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Alicorn Fluttershy

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Everything posted by Alicorn Fluttershy

  1. No way is Fluttershy looseing now! we thought she lost once but not again. NEVER AGAIN! he he thanks flutters, i'll keep calm from now on.
  2. "Sure if that'll make you happy Sunset." she didn't have anything else to do afterwards anyways "i left my schedual in my dorm's common area. so we couldn't compare unless i went and got it." she did want to find out if they had any of the same classes together.
  3. "small? are you kidding? it still has room for like 4 more ponies right Nitro? he's been saying it the whole time!" Bluebell had overheard in the car. "ya see i can't leave Chrystal! she's going by car to somewhere, i don't even know. if you want to hear more about me you should come."
  4. so does that mean we can't join? you kinda didn't put us newbies on the list
  5. yeah i was just on the world cup page and i was like huh? what's going on? but then i was like YAY!!!!!!!!!! like sonic rainboom yay! Flutters is going for gold!
  6. heh heh heh heh heh now i'm a SQUIRREL!

  7. "I don't think that's a good idea." Said QuickRose "the nurse told you to rest. Isn't she worth listening too? I mean you don't want to end up in the hospital." She shuddered "scary place." She paused "anyways I need rest too judging by how I fainted." She smiled " what classes do you have tomorrow anyways?"
  8. i don't know how that would sound rude. anywho, did you say you were makeing a comic?
  9. "I've never been there, all I know about it is from a crazy old stallion who escaped from it.personally I figure the only way to find out is to go there ourselves. As to Princess Cadence, yes I suppose she is similar but she was there before Ai went missing."
  10. "Well isn't it in the boy's dorm building?" QuickRose whispered after the nurse had left. "I'm not allowed in there." She blushed slightly. "You know the rules in places like these no mares in the stallion's dorms no stallions in the Mare's dorms." She shrugged "school rules."
  11. The writers probably used him as an excuse to aggravate the rest of the autobots. BUT HE WAS INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(probably like 100 more exclamation marks) this probably isn't helping my trauma but I'm still gonna talk about it. Should probably move the new movie talk to PM though as we don't want to make all the other people who haven't seen AOE yet mad Also will do that now
  12. "Let's go then" said QuickRose "do you still want those meds?" The nurse stood patiently waiting for an answer. (and time passed tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tick tick tock tock tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tick tick tock tock tock tick tock)
  13. DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN AGE OF EXTINCTION It's even worse for me because he is my favorite and they continually shoved it back in my face. I was just like why-ha-hy?!?!?! anyone but Ratchet. Even, like, bumblebee or Optimus wouldn't have been as bad for me as Optimus is my second favorite and bumblebee is my third.
  14. "HEY NITRO" Bluebell wishes yelled in her tiny voice. "Can they come with?" She said quieter when she had his attention "I'll tell you all the story then" she gave her best begging face and looked like she would be disappointed if he said no. She really was torn between Pat and letting Chrystal go with her new friends.
  15. "Sunset please don't get angry with her. She's only trying to help." QuickRose said. "I really don't want to give you more than that because anything else could slow your recovery time. The nurse said giving him an apologetic look. I suggest you head to your dorm and get some rest."
  16. Yay! Thank you! Is it ok if 2 characters are from the same show? Cause I really really really really really really really (imagine a hundred more reallys) want to play Ratchet from Transformers (sorry still traumatized from Age of extinction shouldn't say why but I am)
  17. "We'll it's understandable that it hurts. It will hurt a bit. Aching is not something we associate with needing more blood. I can give you a pain killer but that's about it." The nurse looked annoyed at being called out for such a small reason "how bad is it?"
  18. "You're gonna be just fine Sunset. In fact here comes the Nurse now" the nurse had just rounded the corner with David on her sholder "so many emergency a today I tell you. First a stallion walks into a wall, then a mare slips on a tree root in the cafeteria then a Pegasus lands on her wing then your friend here and now this! Alrighty what seems to be the problem?"
  19. Bluebell went to the counter where there were flowers. She dropped all the nectar into a thimble and brought it to Riley "here drink this it's breezie food." She said as she put the thimble in his hoof. She stood back and waited for him to drink the nectar.
  20. "Hey I'm not leavening you alone. Can you walk or should I send David to get the nurse?" She saw his pain was growing worse "David you go." She guilded Sunset to sit down and sat down beside him. David didn't want to leave QuickRose alone with Sunset but did as he was asked. "But if anything happens" he muttered to himself. He walked up to the nurse's office and knocked on the door. The nurse opened it and looked both ways before looking down and knoticeing David "Sunset's hurt!" David yelled. "Yeah ok I'm on it." The nurse replyed and picked up her medical kit and David and asked him to show the way.
  21. "you don't look fine Sunset." she frowned "you don't sound fine. you couldn't even finish a 3 word sentence without wincing. come on i'll escourt you back to the nurse." then just in case he still resisted "please? i don't want you to get hurt." there was a genuine look of pain in her eyes, he was worrying her so much.
  22. QuickRose turned around "Sunset are you ok?" she walked over to help him stand up "mabey we should take you back to the nurse?" she was genuinely worried about Sunset. "i would hate to see you faint cause i can't carry you." "me neither" David said. "and that would mean going to the hospital. that place is scary."
  23. Bluebell was becomeing overwhelmed. "Ok 1 question at a time. Lets see. The breezie home world. Well it's beautiful alright but really there's nothing to do there. It gets boring with no crisis at all, no hope for adventure or anything. I left because I was board and they wouldn't let me help with the pollen. And as to danger well, not when Chrystal is here. Pizza? No never Tryed any before" she grabbed the pizza from Riley and downed it in one bite "now I have" she said with her mouth half full.
  24. "I suppose I should thank you Sunset. You saved my life." She looked up at him with big eyes "thank you" David, aparently jealous tapped her on the sholder "Hey I knocked on the door!" QuickRose laughed "yes thankyou too David." She walked out of the nurses office and waited for Sunset on the other side.
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