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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by ChipsAhoyMcCoy

  1. Okie I cant hole it back any longer. I am gay.

  2. Okie I cant hole it back any longer. I am gay.

  3. In the process of becoming a femboy.

  4. So tired but I can't sleep.

  5. I got a boyfriend!!!

  6. Anyone know who does the voice for Vinyl in the youtube music and fanamations?

    1. BayoUni2847


      The popular voice actress is Nowacking.

    2. ChipsAhoyMcCoy
  7. And all the girlies say im pretty fly for a white guy...

  8. Bleh i'm so tired i was up til 4 am and got up at 10

  9. Me and my dad are gonna do a 24 hour gaming marathon for charity in October

  10. I'm at Episode 12 of Season 2. Whens my next Twilight episode?

  11. So i'm only in Season 2 and i saw on the banner Twilight has wings. What season does she get them? and does she keep them?

    1. Scootalove


      Season 3, and yes.

  12. Nothing like some DBZ before bed :)

  13. Just got back from texas comicon :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      :( Thats to bad. At least you had fun! If you really want your parents to know. Be subtle about and increase your actions.

      Ex. Sing a bit of Mlp, draw(if you can.) Make some references, And start increasing those actions.

    3. ChipsAhoyMcCoy


      Oh i have i told my mom about all that stuff they had there that was MLP related and she said its just a show and its no different then me watching DBZ (which i am a huge fan of and got a giant DBZ flag for my room) and so i dont think shed care if i watched it. Its just so awkward lol

    4. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      Eh, awkwardness is apart of life. They're just somethings you have to power through in order to be satisfied. It maybe to embarrassing to say or do, but after its out there it becomes natural. Such is the many obstacles of life. You become more bold from it though!

  14. Just read My Little Dashie for the first time and it has to be the best and most sad thing ive ever read,

    1. SCS


      I love that fanfic

    2. GeekBrony


      Amazing fanfic. Just wish it was longer.

  15. I am so bored. Anyone got something to do?

    1. Pinkamena-Pills


      read a book about books.

    2. ChipsAhoyMcCoy


      What is this "book" you speak of?

    3. Pinkamena-Pills


      Its called "book".

  16. My ban from my fav IRC is gonna be lifted July 1st :D

  17. I'm on 4chan reading this creepy stuff on /mlp/ please tell me not all bronies are like this?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ChipsAhoyMcCoy


      i have to get off but go to 4chan and click on pony and read it. its bad

    3. Hashi


      Aside from a couple of slightly NSFW contents, it aint that bad xD

      There is far worse / better depending how you roll on fimfiction

    4. ChipsAhoyMcCoy


      sometimes yes its okay but this is how it is most of the time

  18. Anyone know a good IRC chat? i was banned from my fave one

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChipsAhoyMcCoy


      i told off on a guy that half of us hated but the mod sucked up to. reason we hated him? he was a super liar and it was a matter of time before one of us told him off and i stepped up and did it. like he breaks up with his boyfriend and is sad about it and thats okay but lying about having a 108 fever and being suicidal is bad and on top of that he had 4 boyfriends the next day.

    3. BronyPony


      You realize that he was probably trolling you guys.

    4. ChipsAhoyMcCoy


      no he was genuine his crap has been going on for months

  19. I would love to just point out Christian does not = homophobe

  20. Oh the "joys" of Omegle *shutters*

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      *dude jacking off* *dude jacking off* *slutty girl* *dude jacking off* *pedophile* *dude jacking off* That's enough internet. xD

  21. I have a headache from listening to so much music haha

    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Did that to myself for several days while listening to symphonic and power metal. xD

  22. Wow i cant stop listening to music right now EDM to be exact

    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      I was hooked on it for a while too. Haven't listened to it in a while, but I still like it.

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