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Emerald Shine

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Status Replies posted by Emerald Shine

  1. Seeing Cloud with a Japanese VA in Smash is really fucking weird both when he has a bonafide VA and when even fucking Marth and Roy have English voice actors in Smash now

    1. Emerald Shine

      Emerald Shine


  2. "I have learned that friendship isn't about who you've known the longest, it's about who came and never left your side." —Yolanda Hadid

    1. Emerald Shine

      Emerald Shine

      This is so true...

  3. I'm back (again!) I'm actually still catching up on Season 8 :P! Fluttershy acting out so many ponies in Fake it 'till you make it really resonates with me somehow...:blush:

  4. Oh look, a DC movie that actually looks fun



    1. Emerald Shine

      Emerald Shine

      I actually hadn't seen this! :o

      It seems pretty cool!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Please tell me I'm not the only one who likes k-pop here. ;-;

  6. With great power comes great electricity bill.

    1. Emerald Shine

      Emerald Shine

      Can I use your phrase, please?:wub:It's awesome! If they ask, I'll tell them it's copyrighted totally lyra!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  7. Can't wait for the MLP Movie!:pinkie:

  8. Can't wait for the MLP Movie!:pinkie:

  9. Isn't it great to have such a friendly and caring community?

  10. It's great to be back! How're you doin, everyone?

  11. Wouldn't it be cool if Hasbro made some sort of secret MLP merch for those who live with anti brony people authorities (like people who take care of you, parents, grandparents, aunts who will prohibit you from buying MLP merch)?

  12. Well I got company coming over in a bit so I'll be off probably the rest of the night. Enjoy the night guys! :)

    1. Emerald Shine

      Emerald Shine

      Goodnight! Say hi to the company for me (even though i don't know them, lol)!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. "All I want from season [insert upcoming season's # here] is a Celestia episode" -Me for the past 4 years

    1. Emerald Shine

      Emerald Shine

      We've got to keep up to date and see if it actually happens! That'd be great to see!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. My Equestria Girls Tell All Journal, and Common Sense by Thomas Paine came in yesterday!!! Excited to read both! However, I still have to read Raw by Jessie Nowacking first.

    1. Emerald Shine

      Emerald Shine

      Sounds very interesting!

  15. I think I'll be going to bed early tonight, I could use some extra rest. Goodnight everypony! *hugs* :)

  16. I actually search a sung girl voice for a Luna Song :). Don't hesitate to pm me :)

  17. wooo 12 hours of sleep to ruin my last day off

  18. wooo 12 hours of sleep to ruin my last day off

    1. Emerald Shine

      Emerald Shine

      Hmm...Then I really don't know how to help...sorry! D:

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. wooo 12 hours of sleep to ruin my last day off

    1. Emerald Shine

      Emerald Shine

      Ohhhhhhhhhhh...at least you got enough sleep the night before right?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. wooo 12 hours of sleep to ruin my last day off

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