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Alicorn Fluttershy

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Everything posted by Alicorn Fluttershy

  1. Hikaru had to choke back tears of shock to reply "she was on the road when we turned the corner. We called out to her but it was too late." Hikaru choked and fell into a coughing and sobbing fit. Honey walked over to the window and saw the carnage "gasp Takashi! Look!"
  2. how about all the mane 6 become Alicorns (and also possibly Discord) the cutimark crusaders finaly get their cutiemarks and explain to their huge cutiemark crusader club that they were wrong and that you should do things you are good at to find your cutiemark. they them hop on the forums and tell all their fans here about it. them everyone in equestria writes letters to princess Celestia and you see the castle bulging with scrolls. princess Celestia finds Twilight and looks kind of mad but then gives her a hug and says i'm so proud of you, but somebody is going to have to clean up this mess. end with spike cleaning the mess up. Cue Equestria girls 3.
  3. "hey guys! look at this one! it has something engraved in it!" Bluebell squinted her eyes, "this, car, needs, a, paint, job?" she tilted her head and looked at the others "hmm aparently it needs a paint job" she shrugged, thinking it weird but not bad that somebody had engraved that into a car.
  4. "ah thank-you Takashi!" Honey sipped his tea and said "i sure hope the twins and Wendy are ok." the twins had still not gotten over the shock and they sat on the sidewalk crying because of what they had seen. people passed them but it was if they didn't exist because they all stared at what remained of Wendy saying "oh dear!" and "the poor thing." and "has sombody called the ambulance?" a group of young stallions walked past "ooh roadkill dude!" "yeah! Epic roadkill!" but the twins ignored them, stuck in their two person world for the time being.
  5. I think your definition of "he looks like Spock" is slightly different than mine.
  6. The twins stared in horror at what had become of Wendy. "Wendy!!!!!!!" There wasn't much else they could do. Kaoru fell down in shock. "She, she," Hikaru knelt down beside his brother "I'm sorry you had to see that Kaoru," "Hikaru" "I'll be here Kaoru, you can count on it." The twins just sat there, there was nothing they could do.
  7. "Oh I hadn't thought of that. Mabey that new orange tea we got in Takashi." Honey thought very hard about this. "And some more cake too please" he smiled his smile that was starting to become as famous as the twins big hit brother thing. "I wonder when the twins will come back?"
  8. Wile Gloomfury was there, Bluebell hid under a bowl and watched from there, he was scary! "Pinkie! Are you ok?" She said as soon as Gloomfury was gone. "He was really scary! I think you should stay away from that guy!" She shivered a bit and said "I almost need 2 full bowls of iceing to get over it! I don't know what you're going through!"
  9. QuickRose looked a little confused but tryed not to show it because she didn't want want him to feel embarrassed or anything that she couldn't hear him. "Ok! Catch up lessons will start tomorrow after school!" QuickRose smiled and used her magic to pick up some daisy seeds beside her, plant them and grow them into beautiful flowers.
  10. Alicorn Fluttershy

    request shop Mai's request shop

    If you have to make them totally derpy that's fine too and go ahead and do their hair up! I can't wAit to see the outcome!
  11. "Wow Kyoya, you have all these black Orion squad guys here and you send us?" Hikaru said. "Why should we?" Then seeing the look in Kyoya's eyes, "heh heh we'll get right on it. Heh." The twins trotted for the door "BUT WE EXPECT A HERO'S WELCOME WHEN WE COME BACK!" The twins went as fast as they could to find Wendy, they spotted her rounding a corner. "Wendy wait up!" Kaoru called. They ran rather fast after Wendy and saw her about to step onto a busy street "Wendy No!"
  12. i'm up for Minecraft! (as always)
  13. Alicorn Fluttershy

    request shop Mai's request shop

    yay! i want another request! you are the best Mai! ok lets see, Name: haven't really come up with names for any of them yet. i will refer to them as Heartbutt, Rabbitbutt and bakuganbutt. Reference Pic/Description: i want them all to be chrystal ponies please Cutiemark: Personality: (heart butt) into all things fashion and isn't in on the social crouds. of the main 6, is most like Rarity. (rabbitbutt) is shy and loves animals especially Rabbits. couldn't fit in to the social crouds if she wanted to as she doesn't really talk much.is a diehard geek. is most like Fluttershy. (Bakugan butt) is quite childish and for some reason hates pink. is into bakugan, peter pan, Sonic the hedgehog, and can't stay away from a baby for 5 seconds when she sees one. is most like derpy hooves Style: show accurite please Expression: happy, as in cutiemark crusaders happy and could you make bakugan butt just a little weird eyed? not as far as derpy but just a little bit. Pose: idk something that says they are best friends. (the one with the heart in the middle please) accessorize as much as you want Mai! i loved what you did with the last one so please accessorize
  14. @@madjack2001, "oh don't worry about it Sunset, if you'd like i could help you along after school and at break," Quickrose knew he really needed to farm, besides he did say he was an apple right? apples usualy end up farming and it makes them happy, he has proved it does. he needed to farm.
  15. "Me? I've been gardening since I was a filly." QuickRose admited "but I caught on really quickly. It's my talent and my passion, hence the cutiemark...." QuickRose wasn't sure what else to say. Or what else she could say. She waited in an awquard silence waiting for Sunset to respond.
  16. @@madjack2001, "Sunset, if you love farming that much you should chase it as far as the edge of Equestria if that's what it takes. don't give up on your passion!" Quickrose hoped this would be inspireing, she wasn't very good at motivational speaking as it were. "if i had given up on my flowers where would i be now?"
  17. @@madjack2001, sorry, i've had to work for a wile but i'll continue it
  18. "Yeah! Like hours longer than expected! And my head? I got knocked out by a big guy while trying to save Wendy from him." Honey ignored Kaoru "your class went this long Takashi? That's terrible!" Honey took a big bite of his cake and swallowed. "Hmm I'm in the mood for some tea"
  19. "Ah! Captain! Save me!" Hoofwing ran towards the captain as fast as her hooves would take her. "The Minotaur found me!" When she had made it to the captain, she hid behind him and whimpered. "Don't let it hurt me please I'm begging you Don't let it hurt me." She sniffed and looked at the captain with pleading eyes.
  20. "It's pronounced TECHNOBABLE! I thought I told you that already!" Gears yelled from inside her house. "Let me guess, you want in huh? And you brought your new friend?" Gears rolled her eyes at her friend even though she couldn't see her. She could be so predictable sometimes. Bluebell looked at pinkie "oh I'm not following her around with this writer pony tagging along!" Bluebell said "it would be boring and plus I don't even know where they're going!" Bluebell thought this would have been obvious. "So anyways. Can I have another cupcake?"
  21. "Ah Mori-kun! Where were you?" Honey asked. "Kyoya-kun is interrogating Wendy. She stole some papers from Ootori group and now she's gonna work for the host club!" Honey said to explain. Kaoru turned to Mori, his bandaged head showing. "Mori-sempai! About time you got here!"
  22. @@dusk shade,@, Hoofwing gasped at being dropped then closed her eyes when she hit the ground. when she opened them she was looking strait up at a minotaur "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" tears spilled from her eyes "I don't want to die-ha-hy!" she sniffed "i promised mother i'd be careful and not let the minotaur kill me but now it seems i lyed."
  23. "Hey! our brains arn't rotted!" the twins said "if you're just trying to intimidate us it won't work Kyoya-senpai." "wait if Wendy joins the club would she be our dog like Haruhi was?" Hikaru asked, very interested in haveing a Dog again. "and technically Haruhi, its what does Tamaki think?" Kaoru thumbed towards Tamaki.
  24. @@Eloquence, "oh i see." Chrystal said "she seems like a very interesting pony." Chrystal kept up with Eloquence and continued to talk "So where does she live exactly?" Gears fiddled with her Mech wings and then stopped "i can sence her comeing." Gears said refering to Eloquence. "she just has that kind of aura around her."
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