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About Antidaeophobia

  • Birthday 1989-02-10

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  • deviantART

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    I'm a writer and professional crafter/artist. I love to knit, draw and make all sorts of crafts that I sell in my online store. When I'm not creating, I'm obsessing over my favorite fandoms, and fighting grizzly bears with my bare hands. I'm a full time art as of last year since my disability has kept me from working, but I love art, and therefore I love my job. I have a service dog named Abe, who is a redbone coonhound. Despite my sarcasm, weirdness, and humor, I'm actually very friendly, and don't mind chatting.

    You can check out my store on etsy for all my hats and figures, or to order a commission. Check out ebay for all my latest pieces on bid, and deviantart to order a commission, or art piece, I also have a patreon which offers fun art, free drawings for supporters, and gift and prize drawings.

    Deviatnart: http://www.alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com

    My commonly used OC's are; Tiamat, a draconequus, and Nova, an earth pony.

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    No Preference

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  1. To all the jerks that leave nasty reviews on peoples art and writing. Let's see you pick up a pencil, draw something, or write something, and expose it online for people to review and see how well you take being called nasty names. You can leave critique without being horrible. #DontbeaDick

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Antidaeophobia


      I was on fanfiction.net, but I turned off anon comments for the very reason people started flame wars in my reviews. I'm also very specific about where I load my art. I tend to find fellow artists give nicer comments just because they understand the struggle. I try not to say anything online that I wouldn't accept being said to me. I try not to be an asshole- even though I know I am one. LOL

    3. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      @Q: You have no idea. Several years ago, cliques of flamers and ass-kissers stalked the website, flaming anyone, especially young authors who wrote "Mary Sue" fancharacters. Then it got spread to bashing just about any "badfic" author."


      And it ain't just kids who did this. Some were old enough to be parents of teens.

    4. Antidaeophobia


      @Qiviut: omg, I know what you mean, and yeah, it's really sad the amount of flamers that are adults and really don't give a shit that they are talking to someone the same age as their kid, and telling that kid they suck so bad they should kill themselves. Believe it or not, I actually saw a lot of that behavior on the Star Trek site I was on, and any person under 40yrs old was always treated with hostility. Thank goodness bronies tend to be fairly inclusive with new people.

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