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Alicorn Fluttershy

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Everything posted by Alicorn Fluttershy

  1. "all the ponies i've met have told me i'm adorable! as for different kinds of food. we sometimes eat fruit and oddly enough peices of salt when we're in the mood for it. it's kind of an odd snack but its good. i've also discovered wipped cream is the best food in equestria!" Bluebell streched her arms as wide as she could for enfisis. Chrystal poured another thimble full of nectar Aero which she pulled out of her hair.
  2. "uh Kyoya-sempai? what exactly does getting our buts handed to us entail?" Hikaru asked hesetantly "and did you even knotice Kaoru is uncontious still and HE IS GOING TO BLEED TO DEATH?!?!?!?!" Hikaru regained his composer and looked at his brother's face a single tear rolled down his face. Honey's face lightned up "Ok Kyoya-kun!" he then tought of something "uh Kyoya-kun? why am i in the van still if you arn't gonna question me too?"
  3. (Zecora does not have a horn or wing and applebloom was makeing potions in Twilight Time so yes most definitely) "a form of magic? i don't think so." Quickrose shruged. David had found a plant that was similar to him. it was a venus fly trap "COME ON TALK TO ME!"
  4. yes yes verry much so just say the word when it starts
  5. Quickrose squinted a bit then brushed the paper with her hoof. "yes it most certainly is.that's great! then there's break and then i have potions." Quickrose knoticed the teacher of potion's name was Zecora. she wondered why she had come out of the everfree forest to teach of all things.
  6. Rarity, how do you react when i tell you you are only my second favorite pony?
  7. "yes! i've got that one!" QuickRose thought of this as a victory. "what about first mane? (first aid? idk)" David, bored hoped off Quickrose's sholder and went to see if there were any talking plants in the greenhouse. he went around saying hello to every single plant he couls see.
  8. (if you look back to the beginning Hikaru and Kaoru did inform him) "Kyoya-sempai isn't this going a little to far?" asked Hikaru "i'll tell you what i know! Wendy stole the papers to give to this guy but he didn't pay her and instead beat her up. we are compleatly clean of this!" Kaoru was still uncontious. Honey, tears running down his face lifted his head and looked at Kyoya "I was just walking by when i saw this guy beating up Wendy and the twins were on the ground knocked out so i beat the guy up and called you to lock him up because i couldn't put him in jail. he's a heavy guy." Honey's eyes sunk "Kyoya-kun? are we going to jail?"
  9. "hey i didn't ask to be here! i didn't know there were large groups of cats living in the everfree forest! and this kid here found me and said "follow me" so i did because i didn't have anything better to do seeing as i don't know where i am!" opal paused and licked her paw "i i don't belong here. but i most certainly don't want to go back to ponies!"
  10. @@Pat.Rio.T.,@@C. Thunder Dash, @@Rainbow Eclipse, @@FortyTwo42, "oh of course!" said Bluebell "whadaya wanna know?" she smiled sweetly. Chrystal steped out of the car with Riley on her hoof. "hmm i know i have an emergency stash..." she reached into her hair and pulled out a tiny bottle with a thimble as the lid. "here we are!" her hair was perfectly in place again she took off the thimble and poured the breezie a thimble full of nectar.
  11. "why do you think i wanted to get our scheduals?" Quickrose said matter-of-factly. "so lets see i have magic and spells first." she looked over at Sunset. "what do you have?" she waited for his answer and smiled hopeing their classes would be at least somewhat the same.
  12. @,@@LunaFlower226, @@Ryzu, "Kyoya-kun will be here anytime now. so i guess its ok for me to have..." Honey reached behind his back "MY SNACK!" he pulled out a cake .he sat down on the big guy's back and hungrily gobbled down the cake. Honey waited for Kyoya to show up. Hikaru woke up and knoticed his twin still uncontious "KAORU!" he yelled to nobody in particular seeing as the name he was screaming was the very one who's person was uncontious. "you're hurt." Hikaru cradled Kaoru's head in his lap.
  13. @@FortyTwo42,@, @@Rainbow Eclipse, @@C. Thunder Dash, Bluebell flew over to support Aero in his appology "Aero, you're so brave doing that. she really is Scary! and i don't think calling her a white pony is racist because it really is the color of her fur." Bluebell continued flying, not watching where she was going and bumped into Anala's nose. "OOF! oh uh you heard all that didn't you?" she looked at Anala, terefyed at what she might do next. Chrystal offered her hoof to Riley to sit on.
  14. @@Eloquence, "yes" Chrystal explained "they did. at least at the princess gatherings. from what i could see, they were good friends." Chrystal looked at her feet. "she hasn't been the same as she was way back when Princess Ai was around. i think the chrystal empire reminds her of the friend she lost."
  15. @@madjack2001, "meet at the Greenhouse cause we both know where that is." Quickrose said. she galloped off in the direction of her dorm hurryed as fast as she possibly could. she grabbed her schedual with her mouth and galloped all the way to the greenhouse. she opened the door and walked in.
  16. though i'm sad Fluttershy lost i feel its only fair to post 2nd place images here soooo just um pretend Rainbowdash isn't there ok?
  17. @@LunaFlower226,@@Ryzu, @, Honey repeated what he had just said to Luna. then he realized where they were "ah! Luna-san we're near Haruhi-kun's house!" he jumped around excitedly "lets go pay Haruhi-kun a visit!!!!!!!" he ran, pulling Luna behind him, until he could see Haruhi's apartment building. he knoticed the suspicious man.he walked a little closer. he knoticed Wendy pinned against the building. he walked a little closer. he knoticed Hikaru and Kaoru lying on the ground and Haruhi hiding on the stairs. Honey got mad, real mad, "How dare you hurt my friends." he said calmly. he waited for the man to turn and then he leaped kicking him in the face causeing something in his mouth to bleed. Honey then kicked his feet from under him and the man toppled. just for good mesure Honey made sure it was lights out for him. while standing on top of the man, Honey pulled out his phone. he dialed Kyoya's number and put the phone to his ear. "a. Kyoya-kun! there's a guy here that needs to be locked up! up! up! up!" he paused and waited for Kyoya to answer "oh yeah! i'm at Haruhi-kun's house!" another pause "bye Kyoya-kun!" Honey glanced at Haruhi "Haruhi-kun, what happened here? Hikaru and Kaoru are beat up! we need a first aid kit imediately, no an ambulance!"
  18. not sure awards are really necesary because everyone who participated and who was a good sport and followed the rules really deserves one. you know who you are guys!
  19. now that was just wrong. the whole luna incident was just wrong. people need to learn to accept defeat because although sometimes they won't be caught, they will still have to live with themselves. and some might be able to but it is still not what Applejack would have us do. (look at me talking about Applejack all the time. i don't even really like her! no offence to AJ fans.)
  20. thanks Dj Shadowhoof, that means alot. and its not quite over right? they still will check for dupe accounts right?
  21. i'll always be a good sport (since i'm not used to winning anything) but i'm still terrebly sad Fluttershy didn't win so... i'm sorry twilight, its just that, i was so close to winning i *sob* i'm sorry!
  22. and now my follow up image though i'm sad to see my favorite pony (fluttershy) at only second, Congradulations Twilight for the win.
  23. woah! but not really surpriseing seeing as the powerpuff girls have the same creator
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