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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by DragonFlyer

  1. How come people automatically assume "sleepover" means something inappropriate? Oh well...internet corruption, I guess. I would totally have a slumber party with Fluttershy. I'd feel right at home in her little cottage full of animals. All the fur and feathers everywhere wouldn't bother me in the least. Plus I think she'd be the easiest to be around and we could stay up talking about animals. Because animals.
  2. Soo uh, yeah. I draw ponies.... Until very recently I've almost felt embarassed by that, but I've decided to stop shaming myself for what I enjoy, even if it is a "little girl's show" I have a FiM gallery over on my DeviantART which you can see here: http://wahyawolf.deviantart.com/gallery/49480023 ; here are a few examples of what you'll find (some of these are older) I do traditional stuff and I'm nowhere near as good as some of the amazing artists in the brony community but I draw because I love to. Obviously this one was inspired by the finale...stop crying Fluttershy, it makes me cry. Them feels. Firefly and Rainbow Dash, because I'm one of those people that likes to think they're related OR Dash looked up to Firefly (much like Scootaloo) Because Discord meets Flutterbat would have been awesome...(there's a second part to this on DA, I just didn't wanna spam here) This was drawn in celebration of the season four premiere. I had soo much fun with the expressions. I hope those aren't too big, I shrunk them down as much as I could. There's a lot more over on DA and even more stuff I haven't even scanned yet...I'm on a pony art kick right now thanks to that epic finale.
  3. Not really a fan...Equestria Girls still weirds me out, but some fan artists have some pretty creative takes. I guess I just prefer ponies.
  4. That's your opinion and I respect it but have to wholeheartedly disagree. Different brands taste different, when I first went vegan it took me a while to find a brand of non-dairy cheese that I liked. When I discovered Daiya it blew my mind...I was a "cheese addict" for years and actually liked Daiya more than 'regular' cheese. It's incredible! In my opinion brands like "Beyond Meat" and "Gardein" have really nailed it as far as veggie meats go. I've seen even the most hardcore meat addicts admit that they can't tell the difference. Maybe you just haven't tried the right brands and it's fine if you don't want to, no need to bash something just because you don't like it. Vegetarian/Vegan fish alternatives are also available, I've never tried too many myself because I've never been a seafood fan but I'm sure you could find one you'd enjoy.
  5. It's okay...I'm not overly fond of it but I don't hate it either. I'm not about to jump on the savethetree bandwagon but I always did love that treehouse! Then again having Tirek destroy something so important was part of what made the episode so epic...and I'm still hopeful they'll rebuild it in season five. After all Ponyville just can't go without a library, I don't think Princess of Books would allow it.
  6. Booo McDonalds, why can't you have a nice veggie burger? Oh well, I've been picking the older toys up at yard sales and thrift stores so I figure it's only a matter of time before I start finding the new ones too. But dat Luna...!
  7. Thank you so much everyone, it's nice to meet you all!! I'm doing a bit of exploring around the forums right now; I'm loving what I've seen of the community so far! Haha I'm still reeling over the epicness of the season finale!! Seriously the best thing I've watched in a long time. I never knew a show like MLP could have me sitting on the edge of my seat like that...man it was intense! I was absolutely thrilled to see both Tirek and Scorpan return (I loved Scorpan when I was a kid...again yes, I'm old enough to remember the original) I hope we see more of him in the next season! Discord...oh, I love this kind of character development. I've always had a thing for bad guys that (slowly) turn over a new leaf...and his friendship with Fluttershy is the most adorkable thing, it gives me horrible cavities. The finale was heartbreaking and heartwarming on so many levels. I'm very curious to see where they go in the next season! I personally thought that every pony forgiving Discord happened a little to fast...especially when most of them (aside from Fluttershy) didn't really trust him in the first place...but I guess they had to wrap things up on a happy note. Thanks again for the warm welcome!
  8. I couldn't help seeing this topic and I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. I've been a vegetarian for over fourteen years and a vegan for three. My only regret is that I didn't go vegan sooner. Now I don't want to get into any heated debates with people here (I came to these forums for ponies ) but the fact is you can be perfectly healthy without consuming animal products. As long as you're smart about it and eating properly it's practically impossible to have any kind of deficiency. But trust me if you eat nothing but pasta and cookies (I've known people that did this) you're gonna have a problem. Variety is key! If you love the taste of meat/dairy the veg alternatives available these days are immense - veggie burgers, hot dogs, chicken, Daiya cheese, pizza, almond milk, ice cream, yogurt, veg bacon, the list goes on and on! The only downside is they can be a little pricey and even though these alternatives are a healthier option to their non-veg counterparts processed food is still processed food. I guess what I'm saying is focus primarily on whole natural foods: lots of fresh vegetables (dark leafy greens are especially healthy), fruits and proteins (Where do you get your protein!? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n20uGGNoVdo <- I can't get enough of this song, it's fun and informative!) If you're interested you can find a nice starter's guide here: http://www.veganoutreach.org/guide/ or get a free starter kit from Mercy for Animals: http://www.mercyforanimals.org/vegan-starter-kit.aspx it's wonderful to hear you taking an ethical standpoint on this as well, that's the main reason I went vegan. The health benefits were just an added bonus. The sites listed also have more information on this. I hope you find some of that helpful and if you have anymore questions I'll do my best to answer.
  9. Welcome Welcome!! Love your avatar, Discord is best princess. XD
  10. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy How did you find MLP Forums?: How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I hate talking about myself and I'm bad at introductions but here goes.... I love to draw, write stories and watch cartoons...I'm a huge fan of traditional animation (Lion King, Balto, etc)! I love animals and have been involved in animal rescue/foster work/activism (I'm also a vegan) I have four rescued dogs who are my world! I can be extremely shy and paranoid in person but really open up around animals...I guess that's why Fluttershy is my favorite pony! My other favorite character is Discord - in fact "Return of Harmony" is the first episode I ever watched (and no doubt one of the reasons I got hooked) I think I've finally come to terms with my pony obsession and need to stop hiding/feeling ashamed of it. Brony pride and all that! Soo, hello...glad to be here! PS: My screen name is based on an oldschool pony known as "High Flyer". This was my favorite pony toy when I was little (yes I'm pretty ancient) I always called the character "Dragonfly" instead because of "his" cutie mark. I just blended the names here.
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