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Alicorn Fluttershy

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Everything posted by Alicorn Fluttershy

  1. Hoofwing jumped "we gotta get outa here!" she yelled to the Stalion with her. "we're gonna drown!" she sudenly got mad "i bet the Minotaur is doing this!" she imagined an axe chopping through his head. suddenly an axe came out of seemingly nowhere, however the table in front of her was now missing a leg. "huh?" she asked picking up the weapon with her mouth. "alrit less get oua hewe" she said hopeing she's be understood. she rushed into the nearest room and hacked at the wall creating a hole big enough for them to go through. she ran through holding the axe still.
  2. "yes Aero it most definitely is a breezie thing."Bluebell said "and i must take this opinion to 3 breezies, Rain you simply must see things from my point of view!" Bluebell twirled her wings infront of rain," besides wouldn't you like to fly? and be adorable?"
  3. banned for banning someone on physical appearence.
  4. is now a bunny

    1. Luna



    2. Alicorn Fluttershy

      Alicorn Fluttershy

      thanks! being a squirrel was fun but i'm alot more adorable now!

  5. cutie mark crusaders, do you think it would help you if you befriended Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?
  6. "Ponies are unbearable" said Opal "its like they think they own you and can pick you up whenever they want! even when you're doing something important! are you with me here?" opal was nervous but didn't want to show it, being a cat,her pride was everything.
  7. welcome to the forums! its always nice to see a fellow pegasister or brony or filly whichever you prefer!
  8. Honey sniffed and pulled out a whole cake from behind his back. he started to eat it soon a pink ear emerged from the cake "Usa-Chan?" Honey asked. he gobbled down the rest of the cake and realized that yes indeed Usa-Chan was in the cake. he hugged his stuffed rabbit and squeesed it. "Usa-Chan! i wondered where you went."
  9. @@Firehearted, "my family is dead, thanks to a crazed minotaur." Hoofwing said with pain her voice. she started to weep a silent weep and the tears flowed down onto the red carpet of the hallway. "its just me left." she opened her locket and showed him the picture. "they're all dead"
  10. @@Firehearted,@, Hoofwing walked down the hall and hears the sound of a Minotaur smashing something "HE'S COME BACK TO KIIIIILL MEEEEEE!" she ran screaming down the hall and ran smack into a pony wearing a fez. "A Minotaur! its come to kill me!" she started to freak out worse than she had ever freaked out since her family was slaughtered by a crazed minotaur. and she was talking more than she had ever talked since the crazed minotaur. "you have to save me! please i'm begging you!"
  11. "Kyo-kun? what's that supposed to mean?" Honey asked "does that mean my brain is rotted? and yours? and Takashi's?" tears came to his eyes and he fought them back "are you saying the whole host club has rotten brains?" he started to bawl and the only thing that could possibly bring him out of it would be cake. the twins had been taken care of and were told they could go, and not on account of good behavior. the doctors were fed up with them at this point. they called their limo and waited for it to arrive.
  12. Hoofwing shivered at the eerie voice "what was that? she said to herself. she lifted her hoof to find a pink radar with a green screen on her forhoof. "huh? a radar? lets see what those blips are." she said to herself. she walked into the hall leaveing all her belongings save her locket with the picture of her family in it, her most prized posestion.
  13. heey everyone

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Alicorn Fluttershy

      Alicorn Fluttershy

      nice try Megatron. you're too big to hide behind a chair

    3. The Dark Lord

      The Dark Lord

      *hides behind a plane*

    4. Alicorn Fluttershy

      Alicorn Fluttershy

      (Optimus Prime) Nice try Megatron. i can see you. now come out and we can talk this over peacefully

  14. "ok ok! you don't have to be so pushy." Hikaru protested. "yeah its not like we want to bleed to death!" Kaoru continued. the twins steoed out of the van and into the entrance way of Ootori group hospital "Come on Kaoru lets go" Hikaru said. the twins turned back "bye Haruhi-kun! Thanks for the ride Kyoya-senpai!" they turned and marched into the hospital and up to the front desk "we are Hitachiin Hikaru and Kaoru in need of medical treatment." they said to the desk clerk. a nurse steped out "right this way please. we've been expecting you!" Hikaru and Kaoru looked confused "when did Kyoya-sempai inform the hospital we were comeing?" they asked. the nurse gave no reply and lead them to a private room where a doctor was standing. he told them to sit down and began takeing care of their wounds "be careful with my brother!" "no be careful with my brother!" meanwhile Honey sat in the van and pondered if Kaoru would need stiches.
  15. "well yeah. it does. the study of plants of course will include farming but there is an agriculture class for that i think." Quickrose checked the list "yeah there is. are you wanting to take a farming class Sunset? Botany is sort of a more refined farming, as you get to look at different kinds of plants, like exotic plants!"
  16. when Kyoya's phone rang the twins wondered who was calling they soon realized it was Tamaki because he, being Tamaki yelled so loud everyone in the van could hear him clearly. "Hey Tamaki-sempai!" the twins shouted "all the host club is here except you and Mori-sempai! and were spending time with Haruhi!" they paused "in the back of an Orion Squad van!"
  17. "that's great! next would be the optional course tomorows is an assembly. and then finally that's our day! what optional course are you going to take Sunset? i'm going to be takeing the Botany class. that's the study of plants. and it all takes place right here" she pointed to the greenhouse roof with both hooves.
  18. "Awww but it was fun!" Bluebell exclaimed and proceded to fly around Elipsis in circles "well i wouldn't want to bother Princess Twilight, so i supose we could go see Gears. didn't she say she was an inventor? i'd like to see what she's invented! i bet there will be a horseless carage of something! oops. heh heh automobile"
  19. (don't you mean guests? Wendy doesn't work at the host club) Kaoru's eyelids fluttered "Hikaru." Hikaru's eyes lit up "Kaoru! Don't scare me like that Kaoru." "I'm sorry Hikaru." at this point their noses were practically touching "Hikaru?" "Yes Kaoru?" "Why are we in the back of one of Kyoya-sempai's vans with half the Black Orion Squad stareing at us?" "its a very long story Kaoru, and i'd rather not discuss it at this time." "i can wait...Hikaru" Honey was now teaching the Black Orion Squad officer a marshial arts lesson from his seat.
  20. "As could i" Chrystal said in a relived tone of voice. "thinking about the past like that for too long makes my head go.." she moved her head around in a circle. "swimmy? i don't know. i can't change the past but i've been longing to go find out if the ponies sent to the dungeon really are still alive." Bluebell sat on Ellipsis's back and was surely annoying the creature
  21. Hikaru pointed to the "someone" and said "i don't even know how he found out Wendy was at Haruhi-kun's house! (btw is Haruhi in the van?) this guy has either followed us around, or has a killer nose!" Hikaru enphasised with his hooves. Honey had decided to converse with the officer sitting next to him, who was happy to ablige.
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