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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Miles

  1. I saw this comment somewhere http://prntscr.com/8wq0q1 and my only input is this: "...Not really...I mean that's taking it a bit too far..."



  4. Wil lbe going through the winter without running water, plumbing, or heating....joy

  5. Advice for the young: Don't mix Red Bull with alcohol. Be Warned. I told you... You'll be awake and insanely stupid.

  6. Happy Birthday :}

  7. Miles

    Miles    mars

    You must be the Good Witch of the North, hehe. So, who is Dorothy, then? ;}

  8. Hay, Bro /) Just checking in with you. Been awhile since we spoke :P

  9. So, yesterday I watched all 13 episodes of Overlord. It was awesome. Then last night, my friend said there was an anime with only 6 episodes that we could watch together. So we did, we watched Fooly Cooly. And like, lmao, I'm still mind boggled with that one. It was nuts.

  10. So, yesterday I watched all 13 episodes of Overlord. It was awesome. Then last night, my friend said there was an anime with only 6 episodes that we could watch together. So we did, we watched Fooly Cooly. And like, lmao, I'm still mind boggled with that one. It was nuts.

  11. Hey folks... Just wanted to say that, I think I'm becoming a weaboo. Lmao. Just watched the first 3 episodes of http://animeshow.tv/One-Punch-Man/ - of course, it's new, and there's only 3 out anyway. I love it. So much that I sought to find another new anime to watch. Now I'm gonna dive into Rokka no Yuusha. Here's hoping I like it too!

  12. Hey folks... Just wanted to say that, I think I'm becoming a weaboo. Lmao. Just watched the first 3 episodes of http://animeshow.tv/One-Punch-Man/ - of course, it's new, and there's only 3 out anyway. I love it. So much that I sought to find another new anime to watch. Now I'm gonna dive into Rokka no Yuusha. Here's hoping I like it too!

  13. Hey folks... Just wanted to say that, I think I'm becoming a weaboo. Lmao. Just watched the first 3 episodes of http://animeshow.tv/One-Punch-Man/ - of course, it's new, and there's only 3 out anyway. I love it. So much that I sought to find another new anime to watch. Now I'm gonna dive into Rokka no Yuusha. Here's hoping I like it too!

  14. Hey folks... Just wanted to say that, I think I'm becoming a weaboo. Lmao. Just watched the first 3 episodes of http://animeshow.tv/One-Punch-Man/ - of course, it's new, and there's only 3 out anyway. I love it. So much that I sought to find another new anime to watch. Now I'm gonna dive into Rokka no Yuusha. Here's hoping I like it too!

  15. Hey folks... Just wanted to say that, I think I'm becoming a weaboo. Lmao. Just watched the first 3 episodes of http://animeshow.tv/One-Punch-Man/ - of course, it's new, and there's only 3 out anyway. I love it. So much that I sought to find another new anime to watch. Now I'm gonna dive into Rokka no Yuusha. Here's hoping I like it too!

  16. Hey folks... Just wanted to say that, I think I'm becoming a weaboo. Lmao. Just watched the first 3 episodes of http://animeshow.tv/One-Punch-Man/ - of course, it's new, and there's only 3 out anyway. I love it. So much that I sought to find another new anime to watch. Now I'm gonna dive into Rokka no Yuusha. Here's hoping I like it too!

  17. Miles

    Miles    mars

    Hey there Destiny :} ... Trash boat? More like pot of rubies and diamonds. ;}

  18. Talk about cutting it close! TFH received two $2,750 donations (one of them $2,800), and now a little more than $25,000 remain.

  19. Thinking about selling my vacuum cleaner. All it does is gather dust.

  20. man, sometimes lyrics really hit you right in the heart. "ive been rejected to the brink. There's only so much i can change, an artist i wish i could've made. (...) The soul drones, i drink myself hollow. Regrets grow, regardless. Please bury me honest."

  21. "Shining Amour is pregnant!" - Shit eqtv chat says

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