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Alicorn Fluttershy

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Everything posted by Alicorn Fluttershy

  1. Gears had ignored the notes and had fluttered her mechanical wings in order to remove them. she didn't want the pony to get any more laughs then he already had. she had been recruited as a tech expert for the recon team.and it was a good thing too you never know what might happen. "so" she said addressing the pony who seemed to have a habit of being annoying. "why are you on this team? i'm here for my technical expertese. what is your perpous?"
  2. Chrystal Heart sat silently she didn't laugh because to her this wasn't funny. she could see that the stallion was upset and didn't want to make him more upset by laughing about it. bluebell flitted around and stayed a fair distance from the stallion because she didn't want to risk getting swatted.
  3. "Oh no need to pause! Actually I feel relived of that story. Questions are appreciated" Chrystal could have talked to this pony forever and have never gotten bored. "What else would you like to know?" Chrystal was quite excited and she imagined she was in "the zone"
  4. @@Eloquence, "ok" Chrystal Heart began "many many years ago in the chrystal empire. a unicorn named Sombre came. at first he was kind and we all thought he was a gentle and worthy leader. personaly i figured he was trouble, but the rest of the empire loved him so who was i to oppose? soon he was 3rd in command then there was the most mysterious death of both the chrystal empire's Princess and the next in line, puting Sombre in charge of the empire. that day i was out walking like normal when one of Sombre's newly apointed ponys seised me and every other pony around me. they put us in chains and took us to the castle. if you resisted you were put in Sombre's dungeon and it was no ordinary dungeon with a couple of rats, no it was constant sceaming because you couldn't get away from the snakes threatening to eat you night and day. and just when you thought you were safe, you would have to work in the most dangerous parts of the chrystal mines. anyways all the chrystal ponies stood in front of sombre, chained together. all Sombre's lackeys stood underneith the balcony he was on. they brought us up one by one and Sombre would tell them what he wanted done with that perticular pony. wether he wanted you to be one of his personal slaves, which were mainly fillys and mares, to work in the chrystal mines, to be put to death or to be sent to the dungeon. each group had a colored hoof ring. his personal slaves had pink, the mine ponies had grey, the ponys that were supposed to be in the dungeons had black. anyone the guards were supposed to watch had red and the other color catagory they were in. just before i was brought up my friend Amber Feilds was taken to Sombre. he told them to put her in the Dungeon. they put a black on her and lead her towards the dungeons. i havn't seen her or any of the ponie's sent to the dungeon since but rumor has it that they are still there waiting for someone to find them. when i was brought up to Sombre he smirked and told the guards i was pretty enough to be his personal slave. they slaped a pink ring on my left forleg and lead to the area Sombre had designated for his slaves.when all the ponies that were to be slaves were gathered in the building that is now the spa in the chrystal empire, Sombre came and told us the rules. no talking unless he gave us permission to speak, if we ignored or dissobeyed Sombre there would be consequences. no going out of the designated area, if we were caught in the grey or black district we would be sent to the dungeon or red banded. those with purple bands were Sombres favorites and were the only ones allowed in Sombre's bedroom without permission. in total there were 60 mares, 39 fillys and 1 stalion in the room at that point." Chrystal paused for a second then continued."we had basic duties to perform like scrubing the floors, entertaining Sombre, and doing Sombre's every wish. i was assigned to entertaining Sombre and i was instructed to always smile curtiously and i would be treated better than the other ponies. i did as instructed and i soon found myself purple banded and on the top of Sombre's list. now some of the purple banded ponies were taken to a room that ponies were only allowed in if Sombre invited them. nobody really knew what happened in that room but ponies who went in there didn't come out the same and never wanted to talk about their experiences. as i was a purple banded pony or a Sombre's sister as the pink banded ponies called us when they were allowed to speak, Sombre frequently had me to accompany him to view the other districts with him. this was how i passed on news to the other districts about who had been promoted, sent to the dungeon, and how pony's family members were doing. Before long Sombre invited me to his mysterious room. i must admit i was scared. as i entered with Sombre darkness surrounded us. then twin spotlights came on to show where i was and where sombre was. i remember him saying 'now you are my favorite pony my dearest Chrystal Heart. what do you think of that?' i responed 'I am honored King Sombre' 'good' he said 'now will you join me as Queen Chrystal Heart?' i was torn between my people, what is right and good and the easy path beside Sombre. i knew he always let the ponys he let into the room leave it alive but many of them were no longer purple banded any more afterwards and had to scrub floors instead of feeding Sombre grapes. i asked him 'what will hapen to me if i don't?' he showed me an image of me scrubing floors. 'but the reward of joining me is greater. he showed me an image of a darker colored pony who was me but with darker colors and a black cutie mark, in a gown and crown ordering the other ponies around. i saw it and was horrified. i did not want to be evil. i did not want to be a monster. i stood my ground and was just about to say no when suddenly the ground shook and i heard the booming voices of Luna and Celestia calling Sombre to come out and face justice. Sombre turned to me and said 'times up' he started useing his magic to turn me into the pony in the image i had just witnessed and ordered me to follow him out as he faced Celestia and Luna. i walked a few paces behind him as all the other ponies in the slave building stared at me. i stood by the entrance as Sombre shot bolt after bolt of red and black lightning at Celestia and Luna, he nearly overthrew them but just when he had almost won i put my magic to use and shot the final beam of the battle at Sombre. he fell to the ground and uttered some words i didn't understand. just when he landed i turned back to normal but that was the last thing i saw before wakeing up not knowing who or where i was, not knowing it was 1,000 years later. then when the chrystal fair happened and the heart was replaced i remembered it all and i looked chrystal again." she knew that was alot to handle "did you get all that Eloquence?"
  5. @,@@Eloquence, "do you want me to start talking about Sombre?" Chrystal asked. their food and drink arrived. "thankyou" she looked at Eloquence and smiled, sipping her hay smoothie. "i could definitely start talking about Sombre now if you'd like." she glanced back at applejack to see if she wanted to listen too.
  6. @@pinkiepartypie,@@Eloquence, "so you didn't plan to follow me?" asked Bluebell. "not at all." Chrystal said. Bluebell giggled, "thats so funny!" Chrystal realised she hadn't told Eloquence anything about King Sombre's rule yet. "Eloquence, i'm so sorry, i haven't told you anything yet!" she didn't like the idea of promiseing to tell her about things and then ending up not telling her.
  7. @@Eloquence,@@pinkiepartypie, "i'll have a hay smoothie with extra oats please" said Chrystal. there she thought now her thirst would be quenched. Bluebell followed pinkie to the 3 ponys. "awwww Chrystal did you have to follow me? i can take care of myself ya know" she put her tiny nose in the air.
  8. @@Eloquence, "i see." said Chrystal. they were nearing the bakery. "is this it?" asked Chrystal. she hoped it was. she was thirsty. @@pinkiepartypie, "how does that work?" asked Bluebell as she stared confused at the picture. "is this some sort of trick?" she couldn't understand how or why she could be a breezie
  9. Chrystal Heart giggled "but of course silly. all chrystal ponys are from the chrystal empire. but really its not your fault she aparently has done this before. i kinda wish Riley had explained that before we came anywhere near her." she said with an appologetic look.
  10. @, Chrystal wispered back to rain "no not always i think she just feels sorry for her is all." plus landing on ponys noses gives her their full atention. @@Pat.Rio.T., "i'm Chrystal Heart, and the breezie on your sister's nose is Bluebell wishes. sorry about our friend there. we only just met her today. we had no idea about her being a creepy arrow shooting mastermind who can't take a joke."
  11. "no no no" said Bluebell "the breezie home world was boring, had no adventure, and they never let me come to collect pollon with them. so i left. and i was right to. ponys are way more interesting creatures." Bluebell smiled in satisfaction. whatever reaction she got would be fine.
  12. @@pinkiepartypie, "ok thanks!" Bluebell shouted and tore off a slightly larger piece of cupcake. she ate the piece and then was bored and full so she flew up to pinkie's bedroom where she was cleaning to see if she wanted to talk. talking was a bordom buster for Bluebell afer all.
  13. @@pinkiepartypie, "Thankyou so much" said Bluebell. she was hungry. she sipped the water from the thimble and ate the piece of cupcake which was mostly iceing but it was delishious. "mmmm this is good." she said stuffing the remainder of crumb in her mouth. she always did love sweets.
  14. Alicorn Fluttershy

    request shop Art From the Mirror

    in the words of Cadence/Chrysalis i just love love love love it! i really like what you did with momiji on the a in Kawaii
  15. @@pinkiepartypie, "Chrystal decided to talk to some journalist pony about chrystal empire history. boring! so i flew around trying to find something to do. and then i met you! so i did find something to do after all!" she smiled in a friendly way. "you're a baker? thats so cool!"
  16. @@pinkiepartypie, (OOC: oops forgot to mention Bluebell Wishes is a breezi) "i'm Bluebell wishes but Chrystal Heart calls me Blue." Bluebell liked Pinkie already. "what are you doing?" she asked inquisitively. "do you live here? do you work here? did i mention i'm adorable?" she smiled the way only breezis can.
  17. @@madpenguin44,@@madjack2001, Quickrose glanced at Drill horn and burst out laughing. "Drill that was a marigold seed not an apple seed!" a pause of laughter then "but you did good! have you ever done a growing spell before?" Quickrose was amazed at how well he had done it if it was his first time it almost could have been his cutiemark.
  18. @@pinkiepartypie, Bluebell wishes searched far and wide for something to do. she entered a bakery and came face to face with a pink curlyhaired pony. startled she regained her composer "hello" she said "how are you?" she put on her best smile and waited for the friendly looking pony to reply. @@Eloquence, @, Chrystal continued walking with the other ponys. she wondered how far away the bakey was and what they had to eat there. she pictured a bakery in her mind, with Chrystal cupcakes and Chrystal cakes and Chrystal chocolate mouse. bo bo bo that's not what it'll be like. they don't make everything with chrystal ingredients.
  19. @@Pat.Rio.T.,@@Comet Starflash, Bluebell felt sorry for River, she knew what it was like to be scared like that, the cockatrice had certainly scared her that bad. she fluttered over to River and stood on her nose. "its ok don't worry you're safe now" hmm what could she do to help her not be scared. she started to sing a breezi lulaby because it was the only kind of lulaby she knew. Chrystal watched Bluebell, she was proud of her for trying to help River. she stayed out of it though because Bluebell had this she knew.
  20. @,@@C. Thunder Dash, @@Pat.Rio.T., (OOC: it seems i missed a lot. i'll just recap) when the waiter was at the table, Chrystal ordered a hayburger and some grape punch. when suddenly Anala's outburst with curseing and various other obsenitys. "do ponys here always act like this?" she said under her breath. when Anala beat Riley up she sat looking stunned and didn't remember much about the next few things that happened.after Anala, Riley, and Nitro had left she sat in the resaurant alone with Rain, Pat and River. "so" she laughed nervously "whats next?"
  21. @@Eloquence, @, Chrystal Gasped "you know princess twilight?!?!?!?! thats amazeing i mean i can't belive it! and as to speaking of the subject i'd be more than happy to tell you. the whole thing needs more awareness after all." she walked alongside the other ponys gracefully. the town was quite nice to look at. it wasn't all sparkle and shine like the chrystal empire.
  22. "Huh?" asked Bluebell then moved out of the way to avoid being crushed by Anala's hooves. she looked at Riley as if he had 4 heads, like a hydra. "you arn't makeing any scence" Bluebell continued to look confused. she pondered what his answer might be. a unicorn turned him into a plushie? he broke all his bones?
  23. Alicorn Fluttershy

    request shop Art From the Mirror

    Type of Art:Signature Dimensions 600x100 Basic Description: any shade of blue mabey faded images of bunnys in the background? Characters: basicly the characters on my sig currently. that's Momiji from fruits basket, Honey from Ouran highschool host club and of course fluttershy. if you could please find images of them with rabbits? shouldn't be hard to find. seeing as fluttershy has angel, Honey carry's around Usa-chan and momiji turns into one. Text Kawaii as a Bunny Text Font (optional): anything cute thankyou
  24. @@C. Thunder Dash, @, "i'm not sure what you mean Nitro." Chrystal Heart said with a confused look.then again they usualy spoke differently in the chrystal empire due to being around 10,000 years back in dialect. and they usualy finished their sentences. Bluebell landed on Riley's nose and fluttered her wings she giggled in her high pitched laugh and said "well i'm not really supposed to have left the breezi home land but i was so bored there. there was no adventure and everything was peaceful and quiet all the time. i learned your language. then one day i was in the everfree forest and a cockatrice came out of a bush. it started to turn me to stone. just then chrystal came along and made it turn me back. since chrystal ponys are practicly stone already it had no effect on her."
  25. @, "your welcome to come Applejack. i would love to share my story with you as well." Chrystal smiled apreciatively. "i didn't think anyone would be this interested to hear about that though. its like i'm a war veteran or something." then realizeing who Applejack was, "wait a second, you were one of the ponys who saved the chrystal kingdom! i am honored that you would hear my story."
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