@@LunaFlower226,@@Ryzu, @,
Honey repeated what he had just said to Luna. then he realized where they were "ah! Luna-san we're near Haruhi-kun's house!" he jumped around excitedly "lets go pay Haruhi-kun a visit!!!!!!!" he ran, pulling Luna behind him, until he could see Haruhi's apartment building. he knoticed the suspicious man.he walked a little closer. he knoticed Wendy pinned against the building. he walked a little closer. he knoticed Hikaru and Kaoru lying on the ground and Haruhi hiding on the stairs. Honey got mad, real mad, "How dare you hurt my friends." he said calmly. he waited for the man to turn and then he leaped kicking him in the face causeing something in his mouth to bleed. Honey then kicked his feet from under him and the man toppled. just for good mesure Honey made sure it was lights out for him. while standing on top of the man, Honey pulled out his phone. he dialed Kyoya's number and put the phone to his ear. "a. Kyoya-kun! there's a guy here that needs to be locked up! up! up! up!" he paused and waited for Kyoya to answer "oh yeah! i'm at Haruhi-kun's house!" another pause "bye Kyoya-kun!" Honey glanced at Haruhi "Haruhi-kun, what happened here? Hikaru and Kaoru are beat up! we need a first aid kit imediately, no an ambulance!"