I couldn't help seeing this topic and I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. I've been a vegetarian for over fourteen years and a vegan for three. My only regret is that I didn't go vegan sooner. Now I don't want to get into any heated debates with people here (I came to these forums for ponies ) but the fact is you can be perfectly healthy without consuming animal products. As long as you're smart about it and eating properly it's practically impossible to have any kind of deficiency. But trust me if you eat nothing but pasta and cookies (I've known people that did this) you're gonna have a problem. Variety is key! If you love the taste of meat/dairy the veg alternatives available these days are immense - veggie burgers, hot dogs, chicken, Daiya cheese, pizza, almond milk, ice cream, yogurt, veg bacon, the list goes on and on! The only downside is they can be a little pricey and even though these alternatives are a healthier option to their non-veg counterparts processed food is still processed food. I guess what I'm saying is focus primarily on whole natural foods: lots of fresh vegetables (dark leafy greens are especially healthy), fruits and proteins (Where do you get your protein!? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n20uGGNoVdo <- I can't get enough of this song, it's fun and informative!) If you're interested you can find a nice starter's guide here: http://www.veganoutreach.org/guide/ or get a free starter kit from Mercy for Animals: http://www.mercyforanimals.org/vegan-starter-kit.aspx it's wonderful to hear you taking an ethical standpoint on this as well, that's the main reason I went vegan. The health benefits were just an added bonus. The sites listed also have more information on this. I hope you find some of that helpful and if you have anymore questions I'll do my best to answer.