post more or participate in roleplays/events! Trust me, everyone goes through this.


    1. PandaPie


      I DON'T IGNORE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  19. Momiji walked up the steps to Shigure's house carrying the leg of his backpack, which had fallen off on the way there. He entered the house saying "Gure San! It's Momiji! I'm visiting after school! I drew a picture of you! (In science class)" Momiji came into the house and sat down at the table in the middle of the room
  20. ummmm Haruhi from Ouran Highschool Host Club?
  21. a day full of no notifications sigh. all i wanna do is continue my role play -bursts out crying like rareity- -eats icecream-

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. CrimsonWeb


      I just tackle hugs you

    3. Alicorn Fluttershy
    4. PandaPie


      Yay i think everypony should tackle hug (tackle hugs both of them)


  22. its a unique art style it doesn't have to look like the show.
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